
My Highschool Reaper

Julia Blake, an aspiring journalist, just transferred to a new school and already, she has the scoop of a lifetime. A female student went missing on school grounds. As she searches for the truth, Julia uncovers a dangerous world full of monsters, demons, and a powerful reaper that she most rely on in other to survive her new reality. Can she trust her unlikely new friend, or is he hiding a secret more cruel and dangerous than the monsters they will fight?

Joby_manuel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

Calista, an Astral Reaper has appeared to stop the fight that was about to break out between Shin and Bull. Calista is an enchantingly beautiful woman with long raven hair, and sharp cat like eyes that beckons anyone to gaze upon them. She is wearing a one piece long sleeve dark grey dress that fits tightly at the top half and is a long skirt at the bottom with a slit that runs on the left front side from the waist down. Bull, Julia And Shin stared at her as she descended from above while she sat on her floating scythe that was an elk skull on top of tis blade.

Bull: "Stay out of this, Elk. The boy needs his lessons beaten in to him, so that he wouldn't forget what we are hear to do."

Bull addresses Calista, calling her by her reaper name as well.

Calista: "Shin is my recruit, there fore, if he needs a beating, I should be the one the deals it. Isn't that right, Shin?"

Calista replied, a chilling smile crept up her lips as she addresses Shin.

Calista: "Now, Shin. Give me one good reason why we shouldn't strip miss Blake's power and life off of her."

Calista continued, asking Shin for validations of her and Julia's actions.

Shin: "When I met Julia, I knew there was something special about her. She wasn't afraid to ask questions, and wants to get the truth no matter what the consequences might be waiting for her. We need people like her if we want to stop Hellbound creatures from taking more souls away from us. Calista, remember what I said about this town being destroyed by a supernatural threat and not a natural one? That theory came from her."

Shin explained the two higher class reapers. Letting them know how valuable Julia is to them as a reaper.

Calista: "So, you believe her claim that this town's destruction is not a man made disaster, but rather a supernatural one? And you think that's enough for us to over look this clear violation?"

Calista asked Shin.

Shin: "Without her help, I would have never found the two girls taken by that Fienderlush. And, she presented sound reasonings on why this might be a supernatural disaster. If it is, we might lose all the souls in this town. We owe her at least a second chance."

Shin continues to vouch for Julia.

Calista: "... Very well. I will continue to investigate the mater of the towns future destruction. In the meantime , Julia will be given a second chance to prove herself a reaper candidate."

Calista judged, leaving a sour taste in Bull's mouth.

Bull: "Did you plan all of this, Ibex."

Bull questions Shin.

Shin: "I can neither confirm nor deny that allegation, my dear sweet Bull. Sure, I had a feeling that Julia would try to save the child, but I never thought that she would actually have the power to force a Reaper's Pardon to be performed. If she has this much power now, how powerful will she become once she turns into a Reaper?"

Shin retorts.

Calista: "This mater has now been settled. However, you will report to me tomorrow in full about everything that happened in this town, Shin. Come, Bull. We've stayed here long enough."

Calista said as she opened a portal that she and Bull walked in to, leaving earth.

Once the two reapers left, time began to run it's course again. The boy woke up a few minutes after, and Julia and Shin escorted the boy back to where he almost died, where his mother was waiting frantically. Once the boy was reunited with his mother, they thanked Julia and Shin, and was on their marry way back home. Once the mother and son are gone Julia turned to Shin and asked.

Julia: "Shin. I think it's time we finished that interview."

She said with a tern look on her face.

Meanwhile, back in the hospital where Linda is recovering, we see Henry looking after Linda, as her father slept in the couch inside the emergency room they were in. Henry vigilantly watched over Linda, as only a boy in love could. Henry told the unconscious Linda the things she missed in school, and even the get together everyone had earlier that day.

Henry: "...Then, Shin and Julia liven the mood up at the end. I really wish you could have been there, babe. We miss you so much. When you wake up, me and your dad will take you anywhere you'd want to go."

Henry told the sleeping Linda, seemingly bargaining for her to wake up. Then, to Henry's surprise, Linda started speaking.

Linda: "Henry. Can you hear me?"

