
My Job Is To Save The Innocent Throughout The Multiverse?! (SI/AU)

This story begins with a young man, who died in a car accident and after his death, he was resurrected in an extra-dimensional plane, which appeared to be a banking call center. In this place our MC (Main Character), was attended by a receptionist and invited to work for a ROB (Random Omnipotent Being), whose objective is to save the innocent people who pray for help. Only the original characters and plot belongs to me. The cover image, the universes and their characters, belongs to the original creators, not me.

Bryan_Growl · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 - First Task!

⟨Your character [Gyarados (Shiny)] can now use [Mega Evolution!] and [Dynamax!] transformations!⟩

"Fucking fina... wait Dynamax?!" He said, excitement in his face, that turned into disbelief right after.


*1 Week Later*



Jonathan as [Gyarados] roared after finally achieving the impossible and using [Mega Evolution!] and [Dynamax!] at the same time.

The result is a Pokémon with too much power for the mind to handle, causing Jonathan to lose control after just 1 minute of using that power. And worst of all, [Mega Gyarados] is immune to psychic powers. So the only way to get Jonathan back to normal was to beat him unconscious.

A few minutes later Jonathan finally woke up this time in control again, fortunately the [Dynamax!] transformation only lasts a few minutes, and the [Mega Evolution!] only remains active while the Pokémon is conscious and when the Pokémon loses consciousness it reverts back to normal.

When Jonathan tried to move, a lot of pain attacked his body and he nearly passed out again.

"Hey, take it easy. Best not to move too much. You were so reckless, trying to use so much power at once, that your body nearly exploded with so much accumulated energy." - Melissa explained with a serious expression on her face.

Then he used the Heal ability on himself, and returned to human form.

"I'm sorry, i just wanted to get stronger, so i wouldn't be left behind the next time my friends go out to run tasks." - Jonathan said sincerely, feeling guilty for making a mistake like this, even though he was already experienced in dealing with risky situations.

'The first thing i learned in the fire department, is to not take risks without measuring the consequences, and that's exactly what i did now.' - Thought Jonathan, remembering his training as a firefighter.

Understanding why he weighed like this Melissa said:

"The reason was never that your power level was low, because depending on the task you are even quite strong. But the fact that you want to do what you did just now during a task, compromising it. We have a name to uphold, and even though you Saints are basically immortals, the world you are sent to will be permanently altered. That way, people will stop putting their faith in us." - Melissa explained, still with a serious expression.

"I'm sorry." - Jonathan said with his head down.

"No excuses, just get better." - She said with a smile returning to her face.

"Wait, was that a reference to the God of War game for PS4?" - Jonathan said with suspicious eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." - Melissa said turning her back and heading towards the training grounds exit.

"Hey, wait for me!" - He said running after her and then reaching her.


It's been 2 weeks since Jong-su, Alisha, Emily, and Janet went to their first assignment. Whereas Jonathan just trained and trained, and finally he mastered the full power of his character [Gyarados] and his transformations. Now he is in perfect condition to go to his first task.

In the lobby, he approached the level 1 counter and spoke to Jeane.

"Good morning Jeane, please i would like to do my first solo task." - He asked with enthusiasm in his voice.

"Good morning Jonathan, of course, here is the level 1 tasks catalog." - She answered.

"Hmm." He said, his eyes scanning the catalog.

There were several types of daily solo tasks, which appeared and disappeared every second, dynamically. From helping an elderly person to cross the street to rescuing people in dangerous situations, nothing too serious.

So since all missions would only give him 10 points, he decided to start with an easier solo task.

"Ok, i choose this one: Rescue a castaway." - Jonathan said.

"Very well, hand me your ID card please." - Jeane asked.

"Sure, here it is." He said materializing his card and handing it over to the supervisor.

She took his random ID number, name and codename. She put it in the system as a task in progress, and at the same time my card showed the mission data, in the format of an email.

{[Task]: Save Chuck Noland from becoming a cuckold for being stranded on a desert island for 4 years.

[World - Cast Away]

[Status]: Incomplete.


[Note]: Wilsooooon!}

"Wait a minute. Isn't this that movie Tom Hanks won the Oscar for?!" - Jonathan said perplexed.

"Yes. It's actually quite common to have fictional scenarios as repetitive tasks." - She informed, and then asked. "So when would you like to start the task?"

"Right now if it's possible." - He replied.

