
My Highschool Reaper

Julia Blake, an aspiring journalist, just transferred to a new school and already, she has the scoop of a lifetime. A female student went missing on school grounds. As she searches for the truth, Julia uncovers a dangerous world full of monsters, demons, and a powerful reaper that she most rely on in other to survive her new reality. Can she trust her unlikely new friend, or is he hiding a secret more cruel and dangerous than the monsters they will fight?

Joby_manuel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

From across all six universes, There are always reapers there to guide the souls of those that knock upon death's door. Within this group of powerful beings are three rankings, however.

The first are the Earthbound Reapers. This group roam the planet, collecting the souls they come across within a thousand miles in their vicinity. They also deal with lower threats, like Hellbound creatures the may steal the human souls away from the Infinity Stream.

The next class are the Astral Reapers. They are the ones that designate where the Earthbound reapers will be stationed to. They may also come down to earth is there is a threat that an Earthbound Reaper can't handle, like demigods and lower class deities.

And Finally, the third class and recognized as the most powerful, are the Adjudicator Reapers. These classes are only called for one of two scenarios. One, If a reaper has broken a rule, and two, if the world is about to be threatened by the Hell Gods.

In all six universes, there are only a little over three thousand Reapers each. Yet, they work diligently to make sure that the Infinity Stream receives the souls it needs to keep the universes working in peak condition. Now, However, Julia has broken a sacred Reaper rule. And the Adjudicator will have to collect her debt. The Adjudicator is a mountain of a man. He is over seven feet tall, and is wearing a long flowing dark grey robe, matched with an equally flowing jet black cloak. He also has a short but thick beard, and the same black eyes with red pupils that Shin had as he was fighting Ygesh.

Julia: "S-Shin, w-who is that?"

A stammering Julia asked, uncontrollable trembling from the menace and pressure she felt from the unknown Reaper that just appeared.

Shin: "That, my dear Julia is an Adjudicator, the most powerful type of Reaper there is. They're tasked with bringing Reapers that break the rules to justice. He's also going to reap that child's soul."

Shin answered, looking detached from the situation they have found themselves in.

Julia: "Y-you're going to stop him, right? There's no way you'd let this boy die, right?"

Julia asked Shin, seemingly begging for his help.

Shin: "Sorry, Julia. You're on your own. You better start running."

Replied Shin, in an unconcerned tone of voice.

By the emotionless suggestion of Shin, Julia picked the child up, who is surprisingly un-affected by the time freeze that is happening around them, and ran away from the imposing presence of the Adjudicator. As Julia and the child fled from the threat that is the Adjudicator Reaper, said Reaper stopped and stared at Shin, acknowledging his presence.

Shin: "Hey, Bull. Long time no see. So, how's the astral plains been going?"

Shin asked the hulking Adjudicator, also known as Bull.

Bull: "Hmm. So it's you, Ibex. I should have known you would be involved with this kind of situation. Tell me, what have you done this time? What did you say to that girl that would make her stop the natural cycle of life and death?"

Bull asked Shin, calling him by his reaper moniker.

Shin: "Oi, I had nothing to do with that. I just did what we always do. I showed her a person about to die, and test weather or not she would intervene or let nature run it's course. It's not my fault she didn't pass her test."

Shin replied in his defense.

Bull: "Normally, I would agree with your sentiments. However, she was never a recruit listed in our prospected reaper candidates. But the child was. So tell me, Ibex, how did a young lady who was suppose to die in two months time able to snot just save a person from certain death, but also took away one of our true Reaper candidate?

Bull said, with venom in his voice.

Shin: "...Ops. I guess I made a small boo boo. But, it's okay, since you should be able to fix it, right, Bull?"

Shin said, with a mocking smirk on his face, to the enraged Adjudicator.

Bull: "I'll deal with you latter. Looks like I will have to fix your mess. At times like these, I think it would have been better if you just joined your family in the Infinity Stream. May be then you wouldn't be such a disappointment to the name Reaper."

Bull said in a judgmental tone.

Shin: "... Sure, Bull. Whatever you say."

Shin plainly replied. Hate leaking out of the smile he gave the Adjudicator as he said it.

As Julia continued to run with the child, she turned to an alley way, hopping she would lose their pursuer there. Half way through the alley though, a dark portal opened ahead of then, and the Adjudicator stepped out of it, cutting them off. Julia tried to retreat from where he ran from, but she found that Shin is blacking the path.

Shin: "Sorry Julia, but rules are rules. Will be taking that kid now."

Shin proclaimed to the desperate Julia.

Julia: " Please, Shin. This isn't right. This kid didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't deserve to die."

Julia said, pleading to Shin for either help, or to at least let them through.