Linda asked the perplexed you man, who is now smiling from ear to ear.

Henry: "Linda. Oh my God, you're awake. Mr. S..."

Henry was cut off by Linda before he could wake Mr. Scholster, grabbing his hand tightly.

Linda: "No, Henry. I am not Linda. Linda isn't here right now. But, I am someone who can help her come back."

Linda said, claiming to be someone else.

Henry: "W-what are you talking about, babe? Let me go, I need to call the doctor to check yo...Ow!"

Henry was cut off again by Linda, as she squeezed Henry's hand tighter, making him yelp in pain.

Linda: "Listen well, boy, or else you will never hear your sweet Linda's voice ever again."

Linda, or whom ever is inside Linda's body said, threatening Henry to not draw any attention to their conversation.

Linda: "Now, if you ever want to have your dear sweet Linda wake up again, you, my dear boy will have to follow these six tasks."

Not Linda told Henry, as she took the pen and paper conveniently placed on her bedside table, and started writing on it, while her eyes are still closed. Once She is done writing, she handed the paper to a very confuse Henry.

Henry: "W-what am I suppose to do with this?"

Henry said to Linda.

Linda: "Just follow what is written there in the exact order. Do this in under two months, and I will revive your precious Linda. Fail just one, and she will die. And if you think I'm lying..."

The entity in Linda said, then, began to move and twisted Linda's fingers into odd angles, breaking a few of them.

Henry: "A-alright! I'll do what you want, just stop. Please!"

A teary eyed Henry shouted, waking up Mr. Scholster. Linda's body then stopped moving, as her vital started to go critical, forcing doctors and nurses to come rushing in the room. As Mr. Scholster and the hospital staff tent to Linda, Henry heard a disembodied voice that said, "Remember" as clear as day. Henry then pocketed the paper and contemplated on what action he should take now.

As the situation in the hospital was taking place. Julia and Shin finally restarted with the interview that they were unable to finish.

Julia: "So, can you finally tell me these ten Reaper Rules that you've been talking about?"

Julia said as she once again record their conversation with her phone.

Shin: "Sure, Julia. I thought you'd never ask."

Shin replied, as he list down the ten rules.

1. Never take a life of natural creatures. Reapers should only collect the souls of the dead.

2. you can never prevent a natural death from occurring. once the death clock runs out for someone, their time to pass has come.

3. If a supernatural creature is the cause of death of a human. you have full authority to kill said supernatural creature.

4. you can never disclose the the supernatural world to humans.

5. you can never lie to a fellow reaper.

6. Reapers must stay in their designated area that has been provided by the Astral Reapers.

7. Reapers that have recruited Reaper trainees must make sure that their trainees follow all the Reaper rules.

8. Relations with reapers and non reapers are allowed, granted that it will not lead to breaking any of the other rules.

9. If a human escapes reaping from natural causes, an Earthbound Reaper or Adjudicator must perform the second reaping.

10. If a reaper fails to reap the soul of a human after the human escapes natural cause of death, a reaper's pardon will be performed. the human's death clock will be recalculated to a new death date and extend the human's life.

Failure to meat these rules will either result in harsh punishment, or reaping, based on the severity of the rule they broke.

Julia: "So, based on rule seven, you're going to get punished for what I did, right?"

Julia asked Shin, a look of worry clearly seen in her eyes.

Shin: "Yeah. But, don't worry, Calista will be the one giving out the punishment, so it shouldn't be that harsh... I hope."

Shin said, second guessing his statement.

Julia: "Still... I'm really sorry. And thank you for protecting me. But I just couldn't let that kid die."

Julia apologies to Shin, and thanked him for what he's done for her.

Shin: "It's nothing, really. It was either you somehow manage to save the boy, or you get a lesson that sometimes, you just can't save everyone. Now, what's the next question?"

Shin stated, while quickly changing the topic.

Julia: "Okay. You mentioned something about ten Gods before. Can you tell me more about them?"

Julia continued.

Shin: "Ah, yeah. The Ten Gods of Light. There's actually only two of them remaining. At first they were made by Zormonth, the first God, later known as the God of Darkness. I was told that Zormonth left the Ten Gods alone to make the universe, but when he returned after being called by the Ten Gods, a fight ensued, leading to the Ten Gods banishing their Father to a void dimension. Not long after, they made the other five alternate universes and the Infinity Stream to power them."