"Ok. Go to that platform in the middle of the lobby and just say "Start task", then you will be sent to the task location immediately." - Jeane said, pointing to the center of the lobby, where there was a teleportation circle.

Walking over to it, Jonathan positioned himself right on top of the circle and said, "Start task!"

In the next second his body began to break apart into particles of light, but he didn't feel pain, just that familiar force that pulled at his soul several times before he reached the Nexus for the first time. A strong light took over his vision leaving him blind for a brief moment.

A few seconds later, his vision returned to normal, where he realized he was no longer on the Nexus teleportation circle, but on a deserted beach.

Soon he noticed a change in his body. Above his head was an angelic halo, made of what looked like gold that gave off a very faint light.

"Nice." - Jonathan said impressed by the halo.

Deciding to look at his stats to see if there had been any changes he soon realized that there was a new skill.



[Abilities]: Species shifting, Ignition, Water Creation, Return, Heal, Shield, Escape, Halo of the Saint.

[Halo of the Saint]: Job Ability.

Only usable during tasks.

1: Grants the Saint the ability to survive in any environment.

2: Grants the Saint the All-Speak ability.

3: Grants the Saint the ability of compass, guiding the Saint in the direction of his objective. (A/N: Basically a GPS)

4: The Saint can be hidden or revealed depending on the will of the Saint.


"Ok, it's even better than i thought." - He said.

Deciding to focus on the task, he started to explore the island, on foot after all the island was tiny.

After 10 minutes of searching and calling his name, the guy finally showed up.

"Mister Chuck Noland!" - Jonathan shouted from afar.

He was in a deplorable situation bordering on malnutrition. His clothes were torn and grimy, apart from the stench of someone who hasn't used soap for a whole year.

He ran to me, limping, eyes filled with tears, and a silly smile on his face.

"Ah, finally my prayers have been answered! It's me Chuck Noland i've been stuck on this island for 1 year, please help me, take me back home, please." - Chuck said desperately and kneeling before me.

"Calm down Chuck your prayers have been answered, and God has answered by sending me here to take you home." - He said with a warm smile on his face.

"God?! - Chuck said confused. Then he looked at me and saw my halo floating above my head. "What?! Are you an angel?! Did i die by any chance?! But i don't remember anything happening for me to die. Have you come here to take me to heaven?"

"Take it easy Chuck, you didn't die i came here to rescue you and take you home like i said before. And no i'm not an angel, i'm a Saint sent by God, whose name is Morgan Freeman, with the task of saving you." - Jonathan explained.

"Thanks a lot... wait God's name is Morgan Freeman?! - Chuck said, not believing if I was telling the truth or joking with him.

"Yes, Morgan Freeman is the name of the God who sent me to save you." - He replied with a serious expression.

Realizing he was serious Chuck just nodded and said, "I understood."

"If you understand, don't forget to put your faith in him and pray in his name." - Jonathan said making it very clear which God he should thank.

"Ok, and when we leave Mr. Saint. Uh... do you have a name i can refer to?" Chuck asked, scratching his head.

"You can call me Poseidon." - I said a little embarrassed of the shameful name.

"Poseidon?! Like the Greek god?!" - Chuck said gaping.

"No, don't think too much about it, it's just a name like any other." - Jonathan answered sincerely.

"Okay, so when do we leave?" he asked.

"As soon as you're ready." - Jonathan informed.

"Alright, thank you very much, i'll be right back!" - Chuck said with fear that Jonathan would simply vanish like the various delusions created by the mind of this man, disturbed by loneliness.

"Wilson! Where are you? Rescue is here, come on, we don't have time to waste!" - Jonathan heard Chuck say in the background.

While Chuck was gathering his belongings, Jonathan cut down some trees with water blades using the [Water Creation] skill and some ropes from his Survival Kit inventory.

So he tied 6 logs together, and used some branches and leaves to make a small makeshift tent on top of the logs. He took 6 coconuts and removed the husks leaving only the shell or endocarp, and filled them all with potable water. Then he took all the rest of the fruits on the island and put it in his inventory.

During the work he realized the lack of a construction ability, or telekinesis, it would certainly have helped a lot.

All this was done in about 1 hour, after all Jonathan already had experience in survival and he learned it once again during training. During that time Chuck returned with a volleyball with a red face drawn on it, and just waited for me to finish while talking to the ball.