Bull: "It does not matter if it is deserved or not. Death comes for everyone. Young or old. Sick or healthy. Rich or pour. There is no bias when it comes to death's cold embrace."

Bull, the Adjudicator said to Julia.

Just before Julia was about to rebut from what the Adjudicator said, Shin grabbed both her arms and pried her grip from the frightened boy. Once the child was loos from Julia's hands, the Adjudicator closed in on the boy, seemingly floating above ground. The Child was frozen in fear as the Adjudicator towered over him.

Bull: "There is nothing to fear, my child. This was meant to be. Soon, you will be home in a place where we all belong."

Bull said, in the most soothing tone his deep voice can make.

Julia: "Damn you, Shin. Let go of me."

Julia demanded as Shin continues to hold her in place. Tears flowing from her eyes.

Shin: "Sorry, Julia. Just close your eyes. It'll be over soon.

Shin told Julia in a sad tone of voice.

The Adjudicator then reached out to the cowering child who was desperately covering his eyes with his hands. The Adjudicator's large hand phased in the boy's body, as if it was a mirage. He then plucked out the child's soul, a small ball that seemed to be made out of blue vapor. Once the child's soul left it's body, the empty shell that is the boy's body fell to the ground. Right as the Adjudicator was about to eat the boy's soul, however, Julia reacted.

Remembering what her Martial Arts teacher taught her, and at the same time, feeling an unknown power from within her, she stepped on Shin's instep as hard as she could. Shin gasped in pain, surprised that Julia managed to her him, and let Julia go. Julia then performed a right leg mule kick that landed on Shin's stomach, sending him stumbling backwards.

Once free from Shin, Julia then delivered the strongest spinning round house kick she has ever done right in the hand the Adjudicator's was using to hold the boy's soul. Once the kick landed, the Adjudicator let go of the boy's soul, which in tern, flew back into the boy's body. Julia tried to deliver another round house kick to the stomach of the Adjudicator this time, but he caught Julia's leg before her attack even landed.

Bull: "Have you any idea what you've done, little girl?"

Bull said, with a look of disappointment rather than hate.

Julia: "I saved a child from dying. Now let me go."

Julia proudly stated.

Shin: "Come one, Bull. Fair is fair, she got us both. It's too late to take the child's soul anyway."

Shin said. Leaving Julia perplex over what he meant.

Julia: "W-what do you mean "Can't take the child's soul anymore"? Are you saying you'll leave the kid alone?"

Julia asked.

Bull: "Damn you, Ibex. Have you not explained the ten reaper rules to her yet?"

Bull questions Shin

Shin: "Not in great detail yet, no. I was going to tell her all about it, but I've been busy."

Shin rebutted with a shrug.

Bull: "Rule ten of the reapers, once a soul avoided a second reaping, us reapers will grant that human a Reaper's Pardon. The human's death clock will reset to the next possible death date, extending that human's life."

Bull explained to Julia after letting her leg go.

After hearing this, Julia looked at the child and saw that his death clock has indeed been extended to the same death date as everyone in town. The child is also now frozen in time because of the Adjudicator's powers, since he is no longer his target. She breath a sigh of relief knowing that she bought the boy more time.

Bull: "You have disrupted the natural balance. Now you must pay the price."

The Adjudicator said to Julia, scowling at her as he does. He then summoned his scythe from thin air. A massive weapon that had the skull of a bull on top of it. As Bull aims to use his weapon at Julia, Shin stepped in between them.

Shin: "Okay now, big boy. I know you're pissed because she broke the rules, but can't you just let this go? It's just one kid."

Shin said, trying to calm the Adjudicator down.

Bull: "LET THIS GO? Have you gone mad, Ibex? This is our purpose for existing. We are to uphold our duties, and if she can't keep herself from intervening with the natural order, then I will use this scythe and reap her powers out of her."

The Adjudicator declared to both Julia and Shin.

Shin: "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Bull. She's my first recruit, and I've gotten quite attached with this one. Besides, If you take her powers while she's still alive, she'll die. Rule number one, never take a human's life."

Shin replied as he shields Julia, and states one of the reaper rules.

Bull: "A soul for a soul. That's a fair trade for breaking the rules, wouldn't you say?"

Bull said to Shin.

Shin: "You damn hypocritical bastard. Fine. You want her? You'll have to go through me first, Bull."

Shin said in defiance to the Adjudicator, as he summoned his Ibex skulled scythe.

Bull: "Step aside, Ibex."

Bull ordered Shin.

Shin: "Why don't you make me, Bull."

Shin continues to defy the Adjudicator.

As a full on fight was about to take place, with Julia as a reluctant spectator, a voice shout out, preventing the two Reapers from going at each other's throats.

Calista: "That's enough from the both of you."

Said the Astral Reaper Calista. Hoping to stop the fight the two reaper's are about to start.