
My Highschool Sweetheart

At a young age, I had a lot of crushes. Even strangers when they got good looks. But I couldn't forget one person that I randomly saw around. He was just a complete stranger who caught my eye from first sight. I thought he'll be just one of my stranger crushes which I will not see again but Cupid and Destiny really wants to create our love story. Will he be my forever? or just another lesson?

Keysie_Unnie · Teen
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4 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Stranger

Kheanna's POV

I was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about my favorite K-pop idol when suddenly someone barge into my room.

"KHE! WAKE UP!" Someone shouted that made me fall off my bed.

"Ow~ it hurts.." I groaned and even though I'm still sleepy, I slowly opened my eyes.

And there I saw, Maria in her uniform and looks so angry.

"What are you doing here? And why did you shout at me?" I asked as I stood up and sat down on my bed.

"What am I doing here? Did you forget what day it is? It's Monday, and you are supposed to be dressed up by now." She said with an angry tone and cross her arms while tapping her foot as if controlling her anger.

"Wait...WHAT?! IT'S MONDAY?!" I looked at the clock and confirmed it's Monday and already 7:25 am. We are so going to be late.

"Did you hit your head or something? Just get ready or we are going to be super late." She walked out of my room and I dashed to the bathroom to get ready.

I tried my best to finish within 10 mins. I just wore a shirt and jeans, matched with my black shoes, and took my bag before going downstairs. They said transferees can wear casual clothes on the first day.

"Took you so long, now we're absolutely late." She glared at me and walked out again. My mom told me to eat first but I just took a sandwich and went after Maria.

I greeted Uncle John after entering their car. I sat down beside Maria which is still mad at me.

"Hey Maria, I'm sorry for waking up late." I poked her shoulder but she didn't even look at me.

"Hey, Maria! Please don't ignore me like that." I pleaded and she left a heavy sigh before looking at me.

"Next time, don't watch too much anime that you even forgot that we have class today." She said and I just nod in response.

We talked for a while before arriving at our school. I was astounded by how the school looks. It was so big and spacious. It was painted in white and light brown which make it look cleaner. There's also a big clock on top of the building.

"Louise Voun' High." I read to the nameplate which was attached to the entrance of the school.

"Let's go?" Maria asked and we both went inside. She already knows where our classroom is located so I'll just follow her.

"Your school is so awesome, do you have a rooftop?" I said while walking to our room.

"Yes of course. I'll take you there later by lunch." I smiled at her and we arrived at our destination.

Thankfully It hasn't started yet.

We searched for a seat and sat down. I looked at my new classmates and I already stalked some of them. I was about to talk to Maria when a familiar guy caught my sight.

Wait...that's the guy I saw before! The one who gave me a coupon.

I tugged Maria's sleeve and pointed to the guy. "Look, Maria! That's the guy I've been talking about." She looks at him and gave me a confusing look.

"You mean, the one who gave you the ice cream coupon?" She asked and I nodded.

"Do you know him?" She thinks for a second and shook her head which means "no".

"I haven't seen him before. Maybe he's a transfer student like you." She exclaimed and I stared at the guy.

So it's just a coincidence that he became my classmate. I should've asked his name before. I don't know why but I can't stop looking at him. It's like my eyes are glued to him. I just snapped out when the teacher came in.

"Goodmorning class." She greeted and we all stood up to greet her as well

"Since today is the first day of this school year, all of you must introduce yourselves." She said and some protested since they already know each other and I don't. She scanned at the list of students and looked at us.

"Well, we have 2 new students joining us today. May Ms. Sanches and Mr. Rojo come in front and introduce yourselves." She said and I automatically stood up and walked in front. The guy also did the same, I guess his surname is Rojo.

"You start first Ms. Sanches." The teacher said and I nodded in response. I took a deep breath before facing my classmates.

"Goodmorning everyone. I am Kheanna Sanches, a 15-year-old from Ilocos Sur. I hope you'll accept as part of this section." I said and gave a bow before smiling. Some whispered with their seatmates and some clapped like Maria, my supportive cousin. The guy then introduced himself.

"Hi, guys! I'm Mikael Rojo, 15 years old and also from Ilocos Sur. Hope we create great memories together." He smiled and they gave him a round of applause.

So he's Mikael? The Mikael I stalked days ago? That's why he looks so familiar.

"You two can now sit down." We went back to our seats and Maria gave me a high five.

"Nice speech cuz!"

"I was so nervous, I think some of them hate me," I said and looked around.

"That's part of life, you weren't born to please everyone anyways." She's really the best cousin I could ever have.

"I'll just give you your schedules and we will have an early dismissal so you can all bond with each other." The teacher said and we all cheered in joy.

I was writing down the schedule when my peripheral vision caught someone pointing at me. I looked at them and it was that Mikael guy with his seatmate. I really don't know who are they pointing at but I just rolled my eyes and went back on writing.


It's now our early dismissal, and we're currently having our recess. "Hey, I keep noticing that the other transfer student was looking at you a while ago," Maria said and took a bite on her sandwich.

"Really? I thought he was looking at the girl sitting behind us." I took my phone out when it suddenly vibrated. It was a notification of my Facebook account.

Mikael Rojo sent you a friend request..

Eh? That's kinda fast. I showed my phone to her "Look, he sent me a friend request." She looks at it and snapped her fingers.

"Girl I think he likes you." She teased with her eyebrows moving up and down.

"Pfft, no way. He doesn't even know me yet." She rolled her eyes and finished her food.

I was about to finish mine when she suddenly hit the table and gestured me to turn around. I confusingly turned around and saw that Mikael guy with a petite girl laughing at another table. His arms also wrapped around her shoulder.

"Ooohhh, transferee boy is already taken. So sad for you cuz." She said and wiped her non-existent tear.

"As if I care, I don't even know him." I rolled my eyes and finished my food. We both headed to our classroom and this day continued until I went home.