When Jonathan finished Chuck said:

"It's kind of weird, i mean, to know that God actually exists." - He said with a lost expression.

"Yeah." - Jonathan said. "One thing to believe and never see, and another thing it's to be sure and see his actions happening in front of your eyes."

Chuck just nodded with a contemplative look.

Jonathan clapped his hands together to draw attention to the most important thing, which was getting him home.

"Let's go?" - Said Jonathan.

"Please." - Chuck replied with a face full of complex emotions.

"Very well, first i must warn you that i'll transform into a sea monster to pull the raft across the ocean, and take you to the nearest shipping lane for you to be rescued. So there we'll part ways and then we'll meet again when you arrive in your hometown, and reunite with your family, ok?" - Jonathan explained in a single breath.

"S-Sea monster?!" - Those were the only words that registered in Chuck's mind.

"Yes, calm down, it's just that in this form i can pull the raft faster because i'll have fins." - He explained trying to calm Chuck down.

"Ok." - Was the only thing Chuck said still afraid.

Jonathan then took a rope and made some makeshift paddles and gave it to Chuck, who was all the time holding the volleyball named Wilson.

"All aboard!" - Jonathan announced.

Chuck and Wilson climbed aboard the raft, and sat inside the branch tent. Seeing that Chuck was already comfortable, Jonathan tied a rope around his waist and transformed the lower half of his body into a long, red-colored sea serpent's tail. Then he pulled the raft into the water and started to accelerate slowly until he was at cruising speed flailing his tail slowly into the water while the upper part of his body that was human was out of the water talking to Chuck.


"So, 5 years?" - Jonathan asked.

"Yeah, she's an amazing woman." - Chuck said with a silly smile on his face.

"What's her name again?" - Asked Jonathan curious to know the name of this "incredible woman".

"Kelly, Kelly Frears." - Chuck said laughing.

"When were you planning to get married?" - Jonathan kept asking.

"Right after Christmas, at the beginning of the new year, i was going to ask for her hand in marriage, but i don't know, i should have married her by now. But unfortunately, i was too focused on my job and ended up neglecting our relationship, a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if she had already found a better man than me." - Chuck said, with a self-deprecating smile.

"Don't think like that Chuck. This woman truly loves you. Any relationship would have ended because of your delay and neglecting by now, but she was patient and supported you in all your decisions. A woman like that is very hard to find." - Jonathan said trying to comfort him.

Looking wistfully at the starry night sky, he recalled happy memories of his former life that he would never get back. Tears that he thought had already dried up filled his blue eyes with sadness and loneliness.

Chuck seeing this just nodded and asked:

"And you, have someone special?"

"Had." - Jonathan answered sincerely, washing his face with [Water Creation].

"Do you want to talk about it?" - He asked.

Looking at Chuck for a brief moment, deciding whether or not to open up to him, Jonathan began to speak:

"Her name was Lídia, we met when i went to inspect her apartment, because she had noticed that there was a gas leak inside her apartment. So she contacted the Fire Department, and i thank God every day for making me feeling like working overtime, so i could answer her call.

In the end it was just a slight leak, and while i fixed it we started talking. Even after hours i had finished the service, we were still talking and she even invited me to dinner that night.

Nothing else happened beyond the conversation, but we arranged to meet again to chat some more over a dinner or a lunch. And that's how, the best part of my life began.

After 1 year of dating, i proposed to her to marry me and she accepted. At the end of that year we were finally married and she presented me with 2 healthy boys with a heart of gold. She had a temper, but we rarely argued.

Every time i made a decision that i thought was best for our family, she was the first to support me, and when she needed something i was the first to be there.

That's what a good relationship is like, how a good marriage is like. Your partner's happiness has to be at the top of your priorities, with some caveats, often even above your own happiness. Because seeing the person you love happy makes you happy.

And most importantly, happiness doesn't come from outside things but from within you so never expect others to make you happy. You need to make yourself happy if you are happy, your happiness will infect everyone around you." - Jonathan vented emotional.

"I never thought of it that way. I feel like i need to apologize to Kelly for making her wait so long. Thank you so much for the help Poseidon, and thank you for the help Morgan Freeman." - Chuck said determined and with a heart full of gratitude.

The next morning a cargo ship could be seen, so I woke up Chuck and Wilson, and informed them of the ship's presence. An emotional Chuck hugged and thanked Jonathan again, even asking Jonathan to visit him and his family and even inviting him to his wedding as best man.

