
My Highschool Sweetheart

At a young age, I had a lot of crushes. Even strangers when they got good looks. But I couldn't forget one person that I randomly saw around. He was just a complete stranger who caught my eye from first sight. I thought he'll be just one of my stranger crushes which I will not see again but Cupid and Destiny really wants to create our love story. Will he be my forever? or just another lesson?

Keysie_Unnie · Teen
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4 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Assignment

Kheanna's POV

I just came home from school today, It's already my third day in LVH and it's been quite nice even though I haven't interacted with all of them.

I went upstairs after greeting my parents and change my clothes so I can start with my homework.

I first start doing my chemistry activity, which is kind of hard actually. I really can't understand some of the chemical reactions so I decided to call Maria through facetime.

"Hey cuz! Can you help me with our chemistry activity? I don't understand some of the chemical reactions." I said after she answered my call.

("I can only understand some of it, you can try searching it on google.") Google? Ha! I should've thought of that a while ago.

"Oh right! Haha, I didn't think of that idea." She laughed at how lightheaded I am.

("How about you teach me our math homework? Pretty please? You're a math wizard for god's sake.") She said and gave me the puppy eyes. I let out a loud laugh at how stupid she looks.

"Yeah, alright!" I said and she began to thank me over and over again. We started our group work and we took turns in helping each other finish our homework.


We were in the middle of our history homework when a notification suddenly popped up.

Mikael Rojo sent you a message.

Huh? I don't remember accepting his friend request.

"Hey cuz! Mikael sent me a message. Are you the one who accepted his friend request?" I asked and she suddenly smiled awkwardly.

"You did! Why did you accept it?" I glared at her then she started to panic.

("Uhmm, b-because...") She said while stuttering.

"Because what?" I raised my brow at her and now she looks so guilty.

("B-because it's not bad to accept it...yeah that's right! And he seems like a nice guy.") Her answer is kind of unbelievable, knowing her she always scratches her nose when lying. I just went on board with her answer so we can finish our homework.

My phone keeps ringing and it's making me lose focus. ("It's him, right? Why won't you try and answer his chats.") She said that made my eyes roll. I'm not being a bitch and all but I don't entertain people especially those who are already taken.

"Nah, his girlfriend would get jealous and it would be more troublesome if that happens." She shrugged on my answer then continued answering her part.

Minutes has passed when my phone suddenly vibrated. I couldn't take it anymore and opened his message.


Mikael: Hey new girl!

Can I ask you something?



Mikael: Hey Ms. Stalker!



Mikael: Snobber :3

Kheanna: Yes? How may I help you?

Mikael: Finally you answered!

I just want to ask you something.

Kheanna: What is it?

We haven't talked much at school since I feel shy and I haven't thanked him for the coupon.

Mikael: Do we have homework today?

Really? Does he have amnesia or something?

Kheanna: Are you serious?

Mikael: Yes I am?

Kheanna: Hmm, well we have 4 Homeworks today which is Chemistry, History, Math, and Literature.

Mikael: Oh now I remember, thanks by the way!

Kheanna: Sure no problem :)

Mikael: There's one more question.

One more? He's getting weirder and I feel getting anxious a bit.

Kheanna: What?

Mikael: Do you like me?

Bitch what the heck? What kind of question is that? Do I like him? I don't know. It's not a no but it's not a yes either. Damn so confusing.

Kheanna: Uhmm, what?

Mikael: I said do you like me?

Kheanna: I don't know...

Mikael: Really?

Kheanna: I guess maybe?

Mikael: Really?

Kheanna: Yes

Mikael: Really?

Kheanna: Why do you keep saying "really"?

Mikael: I just want to. Really?

Kheanna: Ugh. Fine. Yes, I do have feelings for you. Happy?

Mikael: Figured, my friend, keep saying that you've been staring at me from time to time.

Kheanna: That's not true. And I already know you're taken.

Mikael: Taken? Nah I'm just in a mutual understanding kind of relationship.

Kheanna: It's still the same you know.

Mikael: But you like me?

Kheanna: Do I have to repeat my answer?

Mikael: Yes.

Kheanna: Then yes.

Mikael: I like you too.

I felt my heart skipped a beat when he said those words. What's happening? It's just a crush anyway.

("Hey girl! You've been chatting for almost 15 mins now. Don't you want to finish this first?") Maria said and showed me her notebook. Damn, I forgot about it, he's distracting me.

"Oh, sorry. My bad. I kind of got carried away." I awkwardly laughed and leaned my phone on my desk to continue our work.

I didn't reply after what he said. I don't know what to do. He already has a lover but likes me too? He's so complicated.

We both finished our homework before 9:30 which is her bedtime. We bid our goodbyes then I got ready for bed.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I also drank some warm milk which can help me sleep faster. I still can't forget what he said a while ago.

I like you too...

I shrugged it off and went to bed. I need to sleep early so I won't be late tomorrow. If that happens, Maria will surely get angry again.


11:00 PM

I'm still wide awake. I should be asleep by now but I couldn't because of these thoughts bugging me.

Why did he have to ask that anyway? 3 days after he met me and he already asked if I like him. I can't deny it, he got looks and a cheerful personality. But he already has a lover, I don't want to be the reason for their breakup or something.

I guess he was just joking, it was a prank maybe? I really don't know what I felt when he said it. Kind of happy but at the same time sad because there's a possibility that it wasn't true?

I faced the other side of my bed hoping to sleep but still failed. Damn! Just let me sleep! I closed my eyes and tried to calm down my mind. As I open my eyes, my phone suddenly vibrated.

Who could that be?

I looked at it and it was from him again. I should've turned off my wifi.

Him: Hey, still awake?

Me: No, I'm already asleep.

Him: Really? You can type on your phone while sleeping? Cool!

Me: Yeah I know I'm cool. How about you?

Him: Nope, I can't fall asleep. Hey did you know that when you can't fall asleep means someone is thinking about you right now?

Me: I thought it's because your awake in someone's dream?

Him: Nope, I prefer my theory. Were you thinking about me a while ago?

Me: No. Just go to sleep. Night :)

Him: Harsh. Well, I was thinking about you so we're even ;) Goodnight!

I smiled at what he said. Damn, this is the first time someone made me smile like this. I turned off my phone and thankfully I fall asleep after.