
My Highschool Reaper

Julia Blake, an aspiring journalist, just transferred to a new school and already, she has the scoop of a lifetime. A female student went missing on school grounds. As she searches for the truth, Julia uncovers a dangerous world full of monsters, demons, and a powerful reaper that she most rely on in other to survive her new reality. Can she trust her unlikely new friend, or is he hiding a secret more cruel and dangerous than the monsters they will fight?

Joby_manuel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Saturday came at last to Wolf's Rock. It's been two days since Julia and Shin rescued Linda and Magie from Ygesh who was posing as Ben the security guard. Magie was Flown to a specialist in Los Angeles for her arm reattachment, yet, Linda still hasn't woken up from her coma.

As per usual, Julia starts her day with a greeting from her alarm clock. As is the routine, Julia hit the alarm clock with a close fist slamming atop it. Julia headed down the stairs in her pajamas knowing that there's no need to rush since there is no school .

Once she reach their living room, she wa greeted by her father, sheriff Blake as he sat at the dining table in the adjoining dining room. The sheriff was sipping coffee as he finished setting the table for their breakfast.

Sheriff Blake: "Mornin, Apple Crumbs. Did you sleep well?"

The sheriff said as he greeted his daughter.

Julia: "Yeah. I slept great last night."

Julia replied with a blatant lie. She was up almost all night thinking of what she saw above her father's head. The same thing she sees now as she sat across the table from him. She father's death clock hovers above the sheriff's head as it counts down ever closer to the time of everyone's demise.

Sheriff Blake: "So, any plans today? Cause, I was thinking may by we could go see a movie."

Julia: "Sorry, dad. I'm actually going to hang out with Shin today. I was thinking maybe he can help me start a journalism club, since there's not one setup in the school yet."

Julia replied with the partial truth this time. True, she was going to ask Shin to help her set up a Journalism club, but the main reason for her meeting up with him was to check if he has any new leads on averting the disaster that might hit the town in less than two months.

Sheriff Blake: "Wow, Shin again, huh. Are you two dating now or something? That was fast. you just met him two days ago."

Sheriff Blake asked, concerned with his daughter's dating life.

Julia: "No. We're just friends. We just happen to share the same experience and hanging out to get to know each other."

Julia said in protest.

Sheriff Blake: "Well, he seems like a good kid, and he did help you save those girls. I just want you to be careful. Boys only want one thing after all."

Julia: "Yeah, I don't think we need to worry about Shin when it comes to that."

Julia said, thinking that reapers don't have sex because they are supernatural being.

Sheriff Blake: "Oh. So, Shin's like, one of them genderfluid people? Good for him."

The sheriff replied, not understanding what his daughter ment.

Julia: "Dad, that's not what i me... You know what, never mind."

Julia said, trying to drop the sex topic all together.

After their breakfast, sheriff Blake left for work, leaving Julia at home to plan her day as she meets up with Shin. However, Julia got a call from Tina before she had time to call Shin.

Julia: "Hey, Tina. What's up?"

Julia asked.

Tina: "Hey, Julia. So, Shin said you help with convincing your dad to let us see Magie before her operation in L.A. So, I was thinking, as thanks for helping us out, me and the rest of the buys in the theatre club would like to invite you to hang out today."

Julia: "Wow. I'd like to, but I'm not sure I can go there."

Tina: "Oh come on, Julia. Everyone's going to be there. Merc, Ken, Babs, Shin, Henry, and me. You're the guest of" honor. You have to come.

Tina said insistently.

Julia wondered as soon as she heard that Shin would be there, "Why would Shin want to have me invited to a get together with everyone in the theatre club?" sprang into her mind.

Julia: "Fine. Since everyone's going to be there, I guess I have no choice."

Julia said to her new friend.

After getting the location of the meeting place, Julia got ready to go and hangout with everyone. They were all supposed to meet at the mall, so, Julia was about to call a Wolftrack ride, when she got a text message from Shin.

Shin: "Are you dressed and ready to go to the get together?"

the message read.

Julia: "Yeah. I'm about to call for Wolftrack."

Julia replied.

Once Julia replied, Shin teleported in her room through his portal.

Julia: "Shin! WHAT THE HELL?"

