
My Infinite System(MIS)

100 years ago, portals appeared on Chars releasing beasts of different kinds that brought hell for the people of Chars. with the beasts, came super powered individuals who turned the tide and gave the humans a breather and rebuild what they lost. Follow our protagonist who was betrayed by people he called friends and allies dying by their hands as he goes back to the time he awakens his talent. follow him as the makes a new history, as he becomes the Lord of Infinity.

Adams2004 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Embodiment Of Infinity

Eve: "we are ready"

Eve said as she and the others stood up with a new aura, an aura of a Rank A defender, one had to know that if it were in a normal situation, they would have taken almost a year to even reach their current stage and that is because they are freaks, an anomalies. But because of the endless gate and the monsters in it, they were able to amass a large number of cores which help them breakthrough several ranks all thanks to Lucifer and their teamwork.

Lucifer: "Alright then, let's get going, I'm sick of this place"

Lucifer said as he took the first step into the room followed by the others.

Francisca: "I can feel a very malicious energy coming from that direction and it's very strong and potent"

Francisca said as she pointed to the direction she was talking about.

Lucifer looked at the direction and saw the monster she felt the malicious energy from.

Freya: "then, we just have to very careful, we don't want to die when we've come this far, do we"

Freya said with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"Shhh, get ready for the battle of your life's"

Lucifer said when he saw the monster that guard the core of the gate, it was a fraking Hydra.

Derek: "what the hell is that thing, it has six heads"

Derek said as they finally saw the monster looking at them menacingly.

Lucifer: "it is a hydra, those six heads represent six elements they could make use of and because of having six heads, it is very difficult to to fight it"

Lucifer explained what he knew about hydras from his past experience.

Lucifer decided to check its stats.


Species: Hydra

HP: 960000/960000

PP: 300000/300000

Rank: A

STR: 900

VIT: 960

DEX: 500

DEF: 800

INT: 300

WIS: 50

HP regeneration: 3000/ hour

PP regeneration: 500/ hour

TALENTS: Elemental Fusion

Lucifer: "damn it, he has that talent, this is going to be a tough battle, and most of its stats are double of mine and I can't increase my level now"

Lucifer said as he looked at the monster's talent, the elemental fusion making it capable of fusing the elements that each of the heads possess for a devastating attack and if he wants to engage a battle with the monster right now, it is going to take a long time as the monster's stats are double of his and the lots with him are just newly Rank A which means their stats are not much higher than his.

Friday: [you can give them their exclusives right now and as for Eve, well, you have to figure out what you would do for her]

Friday gave her suggestion on what Lucifer should do and it's up to him to listen to her.

Lucifer liking the idea, said to the others with him.

Lucifer: "you guys should keep the monster busy while I work on something"

Derek: "do whatever you want, we will take care of this guy"

Derek said with confidence as he started to rise from the ground and started to fly but not without staggering as this is the first time he is using this flight ability because it was one of the ability he unlocked after reaching Rank A.

After he got used to flying, he looked at the hydra as he shot off flying towards it.

Francisca: "sigh, I feel like he is completely brainless now"

Francisca said as she and the others decided to join him.

Lucifer: "hey, before you go, I should probably tell you this, it's about your talent, you might be able to fuse different talents now for a more powerful version of the fused talent and also there is more to your talent than meets the eye"

Lucifer said to Eve after looking at her new abilities after she broke through to Rank A.

Eve thanked him and started thinking of how to make good use of the new information she just received as she also joined the rest.

Lucifer decided to look at his system shop as he created a barrier to prevent any disturbances using a new ability under space manipulation.


[The host can isolate a specific area of space preventing outside objects traveling in and out of it. Those trying to enter locked off space may end up skipping the walled off space and going past it or simply being blocked from going beyond it depending on the host choice]




Bloodline (locked)

Physique (locked)

Talents (locked)




Items / Equipments


System points: ∞

Lucifer immediately went through the armor and weapon tab as he purchased what he needed right now.

Gauntlet Of Strength: Exclusive For The Embodiment Of Strength

Cosmic Battlesuit: Exclusive For The Embodiment Of Strength

Primordial Cerebro: Exclusive For The Embodiment Of Intelligence

Robe Of The Primordial Scholar: Exclusive For The Embodiment Of Intelligence

Robe Of The Primordial Magus: Exclusive For The Embodiment Of Magic

Staff Of The Primordial Magus: Exclusive For The Embodiment Of Magic

Lucifer: "now this is ready, I should go assist them and before I forget how am I going to give this to them, Friday"

Friday: [you can just hand it to them and the system will present you with a prompt]

Lucifer decided to follow Friday's advised as he cancel the spatial barrier he set up and joined the others who were not faring well.

Derek: "finally, took you long enough, I thought you said you won't be long"

Derek said as he spewed out blood from his mouth after taking a hit from the Hydra.

Lucifer face palmed himself when he Derek putting words in his mouth.

Lucifer: "I didn't say that and here, take these, I made them for you three"

Lucifer said as he handed them their exclusive items.

A prompt appeared immediately as the weapons and armors got to their hands.

[Detected that the host has fulfilled a condition necessary for unlocking an exclusive title, The Embodiment Of Infinity]

Lucifer looked at the prompt and it was different from what he was expecting and just ignored it for now.

Derek: "umm, thanks, but are you not forgetting someone"

Derek took the gauntlet and the armor while the other two did the same.

Lucifer: "I know, but I couldn't think of anything that is suitable for her, so I plan to gift her something later but right now, just put on the things I gave you"

Lucifer said as he went to confront the monster on his own after telling Eve to take a break.

He brought out his sword and ran towards the monster as he accelerated his speed as he vanished from their view.

Freya: "damn, how strong is he to be able to do remarkable feats like this"

Freya said as she looked at his vanishing figure and the things he gave her.

Francisca: "less talking more changing"

Francisca said to Freya so that they can assist Lucifer.

Freya made an earth wall so that they may be able to change.

To Lucifer

Lucifer was gaining the upper hand on the hydra which infuriated the hydra even more even if Lucifer isn't causing major damage to it but it knew that even the minor damage can deal to a major damage if the root cause is not taken care of.

Lucifer: "hahaha, I am time, I can make time bend to do my bidding and with time I can end you but this not my fight but theirs, so be patient while I play with you"

Lucifer said as he made use of the new ability under his time manipulation.


[The host can react to anything and their surroundings, even if it is too early or too late to react to them, possibly even causing later events happen sooner or undo some past actions and events. For example, catching a ball even if it is too early, or dodging a bullet even if they are already hit]

Lucifer was toying with the hydra when he saw the new appearance of Freya, Francisca and Derek while Eve was radiating more aura as if she has just broken through again which he attributed it to her successfully fusing some of her talents.

Lucifer: "well, let the fun begin"