
My Infinite System(MIS)

100 years ago, portals appeared on Chars releasing beasts of different kinds that brought hell for the people of Chars. with the beasts, came super powered individuals who turned the tide and gave the humans a breather and rebuild what they lost. Follow our protagonist who was betrayed by people he called friends and allies dying by their hands as he goes back to the time he awakens his talent. follow him as the makes a new history, as he becomes the Lord of Infinity.

Adams2004 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Leaving The Gate

Lucifer: "well, let the fun begin"

As soon as Lucifer said those words, the group of five engaged in combat with the hydra.

Lucifer: "Freya and Francisca, you both take each of the heads while Derek and I will take care if two heads each and Eve, you give the monster hell, the body is all yours"

Lucifer said as he told everybody what they should do as he unleashed his aura of a Rank B defender.

Derek having been enhanced exponentially and has his strength increased was fearless as he bombarded the hydra without regards greatly inflicting damage to it.

Derek: "now this what I'm talking about"

Freya: "don't get complacent, we still have a long way to go"

Freya said as she unleashed powerful elemental attacks on the hydra not giving it a break to return any attack.

Lucifer seeing the group's teamwork and coordination when battling the hydra was happy as he has achieved what he wanted and decided, it was time to end this.

He used a a new ability under his space - time talent.


[The host can teleport one's strike from a distance beyond the attacks normal range to an opponent, ignoring the distance between them. The teleported strike would have the same force and impact as a regular strike and not lose power due to distance traveled]

Lucifer: "everybody move back"

Lucifer warned them as he also moved back and raised his sword and performed series of strikes in the air while it was sent to the hydra inflicting damage to it.


A loud cry came from the hydra as two of his heads were cut off.

The hydra looked at the five humans in front of him and went berserk as they have insulted it pride and it will be a shame on him if he just let them have their way like that.

The hydra went berserk as all his eyes turned red and it started getting bigger than before.

Lucifer: "shit, it's going berserk, everyone move back"

Lucifer said to the four behind him and still used the spatial barrier as he was also going all out with this monster.

Lucifer: "it's just you and me now big buddy"

Teleportation Strike



Lucifer used these three abilities as he rained down attacks with the speed of light while slowing down the movement of the hydra who received the burnt of Lucifer's wrath.

Freya: "look at him, he is so fast"

Francisca: "yeah, also, the hydra seem a little slower than normal, don't you think?"

Francisca and Freya said as they watched Lucifer's performance.

Derek: "what do you expect from someone I deemed as my rival, he is the best at what he does"

Derek complimented Lucifer's strength and declared to reach his level of strength one day.

Francisca: "haven't you all wondered, how does he spam attacks after attacks like that, does he have infinite power or something related to that"

Francisca wondered as from the time since they got trapped in this gate, Lucifer hasn't complained about loss of energy but instead he continues to deliver powerful and devastating attacks on the monsters making her feel sorry for them sometimes.

Eve: "well, everyone has a secret or two, so we should respect his privacy until he decides he is ready to tell us himself"

Eve said to Francisca.

Back to Lucifer

Lucifer: "hah, hah, finally, rid of your stubborn existence"

Lucifer said after dealing the final blow on the hydra ending its life.

Lucifer cancelled the spatial barrier as he went to the gate's core.

Derek: "this is it, we are finally going to get out of this hellhole"

Derek said as he and the rest joined Lucifer after they place the mutilated body of the hydra in their spatial ring as they looked at their way out of here.

Eve: "so, who is going to do the honor of destroying the core"

Derek: "I will"

Derek went to the core and held it with both of his hands and crushed it.

Immediately after he did that, a blue portal appeared in the room bringing smiles to their face.

Lucifer: "let's get out of this shit hole"

Outside the gate

Sinclair: "where is your dean? We have been here for a whole two days and nobody is doing fraking anything about it, our kids are inside there fighting for their lives and there is nothing we can do about it"

Sinclair said while still hoping for the safety of his granddaughter.

"The gate has been cleared"

One of the guards shouted alerting the others as they all turned their eyes towards the gate.

Athena: "they did it"

Sinclair: "hahaha, good, this is wonderful, they actually did it, go, go prepare a medic immediately, they might have sustained fatal injuries in there"

Sinclair said to one of the guards.

Lucy: "I just hope, he is alright"

Lucy who has successfully advanced to the SSS Rank said as she was worried for he brother's safety.

Athena: "they are out"

Athena said as she saw the figures of Lucifer, Eve, Derek, Francisca and Freya stepped out of the gate portal.

Lucy: "oh, thank god, you are alright"

Lucy said as she ran to hug her brother and checked for any sign of injuries but found none which made her sigh in relief.

Lucifer: "hey, I'm fine,it will take more than that to deal with me, I'm after all, Lucifer Morningstar"

Lucifer joked to ease his sister's worries.

Athena: "you have all advanced to Rank A and what is with these new outfits you've got"

Athena said as she looked at the four behind Lucifer who were also in the companies of their family and wondered why Lucifer was still stuck at Rank B and they are all Rank A's and where did they get the weapons and armors they wore.

Hearing this brought the attention of everyone as they observed the changes in their little ones.

Lucifer: "you can ask your questions later, but right now, what we need right is a beauty sleep and nothing else"

Lucifer said as he didn't want any question and answer section right now as he intends to go home and check out his new gains.

With that, the elders agreed as they took their young ones home.


Bart: "what did you just say"

"They survived the gate and they seem to be stronger than before, sir"

Bart was furious when he heard that as even after everything he did, he didn't manage to get rid of the thorns in his side but he instead made them even stronger.



Bart threw the glass he was holding at the one who delivered the news to him.

Bart: "I don't care what you do or how you do it but I want a better result next time"

"Yes sir"

The man stood up as he quickly left the room.

Bart: "why can't you all just die"

Bart said as he clicked in his computer and a file which was labelled Project X appeared.

Bart: "sigh, it seems I will have to make use of you early"