Jonathan just nodded and hid, basically turning invisible which baffled Chuck. But by now, Chuck was getting used to all this supernatural weirdness and soon he was back to normal. As the ship came closer he waved and was finally rescued.

Jonathan fully transformed into his character [Gyarados (Shiny)] and has closely followed the entire procedure for Chuck's rescue and return to his family. Everyone was very happy with his return except Jerry who had his eye on Kelly for a long time and was one of those who most insisted on Chuck's death.

"Not today, cursed talaric." - Jonathan said with poison on his tongue and ice in his eyes.

Jerry felt a shiver run down his spine and he broke into a cold sweat from Jonathan's bloodlust.

A month later there he was Chuck, waiting at an altar wearing a black tuxedo and Jonathan standing next to Chuck as best man, also dressed in a tuxedo. Chuck decided to have a simple ceremony on a beach, to remember the time he spent stranded on that island.

After 10 minutes of waiting, the bride arrived, she was in a white wedding dress not too long due to the sand on the beach, after all, everyone was barefoot, and stepping directly on the sand.

Kelly reached the altar delivered by her father and held Chuck's hands. They looked at the Priest and he started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony."

They exchanged their vows, the rings, and then the Priest asked the couple to join hands, and declared:

"By virtue of the authority vested in

me under the laws of the State of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife." - The Priest looked at Chuck and said: "You may kiss the bride."

They kissed and the system finally indicated the end of the task.

{[Task]: Save Chuck Noland from becoming a cuckold for being stranded on a desert island for 4 years.

[World - Cast Away]

[Status]: Completed.

[Performance]: S

[Note]: Wilsooooon!}

{Achievement Unlocked: Be best man at Chuck Noland's wedding.

Reward: [Techniques]: Willpower (3/5).}

'... What? I didn't even know this existed... Achievement? I'll have to ask Melissa or Jeane when i get back.' - Jonathan thought, but seeing Chuck approaching he decided to leave it to think about it later.

"Again, thank you so much, if it wasn't for your help, i don't even know what would have happened to me on that island. Oh, and i know today is my wedding, but i'd like to give you a gift." - Chuck said with a warm smile handing me a blue box with a red ribbon on top.

"Haha, thank you very much, but no need, i was just doing my job. One more thing Chuck, i have to go now, and this is probably the last time we'll see each other. But don't be sad, remember God it's still looking after you. I wish you and your family a happy life my friend, now goodbye."

After Jonathan said those parting words, his image began to fade into particles of light until finally only Chuck was left, staring blankly into space, as if he'd forgotten something very important, but couldn't remember, no matter how hard he tried. Only one thing remained on his mind, the name of God, Morgan Freeman.


When the bright light finally faded, Jonathan found himself back on the Nexus in front of the large service desk.

Without wasting any more time he went to the level 1 counter where Jeane was and said:

"Sup Jeane i'm finally back, after 1 month and 1 week, of a task that could have ended in a day, hahaha, i think i got too involved with the characters."

"Hello Jonathan, fufu, no problem. Can you show me your card? - She asked.

"Sure, here it is." - He said handing his ID card to her.

Jeane took the card and scanned it into the system then handed it back to Jonathan and said:

"Oh, you got max performance and still got an Achievement. That's pretty rare even more so in the first mission." - She said with a surprised expression for a brief moment, and then went back to her usual friendly smile.

"Ok, and my points?" - He asked.

"They've already been registered and so it's the bonus." - She answered.

"Bonus, what bonus?" - Jonathan asked confused.

"The performance bonus and achievement bonus. Every time you get an S grade in performance you get a bonus of 100 points, if you had received grade A your bonus would be 50 points and B 10 points. The lower grades ou receive no bonus points. With every 1 achievement you receive the reward and a bonus depending on the difficulty. In your case you received the technique [Willpower: (3/5)] as reward and 1000 bonus points." - She explained.

"Woah! So i received 1110 points and a technique on my first task?" - Jonathan said shocked. "Usually how many points you get on the first mission." - He asked curiously.

"Usually 10 to 60 points." - She answered.

"Okay then, a given horse doesn't look at the teeth. What can i buy with my 1110 points?" - Jonathan asked excitedly.

