
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

Tsundere Railgun?

Electric flashes emerged from the alley, and Renault could immediately tell that this was a sign of abundant electrical power. The girl who was throwing a tantrum inside was probably someone with an electrical Quirk, similar to the one in Renault's class, Kaminari Denki.

However, there were some differences. Although Kaminari Denki had a good discharge ability, he seemed to have a limit, and he was always secretive about what would happen if he exceeded it. It was probably not a good phenomenon, like fainting or passing out. However, his ability was much better than that of Midoriya Izuku's quirk. As long as he was stable, Kaminari Denki could continue to support the team for a long time.

After thinking for a moment, Renault looked at the end of the electric flashes and wanted to go over and take a look. After all, although he was a delinquent, he couldn't just let someone get electrocuted, right?

When he walked to the entrance of the alley, he saw five men lying on the ground wearing clothes that clearly indicated that they were delinquents. They were all emitting black smoke and convulsing, having all fallen into a coma.

Standing in the middle of some pieces of charcoal with her back facing Renault, was a girl with shoulder-length tea-colored hair wearing casual clothing. She was clapping her hands while coldly saying, "This is all the ability you guys have? And you still dare to harass girls? Consider this a little lesson."

"Only a little lesson? Impressive," Renault said.

"Who are you?" The girl heard a sound behind her and immediately turned around, with a strand of electric light flashing through her hair.

"Hmm?" Then, the girl saw a handsome white-haired boy holding a shopping bag in his hands, wearing a U.A. High School uniform.

This was the school she wanted to attend in the future!

As the girl was staring at the boy's clothes, she froze for a moment. And while the girl was lost in thought, Renault also looked at her face and was also stunned.

Chestnut shoulder-length hair, the same chestnut-colored pupils, a pretty face without any makeup traces, tall stature at about 1.6 meters, the only flaw being a slightly flat figure.

But none of these were important. The most important thing was that Renault recognized this girl!

Isn't this Misaka Mikoto from A Certain Scientific Railgun?

Sister Railgun, the tsundere gun!

Although Renault didn't watch much anime before crossing over, he still recognized the famous characters. Even after all these years, with the girl's appearance and electrical abilities, Renault was 100% certain that the person in front of him was Misaka Mikoto!

No, it could also be a parallel world, where appearance and abilities were the same but the name was different, right?

Yeah, that's possible!

Thinking of this, Renault smiled and walked into the alleyway.

Seeing Renault's actions, the girl also snapped out of her thoughts and took a step back, looking at Renault warily. "What do you want? I'm just teaching these thugs a lesson."

"Don't worry, I can tell what's going on. I just came to see if I recognize any of these people. After all, I've beaten up my fair share of thugs in this area and still have some sway around here."

As he spoke, Renault approached the girl, and up close, he became even more confident that this girl was Misaka Mikoto. She was identical to his memory.

After looking at the girl, Renault crouched down and examined the thugs lying on the ground. Although they were a bit beaten up and looked a bit wretched, Renault quickly recognized them.

"Wow, these are the guys I fixed up and chased away a month ago."

As he spoke, Renault stood up and kicked the ringleader of the thugs he had dealt with before.

"Open your eyes, I know you have a strengthened body. Your lackeys might be unconscious, but you won't. After all, this girl probably didn't use her full strength."

Renault could tell that the girl had been holding back the whole time, as she had appeared to be in complete control.

As expected, three seconds later, the man on the ground immediately opened his eyes and stood up, alertly staring at Renault.

"What do you want?"

"I don't want anything. I just think that you really have a bad memory. Didn't I warn you not to come to this place again? I didn't expect you to come here and harass a girl again. How does it feel to meet your match?"

"...You just wait and see!"

After saying that, he didn't even bother with his lackeys on the ground and tried to run away. However, Renault wouldn't let him escape. He kicked a small stone next to him with his right foot, activated his ability, and hit him on the back of his head in an instant, knocking him out again.

"I let you go last time, but if I let you go again, won't I lose face?"

With one hand free, Renault called the police he knew in the area. "Hello... it's me, it's me... We have another thug causing trouble in my area. He was harassing a girl and got electrocuted. Can you come and take him away?... Huh?... Do we need to fill out paperwork?... No need for that!"

While he was on the phone, Renault glanced over at the uneasy girl next to him and said, "She's just a little girl. Do we really need to take her to the police station?... Hurry up and come take care of it. I'll send you my location."

After hanging up, Renault prepared to leave. "You too, it's getting late. Just go home. But try not to do this again in the future. The police have a hard time dealing with this if it happens too often."

"Tha-Thank you." The girl looked at Renault and whispered a small "thank you."

"No need to thank me. I didn't do anything."

Shaking his head, Renault walked out of the alley. Although the girl was probably Misaka Mikoto, Renault didn't have any special thoughts about her. He just thought of her as a cute girl who could emit electric shocks.

Soon, he heard footsteps following behind him.

Stopping in his tracks, Renault looked at the person and asked, "Is there something you need?"

The girl shook her head desperately and then pointed ahead, saying, "My home is there."

"Hmm?" Renault looked in the direction she was pointing and saw that the girl's home was the same house that had just been moved into.

"Well, that's quite a coincidence," Renault said, smiling at the girl. "The grocery store on the corner ahead is my home. We're neighbors now. I haven't introduced myself yet, but my name is Renault."

"Oh!" The girl also realized and blushed, saying, "I'm Misaka Mikoto. I just moved in here. Nice to meet you, senpai."

Okay, the tsundere trope is confirmed. And calling him "senpai"? She must be a junior high student.

Shrugging, Renault said, "Nice to meet you too, new neighbor. I have to go back and cook now. Let's talk again some other time."

"Okay, goodbye."



Renault and Misaka Mikoto looked at each other quietly, and then their gaze slowly moved to the girl's stomach.

Misaka Mikoto immediately covered her stomach, blushing and occasionally emitting a hint of electric light, loudly saying, "This is just a normal occurrence after using my quirk!"

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