Julia: "Wow... That's gonna take me awhile to wrap my head around... So, you said there's only two of them now? What happened to the other eight?"

Julia asked.

Shin: "Over three thousand years ago, an all out invasion was launched by Zormonth on all universes. He and his four apocalyptic Generals attacked the first universe, while Zormonth's other forces attacked the other six. The Ten God's were forced to split up to save the worlds they made. at the end of the multiversal war, only two Gods survived. They have now designated the well being of the Universes to us Reapers and other Supernatural beings on the side of good to maintain these worlds from falling in to the hands of Hellbound beings, while they guard the Infinity Stream."

Julia: "Three thousand years ago? That's not very long ago though. Why wasn't there any proof of such a devastating war in the historical files?"

Julia questioned Shin, a tad skeptical of his claims.

Shin: "There's no records of it on this world, but there are in the other five. You see, this universe is universe four. Out of the other five universes, this is the only universe where humans can't use either magic or any super powers what so ever, unless given to them by other supernatural being like me. The Gods said it was to see if a world without powers can thrive even without magic. Turns out, magic still found it's way here, but only earthbound spirits can use them, not humans or animals. a far cry from the other universes. That's why the reapers and other Earthbound beings at that time used their powers to erase this war from history, since humans with no magic couldn't handle how the world truly was. "

Shin gave out a lengthy explanation.

Julia: "Then, why are you giving all these information out to me? Are you thinking no one will believe this?"

Julia asked Shin.

Shin: "Not really. The real reason is, I feel that if it's you, people will start to believe it. I think it's time the world found out everything that goes on in the dark."

Shin replied, hopeful that the world is more understanding now then ever before.

Julia: "...Are there any news about the calamity being of supernatural origin yet?"

Julia asked, checking if they can save the people in town.

Shin: "Puck said he might have intel on a spell that is similar to what might be being used in town, but he wouldn't be able to get it till tomorrow.. Either way, Its looking a little more like it has something to do with a Supernatural origin."

Julia: "Good. Please let me know what you guys get. Finally, what are the Hellbound creatures?"

The final question Julia had was regarding the Hellbound beings.

Shin: "There's actually little known about Hellbound creatures. Other than the fact that hey were created mainly as foot soldiers back in the war three thousand years ago, the only thing we know is they steal the souls of the people that they eat and transfer it to the Hell Furnace, a malicious version of the Infinity Stream. They have also been summoned by humans to fulfil their desires, but other than that, nothing else is known. The Hell Gods on the other hand are almost a complete mystery. Other than one being a former Adjudicator Reaper, and one being once an Earthbound Deity, no one else knows who they are or what they look like but the first ones who fought them three thousand years ago."

As Julia and Shin finish up with the interview, and getting ready to go home, We find ourselves following Henry, who has just bought a small white rabbit and heading to the northern park, at the farthest north corner of Town. This park was shut down years ago due to safety concerns, and is barely maintained by the town. Here, Henry is searching for something. It took Henry about two hours to find what he was looking for, which was a small paper marker with a shovel beside it.

Once he found the marker, he put down the cage that housed the rabbit, and he used the pre-ready shovel and started digging on the ground where the marker was. As sweat covered Henry's body from the exerting task of digging up the ground for almost an hour, he finally hit something solid. As he brush away the dirt that covered his prize, he found what he was digging for. A hexagonal black stone, white runes carved in the center of it.

After finding the Rune stone that was further embedded in the ground, Henry then hopped out of the hole he dug, grabbed his white rabbit by the scruff, and jumped back in the hole. With his right hand, Henry reached inside his front pants pocket, and pulled out the knife he was carrying. Slowly, and with great hesitation, Henry placed the knife on the rabbit's neck, and said "I'm so sorry." before running the knife through the animal's neck, killing it. As the Rabbit twitch it's final struggles, its blood hit the rune stone, causing it to glow an ominous purple hue. As Henry cried his silent sobs, the first task in his list of tasks have been fulfilled.