"Well, 1 spin on the roulette wheel of level 1 characters costs 1000 points. And depending on the ability or technique, they can cost from 100 to 10000000 points. Remembering that the techniques, you can only buy 1 level per fixed value , an example is, if you want to buy a technique for 100 points, you will have to pay 500 in total to have the technique maxed out. This means that the technique value is 100 points per level." - She explained once more.

"Oof, how expensive!" - He said with his hand on his heart.

"In my opinion, you're still underpaying for so much power." - Jeane said sincerely.

"You're right, and what do you recommend for me to make my first purchase?" - Jonathan asked, wanting to know the opinion of someone experienced.

She gestured with her index finger signaling him to come closer. Jonathan approached and she whispered in his ear:

"Invest in Techniques, specifically [Learning]. Because you can learn techniques for free if you are able to learn them, an example is magic. And another thing, when you maximize the technique it doesn't end there, in fact you can improve it to a higher level receiving a discount of 50% of the total purchase value. The second you should stick to is the [Magical Talent] ability. You won't regret it, i guarantee it." - She said.

*Cough, Cough*"Jeane what didn't i tell you about interfering with the Saints' development?!" - Melissa said with a serious expression.

Jeane started to sweat profusely and said:

"B-but M-Melissa he's the one who asked for my honest opinion." - She said trying to defend herself.

"Exactly Melissa, i ended up receiving a higher point value than expected, and asked her opinion." - I intruded trying to help Jeane, who really wasn't to blame.

"Humh, and how many points did he get?" - Melissa asked Jeane.

"1110 Points." - She answered.

"...Impossible, this is his first task and it's still a level 1 quest!" - Melissa said perplexed.

"I also thought the same thing, here's his task report." - Jeane said showing the report.

"Hmm, it looks like everything is in order and here it says that he received a gift from a character, John would you mind if i saw the gift?" - Melissa asked.

"Sure, no problem." - Jonathan said taking the gift from his inventory.

He started to open the gift and when he saw the contents, there it was Wilson. The volleyball with a red face and grass and some hair-like thin kindling sticking out of the top of the ball.

"Amazing!" - Jean said.

"Look at that amount of emotional energy!" - Melissa said impressed.

"Emotional energy?" - Jonathan asked not understanding what they were talking about.

"Here, see with our eyes." - She said putting her hand on Jonathan's shoulder.

As soon as Melissa touched his shoulder, Jonathan was almost blinded by the immense golden light emanating from the Wilson volleyball. Without understanding anything he asked:

"Okay, I get it but what's that for?"

"Objects with high emotional energy serve as good luck charms or talismans. If you sell this in the store you can get an absurd amount of points, because with this in your inventory your luck in tasks and roulette increases a lot depending on the level of positive emotional energy of the object. And that ball you got has an absurd level of that energy." - Jeane explained.

"Ok, i understand what you said, but what am i supposed to do with this? Do i sell it..." Jonathan tried to ask but was interrupted abruptly leaving him startled.

"NO!" - 2X

Everyone who was passing by and doing their daily tasks was immediately alert, as they weren't used to hearing the supervisors screaming.

"Sorry guys, it was nothing, you can continue your chores." Melissa announced, blushing a little from the embarrassment of getting out of the role so much.

*Cough* "Didn't you hear what we just said?" - Melissa said lowering her voice a little.

"Yes and i was going to ask what should i do with Wilson." - Jonathan said pointing to the volleyball.

"Obviously you have to keep it and not tell anyone that you have a Talisman. This Talisman will help you a lot in the long run. Even now it's already helping you, because it's not normal for us supervisors to help a Saint, as much as we are helping you John." - Melissa explained.

"Okay, so i'll take Jeane's advice and buy the [Learning] technique and [Magic Talent]." - Jonathan said.

"Unfortunately you don't have enough points. And i believe it's not worth holding on to the amount of points you have now, besides you have a Talisman. It would be good for you to spin the roulette so you can see for yourself the benefits of it." - Jeane recommended.

"Ok, so i'll spin the wheel once." - Jonathan said.

A moment later Jeane snapped her fingers and a roulette wheel, similar to the one Melissa had used in training grounds, appeared in front of him. Wasting no more time he pulled the lever, and the result was...

[Fix-It Felix Jr - Wreck-It Ralph!]

"..." - 2X

"Well, that's pretty cool actually, this character will be very useful for my future tasks, and i even like the character." - Said Jonathan with a positive view of the character.