Julia shouted, surprised that Shin just barged into her room.

Shin: "What? You said you were dressed. You look great, by the way."

Shin plainly stated, while complimenting her on her outfit, which was a red sleeveless turtleneck crop top, tattered jeans, and a dark green blazer with a half cut torso.

Julia: "Okay, New rule. No teleporting in my room without permission... And thanks."

Julia angrily replied, yet still thanks Shin for his complement.

Once the matter of Shin not allowed to randomly teleport into Julia's room anymore has been settled, the pair teleported into an alleyway near the mall. They walked the rest of the way there, and found Tina and Babs were waiting by the entrance.

Babs: "Hey, Shin... Why are you with the new girl?"

Babs said, a tinge of annoyance can be subtly heard in her voice.

Shin: "Well, since the mottel I'm staying at is pretty close to her house. So, I figured I should just pick her up, and come here together."

Tina: " You know where she lives?"

Questioned Tina.

Shin: "She's the sheriff's kid. of course I know where the sheriff lives. I'm a foreign kid in a strange new land. I have to know where the officers are at."

Shin reasoned to the girls.

Tina: "For a "Foreign kid" you speak better English than my uncle Chen who's been here for twenty years. And are you always this friendly to people you just met?"

Shin: "Hell yeah, I'm always friendly. Babs and I always walk with each other once schools over since her house is on the way to the bus I take to get home."

Babs: "I thought I was special to you, Shin."

Babs said, trying to make Shin feel bad for being with another girl.

Shin: "You're a born star, Babs. You're always special to me."

Shin said to Babs without an ounce of hesitation, making Babs blush.

Shin: "So... Where are the rest of us, huh?"

Shin added, while looking for signs of Henry, Ken, and Merc.

Tina: "Ken's taking a leak, and Henry and Merc are running a little late. Henry probably has a lot on his plate, seeing that Linda hasn't come out of her coma."

Tina said as she seemingly sympathized with Henry.

Babs: "Yeah. Not just that. They still haven't caught that bastard, Mr. Trackmore. I'm scared to think that someone like that is out there just waiting for another victim."

Babs said, worried that Ben might still be out looking for victims.

Shin: "Don't worry. I'm sure he can't hurt anyone wherever he is now, since everyone is looking for him."

As they continue talking, Ken came back from the johns, and not long after that, Henry and Merc finally arrived. Once the gang was complete, they all headed to the call for their welcoming party for Julia. The party's first stop was the Karaoke place called Jacob's Karaoke.

The group of teens rented a room where they sang their favorite song. Shin even found a Japanese song that he likes in the machine. Julia was an average singer as well as Shin and Henry, while Ken was quite bad. The real standout performances were from Babs, Henry and Tina. Babs sang a beautiful rendition of somewhere over the rainbow. Henry sang Can't help falling in Love, that would make Elvis himself misty eyed. And Tina sang a hauntingly mesmerizing version of Chandelier anyone has ever heard.

Julia: "Oh my God, Tina, that was amazing. I had no idea you could sing like an angel."

Julia complemented Tina as she was enamored by her captivating voice.

Tina: "Thanks. My mom's an opera singer. She trained me ever since I was little. But I never had a taste for classical music, so I just sing whatever I feel like singing."

Tina said, telling Julia a little more about her life.

Merc: "Yeah, Tina, Babs, and Henry have always been really great singers. That's why whenever we have some interschool singing contest, we get one of them to perform, and we'd win almost always."

Merc said, beaming with pride for his friends.

Ken: "Yeah, except last year against Raven High. Right, Babs?"

Ken said to Babs, implying that she was the only one that lost her singing


Babs: "Shut up, Ken. I don't want to hear criticism from someone as tone deaf as you. Besides, Katy Langer was definitely sleeping with one of the judges. I saw them winking at each other while on stage. You believe me right, Shin?"

Babs retort, and looking at Shin for reassurance.

Shin: "Of course, Babs. You're an amazing singer."

Shin replied, complementing Babs.

Shin: "But, man. I can't believe there's a Japanese song on this machine. I was kidding when I said I wanted to sing Junjou Na Kanjou, but it was there."

Shin said, surprised that a song in his native tongue was a viable choice in an American karaoke machine.

