
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

Villains Attack

On a mountain peak in the distance, a group of dangerous individuals with varying appearances had gathered. Among them were two individuals that Renault had encountered before.

One was Dabi, who had skin that seemed patched together and could control blue flames.

The other was Toga Himiko, a girl who could disguise herself as others.

The rest of the group were unknown.

The League of Villains had once again planned to attack after discovering the location of U.A.'s training camp.

Toga, who wore a mask, complained, "I hate this, it's not cute!"

Beside her, a guy wearing a gas mask and carrying a tank on his back, dressed in a senior high school uniform, replied, "It was designed by the behind-the-scenes designer and developer. Despite its appearance, the performance is quite good."

"I didn't ask about that! I'm talking about how it's not cute!"

"Hey~ Long time no see." A man with red-brown hair parted down the middle, wearing sunglasses and holding a long object wrapped in cloth, approached them in a seductive tone.

Behind him was a guy wrapped in black cloth, covered in studded restraints with his mouth held open by a nail. He swayed as he walked and said, "Work... Work..."

Beside Dabi was a man wearing a black cloak and a white mask on his face who impatiently said, "Whatever, let's go! I can't hold back my excitement any longer!"

Clearly, he was a fighter.

Dabi turned to them and said, "Shut up, you bunch of weirdos. It's not time yet. We'll wait until all ten of us are here before we start. No matter how many small-time hooligans we scare off, it only increases the risk. We need to find experienced elites if we want to succeed."

Watching the training camp facilities slowly fall into silence in the distance, Dabi narrowed his eyes and said, "First of all, I want you to know that your peace is all in our hands."


Late at night.

Because of the high-intensity training on the first day, only a few people who failed their final exams and were still attending Aizawa's remedial classes remained awake, while the others slept heavily.

Renault was no exception. The daytime battles were always fought under the circumstances of exhaustion, resulting in a significant depletion of energy and spirit.

However, at 2 o'clock in the morning, when Kaminari and Sero sneaked back, Renault woke up.

"Is the remedial class finally over?" Renault sat up from the bed and checked the time. "It's already 2 o'clock. You guys should go to bed quickly. We have to wake up at 7 AM tomorrow."

Then, Renault got up and prepared to go out.

Kaminari and Sero have become somewhat dazed. After giving way to him, who seemed to need to use the restroom, they collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep instantly.

After having dinner and taking a shower, Renault went to bed early, but he couldn't fall asleep now that he had woken up. So, he decided to come out and move his body.

On the second floor, Aizawa, who had just finished tutoring the students and was about to rest, heard the movement in the yard below. He opened a window and saw Renault exercising. He thought about the reason for this and didn't stop him; he closed the window and went back to rest.


The next day, everyone woke up in an exhausted state and continued the same training.

However, during their training, they received a notification that if they trained well that day, there would be a surprise in the evening. However, the group didn't really want any surprises; they just wanted to train less. But it was clear that this was impossible.

In the evening, it was time to make dinner again.

Although they had requested something different, the ingredients had already been prepared, and they could only eat curry again.

Bakugo, who had been slacking off during cooking yesterday, took the initiative to chop vegetables today, and his knife skills were impressive.

"Where did Renault-kun go?" a few girls asked as they chopped vegetables and looked around, noticing that he was not around.

Aizawa surveyed the area and overheard the girls' conversation. "His stamina recovered already, so he was called to make preparations for tonight's activity. He will be back soon. You guys can make dinner for now."

"What activity is happening tonight?"

"I heard something was transported here in the morning, but I'm not sure what it is."

After Renault returned, he remained tight-lipped about the evening's activity, despite everyone's anticipation. After dinner and showering, Pixie-Bob brought everyone to the forest near the facility and announced, "Tonight's activity is a test of courage contest!"


Suddenly, Aizawa spoke up and poured cold water on their excitement, "Before that, as cruel as it may seem, the remedial students will join me for a lesson."

And so, the three of them were dragged back to class.

"Don't leave us!"

"Let us participate in the test of courage!"

But nobody paid attention to them. They were left out of the ballot for the teams.

Renault looked at the teams for the sixth group in his hand and laughed as he said to his teammate Midoriya, "It's a good thing that nobody got stuck with being alone in a group, and the one-person groups..."

The two of them looked over to where the Grape Mineta had pulled the one-person group, and they smiled at each other. Although it was a bit unfair, this was still the best team formation.

Soon, the test of courage began, and Class B was responsible for scaring people first. The members of Class A entered in groups, and the first few groups screamed in terror. When the fifth group of Uraraka and Tsuyu, went in, Renault and Midoriya were preparing at the entrance.

"Hmm?" Renault moved his nose and sensed something was wrong. "Burning smell..."

"What?" Midoriya looked confused.

"I smell something burning! Something's not right!" Renault immediately took off into the air and flew up. Sure enough, in the distant forest, smoke was rising, along with spreading blue glow.

"Blue flames..." At the same time, Renault noticed that his System, which had been so silent and felt like being submerged underwater, had resurfaced and issued a mission.

He glanced at it and immediately landed, finding Pixie-Bob below. "If you haven't set up a fire for a rescue training session, call everyone back now! Villains are attacking!"


By this time, the smell of burning had reached most of the people, and Pixie-Bob also saw the faint blue flames in the distance and acted quickly.

"Everyone! Return to the facilities immediately! Shino, contact everyone in the forest!"


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