
My Hero Academia : Lust Hero

Reborn into the world of My Hero Academia and being adopted by Midnight, Yugen pledges to avert tragedy from befalling both his cherished ones and beloved characters. Empowered by a unique lust system, rewarding him with superpowers, items, bloodlines, and so on... for each intimate relationship with a woman, Yugen becomes the lust hero who harnesses the force of lust to save the world. Yugen : "The power of lust is unstoppable!" ---- Patreon : (add the point between N and C) patreoncom/saikikusu or just search: saikikusu in patreon search bar

SaikiKusu · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 31: First Resistance X Deal

Standing in the white space of the Infinity Bookmarks, Yugen vented his anger with a loud scream. A few moments later, his boiling blood calmed a little bit.

"I was too arrogant, and I got what I deserved. I treated them as NPCs and got slapped in the face. I must never underestimate my enemies, and I must strike them down as fast as possible, never give them a chance to breathe!" Yugen noted this lesson that cost him one life to learn.

This battle against the Thunder Serpents gang was the first time Yugen used his quirk in a fight in his entire life. He was excited to show off his techniques; he still hadn't revealed all of his cards, yet Ryuji didn't wait for him.

{You have been killed, analyzing the cause of death.}

a holographic blue window suddenly popped up in front of Yugen's face.

He guessed this must be the manifestation of his ability, Infinity Bookmarking's adaptive evolution part. The blue window had a simple bland design, with nothing special except the white message on it.

{Analysis end. Your causes of death are the following: Your speed was slow, which didn't allow you to dodge Ryuji's punch; your body defense is weak and was penetrated easily by Ryuji's punch; your heart was crushed and burned by the fiery fist; your physical strength was weak compared to Ryuji, making you unable to counterattack.}

{deducing suitable resistances... Please choose one of the following evolution paths:

1- **IRON BODY:** Strengthen your outer shell, developing an iron-like exoskeleton that can withstand external impacts to a certain extent.

2- **Enhanced Speed:** Increase your speed to superhuman levels, granting you the ability to evade attacks.

3- **Impact Absorption:** Your body will be bestowed with the capability to absorb incoming impacts, temporarily storing and subsequently releasing them. The absorption capacity is limited to the threshold within your body's structural endurance.

4- **Phasing:** Gain the ability to phase through solid objects, rendering yourself temporarily intangible.

5- **Regeneration** : Develop the ability to heal your body rapidly, mending wounds and injuries at an accelerated rate.}

Yugen silently stood in the Infinity Bookmarks space, with his hand below his chin. His eyes scanned the four options presented to him, each promising a unique path to enhance his abilities.

"Iron Body... enhanced speed... phasing... impact absorption, Regeneration" Yugen murmured to himself, his gaze shifting between the choices. He thought of all kinds of possible things he could do with each one of these abilities, which only made him even more hesitant about which one to choose.

"Damn, I want them all!" Yugen complained and held his aching head.

'If I acquire the impenetrable defense of an iron body, the swiftness of enhanced speed, the intangibility offered by phasing, and the ability to absorb impacts, the ability to heal myself, I'll become an existence similar to the First Nomu All Migh faced in USJ. I will quickly reach the level of top 10 heroes in an instant. Given some time, at max six months, I can reach the same level of Endeavor! With all these collective abilities, even All Might can't kill me!' Yugen thought excitedly.

"But since I can't get them all for now, let's choose the thing I lack the most now..."

"So I choose option number..." Yugen declared his choice.


Saitama city, Nemuri Hero office.

Nemuri, after organizing and reviewing all the cases received throughout the day, recalled something important. She promptly grabbed her phone and dialed a specific number.


Musutafu city, Kamio hero agency

a curvaceous young woman with purple eyes and voluminous blonde hair, lay sprawled across the couch. Her pale tan-colored bodysuit hugged her curves tightly as she watched Boring Drama, one hand supporting her head while the other occasionally scratched an itch between her plump cheeks. The orange accents on her costume stood out against the dark fabric of the couch, drawing attention to her every move. 


As she dozed off, lost in the world of television, her breathing became deeper and more rhythmic. Her chest rose and fell slowly underneath the tight fabric of her suit, accentuating its contours. Her large breasts swayed gently with each breath, casting shadows over the material that clung to them. 

She Yawned, a hint of sleepiness evident in her eyes.

"Damn, assigning me the night shift, they want to ruin my beauty! Damn," 

she muttered, her eyelids heavy with the weight of exhaustion. Another yawn escaped her lips, and she couldn't help but voice her discontentment with the inconvenient timing of her duty.

"Huh? Who's calling at this ungodly hour? I hope it's not Kamui and the gang asking for my support; I don't want to budge an inch!"

Nervously, Mt. Lady reached for her phone resting on the table in front of her. Upon seeing the name "Old Hag" displayed on the screen, she let out a sigh of relief. However, curiosity lingered as to why Nemuri was reaching out.

"Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've exchanged words with this old hag."

with a puzzled expression, she answered the call.

"Hey, Granny! What's got you ringing me up in the dead of night? Need to hear my sultry voice till you can't handle it anymore?"

"What did you just call me, you brat? I'm just in my thirties, I'm still young! You're in for a punishment, I swear. Next time, I'll make you as obedient as a well-trained pet!"

Mt. Lady had a mischievous grin, always finding joy in teasing Nemuri about her age. Nemuri, despite being in her thirties, couldn't help but feel a mix of insecurity and anger when someone brought up her age. 