Ken: "Oh, yeah. I know one of the guys that work here. He's a big anime weeb. I'm pretty sure he's the one that suggested they put some anime songs here."

Shin: "Sweet. Let's see if they have Queen Bee's song, Fire in here."

Shin said, looking for another anime song.

The group continued to sing for another two hours, then they went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. As everyone ordered, they made sure to let Julia know that her meal will be the theatre club's treat.

Julia: "Thanks, guys, but really there's no need for this."

Julia said, disputing her worthiness to get this type of treatment.

Henry: "Nonsense. You know as well as I do that you more than deserve this treat from us. just sit back and let us pamper you."

Henry said, hinting his gratitude for her saving Linda from Ben.

Julia: "Thanks, Henry. Alright, let's dig in."

Julia said, finally accepting the group's generosity.

Shin: "You know, this is a little unfair. When I first got here, All I got from you guys was a keychain of a werewolf. Sure, the werewolf on the chain was dope, but come on."

Shin complained to his club members.

Babs: "You know, Shin, You're welcome to have dinner at my house anytime. I'll even cook for you. I can make a really good cordon bleu."

Bab's inviting Shin for dinner, seemingly to make up for not getting the same welcome Julia is getting right now.

Shin: "How about tonight? Say... Eight PM?"

Shin replied, taking Babs up on her offer.

Babs: "R-really? sure. Eight PM. It's a date."

Babs agreed right away, calling it a date. Julia looking a little uneasy.

Merc: "Oh, get a room, you two. Can't you see we tryin to eat?"

Merc protested, the same way he did with Henry and Linda.

Henry.: "You know what, Shin? I cover for your meal too. you deserve it for everything you've done for us ever since you got here."

Henry offered, because he also help Linda, but didn't let anybody else know about it.

Shin: "Awe. Thanks, Henry. You're a real awesome guy."

Shin said in gratitude.

Once they started eating, everyone talked and reminisce on the times they have with the theater club. Like the reason Tina always get's non speaking roles in their play is because she's not a very good actress. or The time Merc played Paul Bunyan's ox in one of their plays.

Ken: "Man. I remember Linda directing the hell out of that Paul Bunyan play. I don't think that would have worked if she wasn't there."

Ken saiD, forgetting the state Linda is currently in right now. Babs then punched him in the arm for that mistake.

Babs: "Ken, not cool'

Babs said under her breath.

Ken: "Oh, man. I'm so sorry, Henry. I'm so stupid, I don't even think of the things I say."

Ken, very apologetic for what he said.

Henry: "No. It's Okay, Ken. She really is an awesome person."

Henry replied. A bitter smile formed on his lips.

Julia: "How is Linda now, Henry? Any improvements?"

Julia inquires Henry of Linda's current condition.

Henry: "She's still in her coma. The doctors are still doing test on her, but right now, they said they still don't know why she hasn't woken up since everything from her vitals to her brain activities suggest she's fine."

Henry explained. The pain of his girlfriend's absence showed in his eyes.

Shin: "Well, to Linda. Our capable director has always led us out of sticky situations. I'm sure she'll find her way out of this one too."

Shin said while holding up a glass of tap water in the air for a toast to Linda's recovery.

With Shin's words, everyone's unease were lifted, and they all toast their glasses for Linda. Once the lunch is over everyone started saying their goodbyes and headed home. the only one's left were Babs, Tina, Shin, and Julia.

Babs: "So, you going home now, Shin?"

Babs asked the young man.

Shin: "Not yet. Julia here needs a little tour of the town, so I was going to show her around."

He replied.

Babs: "W-well, me and Tina can do that. It would be like a girls bonding tour around town."

Babs said, not wanting Shin to be alone with Julia.

Tina: "Actually, I have to be home in twenty minutes. My brother's coming home from college for a two day vacation."

Tina said, to Bab's disappointment.

Babs: "Well, then I 'll come with you guys. I have lived here my entire life. I'd be a great guide."

Bab's said, insisting that she get's to accompany Julia and Shin.

Shin: "As much as want you to come with us, Babs, you'd have to prepare for our dinner date later, right? Don't worry, Julia and I will be fine. I'll make it worth your while later, I promise."

