
My Infinite System(MIS)

100 years ago, portals appeared on Chars releasing beasts of different kinds that brought hell for the people of Chars. with the beasts, came super powered individuals who turned the tide and gave the humans a breather and rebuild what they lost. Follow our protagonist who was betrayed by people he called friends and allies dying by their hands as he goes back to the time he awakens his talent. follow him as the makes a new history, as he becomes the Lord of Infinity.

Adams2004 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Freya: "are we done yet?"

Francisca: "how long have we been here, I'm getting tired of these monsters, it's like there are no end to them"

The group of five could be seen sitting on the ground while catching their breath after a round of fighting monsters.

Eve: "sigh, I'm still saying this, I am going to find out who did this and make them pay for what they did"

Derek: "I'm with you on that one, I'm going to get back at them for this"

Lucifer: "now is not the time to be talking about revenge and stuffs like that, what we should be thinking is getting out of here alive"

Lucifer said as he has figured out the mechanism of this gate, this an endless gate, meaning there will be an endless wave of monsters, to escape a gate like this, they must find it's core and destroy it.

Lucifer: "everyone take this rings, it will help store your spoils of the battle and you can share it amongst yourselves, I don't need anything"

Lucifer said as he gave them a spatial ring each with unlimited storage for them to put their monster cores and also the dead monsters for easy mobility.

Lucifer stood and started moving, trying to figure out where the gate core so that he can get out of here and also avoid some questions.

Derek: "how does he do stuffs like this?"

Derek said as he held the ring and observed the exterior design of the ring, he did not understand it but he have to say, it was beautiful.

Eve: "ok, folks, let's wrap everything and join him"

Eve said as she gathered her own portion of the spoils.

Outside the Gate

Lucy: "they have been in there for almost a day now, what are you all even doing to get them out of there?"

Athena contacted the guardians and family members of the group, so that they may be able to help them figure out who might do this.

Athena: "we are trying our best miss Lucy"

Sinclair: "clearly, you are not trying your best, you should have figured out a way to get them out of them the instant you knew something was wrong, now what are you going to do?"

Athena: "we've done everything we could do and I'm sorry to say this but, the kids, they are on there own in there"

Sinclair: "what did you mean on their own, their lives are in danger and all you can say is that they are on there own, how low have you fallen, you are the Safeguard Academy for crying out loud"

Athena did not know what to say anymore, she is a Rank SS defender but in front of them, she is just another defender. The Dean isn't even here to ease her burden as he went out to find out the perpetrators behind this as no body would just try to kill off five kids without having a bad intention for the Kids.


Lucy shouted as black flames flashed in her eyes, her danced wildly with the wind.

She was very angry at herself as she couldn't even help and protect her brother, she was helpless and powerless.

Due to her anger, dark flames burst out of her very being making the others move back not wanting to get caught by the flames, they knew what the consequence of that happening.

???: "she is breaking through, she is breaking through to the SSS Rank, this is wonderful"

A man with brown hair said as he watched lucy, a young girl who has not even crossed 25 yet, becoming a Rank SSS defender, he found it fascinating.

Sinclair: "as expected of such a talented kid, but this is not the time to be watching her with those eyes of yours, instead we must offer her our protection so that nothing could go wrong in her break through as we don't know who is attacking our talented youngsters and she might be next"

Sinclair said to Maciver and the brown haired man who happened to be Dexter Gale, the father to both Derek and Francisca.

The three men stood side by side protecting Lucy so that she can have a successful breakthrough.


Dean: "tell me who sent you or today will be the last day you will ever breath the air of Chars"

The dean said as he gathered wind elements around his hands like a blade intending to rip the life of the man held to the wall before him.

"Hahahaha, do it then, do you think I will cower in fear just because you said that, you are wrong, if you need answers from me, then you will have to kill me before you can get anything out of me"

Dean: "you are confident, I see, I wonder how long that confidence of yours will last"

The dean said as he changed his mind about killing the man before him and decided to give him hell, before sending him to one.

The dean gathered wind blades around the man as he continued.

"Since you've decided to take the hard way, then don't blame me when I indulge you"

The dean gave the man a devilish grin as he released his control over the wind blades as they pierced the man while avoiding his vital organs.


The man screamed out his lungs as he was tormented by the wind blades as they drilled into his body causing him unimaginable pain.

Dean: "now, I will grant you one more chance, tell me who sent you to sabotage the information about the gate and leading us into a trap and I will ease your pain"

"Ahhh, please, please, make it stop, I beg you"

Dean: "you should have answered me the first time, all of these wouldn't have even happened if you had done so, now tell me who sent you"

The Dean stopped the wind blades as he asked the man what he wanted to know.

"It's ...."

Inside the Gate

Lucifer: "alright, this is it, I would advice you to use the monster cores we've gathered to increase your Ranks to Rank A as it will be enough for you all, because from the energy I'm feeling coming out of this room, I suspect the gate core is here as well was it's guardian and I think the monster is of Rank S based on its energy"

Lucifer said as he knew that immediately they entered the room ahead if them, they are going to have a fight of their lives as that creature will be very formidable, fortunately, they killed a lot of monsters as they gathered a lot of monster cores that can make anyone who saw it have a watered mouth thanks to there teamwork and his help, so he advised them to increase their ranks to Rank A and as for him well he has other cards up his sleeves.

Eve: "what about you, don't you need the cores?"

Lucifer: "don't worry about me, just do as I say"

Eve and the others nodded as they sat down and brought out the monster cores from their spatial ring and began to absorb them.