"Hmph... daring to humiliate me, huh? I'll make you regret it!" Mt. Lady blushed and felt a rush of both shame and anger, recalling the various embarrassing moments Nemuri had put her through just last month. But, well, her body seemed to have its own honest reaction to those memories too. a certain lower area already starts salivating, greedy to experience that pleasure again.

"Alright, alright, enough with the games. I've got something serious to discuss," Nemuri's voice turned serious, causing Mt. Lady's mocking expression to fade.

"What's wrong?" Mt. Lady may enjoy teasing Nemuri, but that didn't mean she harbored any ill will towards her. They had their own unique way of getting along, after all. They were secret lovers and public friends, bound by a strong bond.

"Yugen will take The UA Entrance exam next year."

The clock on Nemuri's office wall ticked softly, She sat on a comfortable chair, surrounded by the dim glow of a desk lamp that cast a warm light on her face.

"Ohh, time really goes fast; so little Yugi wants to become a hero too. That's good... But why are you telling me this news?"

Nemuri ran a hand through her hair, letting out a quiet sigh. She glanced at the city lights twinkling through her office window, lost in thoughts about all what she experienced this day. all the sexual interactions she had with Yugen made her feel as if she was in a sweet dream, she wishes this dream will remain forever.

"I want you to help him prepare for the entrance exam. You have graduated from UA, so there is no one better than you for this matter."

As Nemuri spoke, she adjusted the papers on her desk, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and concern for her little brother's future. The current quirk filled world is a dangerous place, and becoming a hero will put you at the frontline of this danger. she doesn't want to see her lover in the future being injured in a fight against villains, or even worse, die. nor she wants herself to die and leave Yugen alone in this cruel world. so she must make him stronger! strong enough that nothing can threaten him. and at the same time, make herself even more stronger to protect him!

That's why, Yugen must have a harem, that's why she must let Yu agree at any cost!

Hearing this request, Mt. Lady was silent for a while. 

Although she wanted to help Yugen, her energy was limited. Her pro hero duties had consumed most of her day, leaving her in need of a restful break. The TV remote lay within arm's reach, tempting her to switch channels and escape the monotony of the show.

She said helplessly, "I really want to help him, but, as you know, I don't have time to accompany him. You better find someone else, maybe ask your other 'friends.' "

Nemuri glanced at the clock, realizing that her patrol time is near. The city outside her window seemed to be slowing down, giving way to the quietude of the night.

"Yu, there is no one better than you for this mission. aren't you free on Saturday and Sunday? Just pick one and come to Saitama. You only need to train him for four hours, and I'll compensate you for depriving you of rest by giving you fifteen thousand Yen for every training session!" Nemuri persisted, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.

"Are you stupid? Do I seem like I lack money? Are you looking down on me?" Mt. Lady's voice echoed through the office, breaking the stillness. She shifted on the couch, seemingly uninterested in the ongoing negotiation.

"Fine, 20 thousand!" Nemuri gritted her teeth and raised the price.

Mt. Lady's eyes flickered with a hint of greed as she considered the offer. The TV show continued its monotonous dialogue, failing to capture her attention fully.

"20 thousand? Aren't you a bit stingy for your little Yugi? If you pay me 50 thousand, I'll consider it," Mt. Lady said, her eyes now half-focused on the television screen.

"50 thousand?! You greedy bastard, do you want to bankrupt me?"

Mt. Lady yawned, she replied boringly.

"The choice is yours. Hurry up and choose before I sleep."

Nemuri considered the predicament. She glanced at her paperwork, realizing the weight of the decision she was about to make.

"How about this, I pay you 20 thousand, plus I'll allow you to 'Dominate' me after each training session?" Nemuri said with a mischievous sultry tone.

"Huh? Are you serious?" Mt. Lady sat on the couch in shock.

This Nemuri just said she will allows her to 'dominate'?!

That's something had never happened in all of their bedroom battles since they begin this relation.

Mt. Lady's checks blushed as she imagined herself doing all kinds of naughty stuffs to Nemuri while the later even though resisting still obeyed her orders.

After being subejcted to various 'tortures' and 'humiliations' by Nemuri, Mt Lady naturally developed interest in swapping positions, rebelling against her queen, and becoming the one who order!

but this was only a dream, Nemuri had never given her the chance to try, she always finds a way to subdue her.

"You are not lying right?" Mt. Lady verified in a shaky excited tone.

"Dead serious. So, do you agree?" Nemuri grinned in confidence, like a professional hunter as she realized the fish was hooked.

"Deal," she agreed, her voice shaking slightly with anticipation, She shifted on the couch, seemingly more attentive to the conversation now.

"You really love your little bro so much... I'm envious."

"He is my only family in this world after all."

"Tsk, goodbye. I'll come on Saturday; you better be prepared. I'll let you cry like a baby."

Nemuri chuckled, the tension in the room easing slightly. The negotiations had reached a tentative agreement.

"Hah, in your dreams. At least ten years are needed for you to achieve it."

"We will see."

As the conversation ended, the office returned to its quiet state, punctuated only by the soft hum of Nemuri's desk lamp.

"Yugen, Your sister did her best, now you can only rely on yourself, I'm sure Yu will fall into your charm!" Nemuri murmured as she stood up, ready to meet her other pro heroes teammates and start patrolling the streets of saitama city.


So which evolution path do you think Yugen will choose?