Shin replied as he touched Babs hands.

Babs: "O-okay. If you say so. But, don't forget. Eight PM, sharp."

Babs said, flustered from Shin's touch.

Shin: "You're the best, Babs. See you later. Come on, Julia. I'll show you where the local library is."

Shin then left Babs and Tina as he dragged Julia by the hand to lead her for a tour.

Tina: "You got it bad for that boy."

Tina commented to the love struck Babs.

Babs: "I know, but, he's just so cute. Those eyes are so mesmerizing. And you know how much I love K-pop and J-pop boy bands. "

Babs replied to Tina's disapproving comments.

Once Shin and Julia are for enough from the two girls, they started talking in a more serious tone.

Julia: "You know that girl has a crush on you, right?"

Julia stated,

Shin: "I know. But don't worry, I'm not going to hurt her. I'm just gonna turn her down gently. After I get my free dinner."

Shin replied, informing Julia of his intent.

Julia: "W-well, good. You're an over seven hundred year old Reaper after all, and she's a flesh and blood fifteen year old human girl. I don't think that would make a good match. I mean... Can you even be... You know. Intimate with someone?"

Julia question Shin on the thing that's been in her mind for quite some time now.

Shin: "If you're asking if I can have sex, then the answer is yes. Reapers have been given the perks of carnal pleasures just like any humans have."

Shin answered Julia's burning personal question.

Julia: "Shin, "Carnal pleasure"? Your age is really showing now."

Julia said, making fun of the way Shin spoke.

Shin: "What? Did you prefer I said that I can f**k any hole I want to with my massive d*ck?"

Shin replied in a more vocally graphic manner.

Julia: "Okay, okay. Jesus, you didn't have to be that graphic about it. Stick to your old timey words, then. Anyway...I tried to use my reaper's eyes on myself today, but I couldn't see my death clock. Why is that?"

Julia asks Shin as she wonders as to why she has no death clock.

Shin: "Simple. You're not allowed to know the day you're going to die. You might want to final destination your way out of death, and we can't have that now, can we?"

Julia: "I guess you have a point... But my dad, though... Never mind. So, what do you want to show me, anyway?"

Julia asked, changing her mind about bringing up the topic of her father's death clock.

Shin: "I want to show you the fragility of life. Do you see that kid over there, by the street light?"

Shin asked Julia as he pointed at a boy just across the street, looking no more than five years old.

Julia: "Yeah I do. Is he lost? Looks like he's been crying."

Julia replied, noticing the child's teary red eyes.

Shin: "Used your reaper's eyes on him. Tell me how much time he has left."

Shin told Julia.

As instructed, Julia used her new found powers to peer into the child's possible time of death, and was mortified by what she saw. The Child only has seconds to live. As the death clock's countdown nears its end, a dog came out of nowhere, and started barking at the little boy. The child was so startled, that he ran into the street, placing himself at the mercy of oncoming traffic. Just as the child's death clock hit zero, so too was a car about to hit the boy's tiny body, with no one else to help him. No one but Julia, that is.

Before the car mangles the boy's body, Julia tackled the child away from the car's path, saving his life. She then rolled her body in a way that she will be the one the hits the ground in their landing.

The impact of Julia's body made a loud sound that scared the barking dog away. Julia was still hugging the child tightly as she tried to get up. Before even checking on her own injury, she asked the boy if he is unharmed.

Julia: "Hey there, little boy. You okay? You didn't bump your head or anything, right?"

Julia asked the boy, very concerned about the child's well being. The child, however, said nothing to the girl that saved his life. probably too shock to reply.

Shin: "Nice tackle. You really launched yourself to the kid huh."

She commented on how Julia saved the boy.

Julia: "No thanks to you. Why the hell did you do that?"

Julia asked Shin on why he would want to make her watch as a boy was about to die.

Shin: "It was a test. Unfortunately, you failed it. Shin answered coldly, as time began to freeze their surroundings

Julia: "W-what's happening? Why has everything stopped moving?"

Julia thought out loud, questioning her eyes over what she is seeing.

Shin: "Ahh. punctual as always Mr. Adjudicator."

Shin said as he acknowledge the arrival of one of the most powerful reapers in the universe, the Adjudicator.