"Okay, if you like it then i won't say anything." - Melissa said.

'Maybe he really likes the character but he's very weak, even weaker than the first one.' - She thought.

"Very well, if you liked it, then that means the talisman really works, and with more testing you'll realize the true value this good luck charm holds." - Jeane said with a warm smile.

"All right then, is there anything you guys recommend i buy with the rest of my points, or should i save it for the next opportunity?" - Jonathan said asking for their opinion once again.

"Hmm..." - 2X

"Buy a tactical combat uniform [Kryptonian] for you to wear under your armor as it is very flexible, resistant, and self-repairs if damaged. Most of us wear one of these uniforms under our armor and it can even be invisible as if you weren't even wearing it. All these utilities for only 100 points." - Melissa said making the [Kryptonian] uniform under her clothes appear briefly.

"Interesting, i'll have a red one please." - Jonathan said, choosing his now favorite color.

"Here it is." - Said Jeane typing on her computer keyboard.

Soon the [Kryptonian] uniform could be seen in his inventory, along with various resources he picked up in the world of [Cast Away].

"Okay, thanks a lot for your help you two. Oh, and before i go back to my room, what happened to the rest of my team?" - Jonathan asked worried about spending so much time away, and without contacting his friends.

"They're fine, now they're back to their rooms, maybe tomorrow you can meet them in the cafeteria." - Melissa informed and suggested.

"You're right, until next time, see you soon, bye." - Jonathan said goodbye with a warm smile on his face.

"Goodbye." - 2X

Right after Jonathan disappeared down the hall, Melissa said:

"Looks like we have a 2H code."

"Yeah." - Jeane said in agreement. "Should I notify the head supervisor?"

"Yes, and remember to report the Talisman." - Melissa added.

"Yes." - Jeane agreed.

She took out her own ID card and started a video call.



⟨"Hello Jeane, has something worthy of my attention happened?"⟩ - ??? asked answering the call.

"Yes sir, Melissa and i have identified a new 2H code, sir." - Jeane informed.

⟨2H?! Hmm... Keep watching him and help him if you need it, we can't allow another A1 proportion disaster to happen again. You know very well what He is capable of."⟩ - ??? said.

"With Him you mean..." - Jeane spoke sounding cold.

"..." - Melissa remained silent with a distant look.

⟨Yes Himself, The Mad One.⟩


Jeane swallowed and instinctively looked with a sad expression at Melissa, who noticing the look just looked away and sawed her fists so hard that blood started to drip on the floor.

⟨Thanks for the information, Jeane. Continue keeping me posted.⟩ - ??? said.

"Yes sir." - Jean confirmed.

Finally, after the call ended Melissa said with a serious expression:

"Jeane i need a break, i'm going to take the rest of the night off. Can you cover for me?"

"S-Sure Melissa, if you need anything please let me know, you know i'm your friend and i would do anything for you." - Jeane said with a worried look.

"Thank you so much Jeane, i'm lucky to have a friend like you." - Melissa said without even looking at Jeane once.

But Jeane doesn't care about her friend's behavior, because she knows what she's going through. All she could do is watch her friend go to her room.

'I hope Jonathan isn't like the other 6 who allied with The Mad One.' - Jeane thought apprehensively.

"Hello Jeane, how long has it been? - ??? greeted.

"Oh hello, hehe, it's really been a long time. How may i help you?" - Jeane asked.

"I'd like to know how the new recruits are doing. Our faction is in need of new blood." - ??? replied.

"Oh, that time of the year is finally here, isn't it? Yes, they are doing very well, at least for now. Do you already have someone in mind, that you would like to recruit?" - She said.

"Yes actually i do, i think his name was Jonathan if i'm not mistaken." - ??? said rubbing his finger on his chin as if trying to remember more details. "Oh, i remembered his codename is Poseidon."

"He just went to his room. Maybe you'll meet him tomorrow morning in the cafeteria with his team." - Jeane informed.

"Okay, thank you very much Jeane, until next time." - ??? said waving his hand and leaving.

"Until next time, lord Hades."


Hello dear readers, this chapter was the one that i faced the most difficulties. I had to go to the doctor, had author's block, and got hit by a motorcycle. But apart from that it was a good week 😜. Please don't forget to help me with your support. Any tip that will help me get better at writing will be greatly appreciated.

And the plot begins to show up.

See you in the next chapter 😉.

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