
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 30

"That's great! As expected of his majesty, the successor of One for All! But...After all of this, can you still keep smiling?"

-Katsuki Bakugo


The students watched as Izuku took on a hit and run tactics, hitting Kirishima a few times before retreating before the red head could react.

"Oh man, even with that cool new look Midoriya is still kicking his ass!" Said Kaminari, "He's really strong!"

Shouko frowned, feeling dissatisfied at Izuku for holding back. She really wanted to witness it with her own eyes. The power that made him the next Symbol of Peace.

She wanted to see, just why did her old man told her she was way too weak and increased her training. It was a few months ago, her father came home looking all angry like he was a volcano about to erupt.

And upon seeing her, he immediately took her to the training grounds and increased the intensity of her training, she was so exhausted on the first day that she passed out.

Not only that, the beatings she received were much more severe that she felt her muscles roaring in pain. She was definitely much stronger, however her father still told her that she was too weak.

After watching the video of Midoriya in I-Island, Shouko finally understood why her father deemed her weak, no, it wasn't because she was weak, but Midoriya is just too strong. And that speed, he is definitely capable of taking her down before she could even react.

"Hm, the fight's over." Said Bakugo, "Weird hair won't be able to win. He's only prolonging his suffering."

The others couldn't help but agree. They winced seeing how much power the punches of Izuku held.

Kirishima couldn't even react, and Izuku was circling around him and sending endless barrage of air pressure from finger flick.

Finally, Izuku finished the fight with an axe kick, knocking Kirishima unconscious as his transformation instantly disappeared and he reverted back to normal.

Izuku deactivated his Quirk and released a sigh before letting out a smile, "I can't say that you're a great fighter, but you're one hell of a man."

All Might raised his hand, "Winner, Izuku Midoriya!" He then pressed a button on the remote he was holding as four robots emerged the ground, All Might pointed at Kirishima, "Please take him to Recovery Girl."

The bots gave a salute before taking out a stretcher and carried Kirishima before leaving the gym.

"Alright! Let's start the second match immediately!" Said All Might before pulling out a paper from a box, "Let's see here.... Tsuyu Asui, versus Tenya Iida!"

Iida immediately went to look for his opponent, a dark-green haired girl with large eyes in a crouching position similar to a frog.

"So you are to be my opponent?" Asked Iida.

"Kero." Asui nodded.

"Then let's have a fair and honorable fight!" Said Iida as he gave a 90° bow.

Asui just put a finger on her lips, "You're pretty stiff, kero."

"Alright fighters! On to the ring now!" All Might exclaimed.

"Who do you guys think will win?" Asked Kaminari.

"I honestly don't know," said Shoji, "But, Iida is ranked fifth in the test yesterday, while Asui is ranked around the middle. So I guess Iida has a higher chance of Winning."

"But you can't use that as a basis on who'll win," said Ojiro, "True it may help, but skills, creativity, and other factors are important to determine the winner of a fight."

"You're right." Said Shoji with a nod. "Just like what Midoriya showed earlier where he completely beat Kirishima without much trouble, even without using his Quirk."

Izuku smiled and said, "Thanks for the compliment, but Kirishima was pretty good too. The only reason why I could beat him is because he was slow, and he doesn't have any long or mid-range attacks."

"...I guess." Said Ojiro.

"That transformation is badass though!" Exclaimed Kaminari.

"Fighters ready!?" All Might raised his hand as the students shut their mouth and watched the fight, "Begin!"

Iida wasted no time and dashed towards Asui who began to jumped around and avoid Iida's kicks.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "This fight is rather interesting. Iida has the speed and power, while Asui has flexibility and quick reaction time. This a rather perfect match."

"However," Ojiro began as he narrowed his eyes, "Their fighting styles are rather sloppy, probably self-made to compliment their Quirks. It's full of openings I can easily exploit."

"They probably just watched videos on YouTube or something and copied them, just changing it slightly to suit their Quirks." Said Bakugo.

Momo nodded, "I can see traces of Taekwondo on Iida-san's fighting style, and Savate on Asui-san's movements."

"Savate?" Toru asked, looking at Momo.

It was Izuku who answered, "It's a French kickboxing combat sport that uses the hands and feet as weapons combining elements of English boxing with graceful kicking techniques."

Aoyama was suddenly interested. He knew of Savate, but he didn't bother learning it. Still, it's from his homeland, so he should observe carefully.

"Oh." Toru nodded, not that they can see her, "You really know a lot about Martial Arts huh, Midori."

'Midori?' Izuku thought, but decided to ignore it and nodded with a smile, "Yep! I learned everything I could just so I could become a hero!"

"Speaking of which," Mina appeared in front of Izuku with a sparkling eyes, "That capo-something, can you teach me!? That looks so cool! Don't worry, I'm already an expert in dancing!"

Izuku blinks, before letting out a smirk, "Well, how about if you beat me on a dance floor, I can consider teaching you."

"Oh, you did not challenge me to a dance showdown!" Mina grinned, "I won't lose!"

"Ahem!" Momo coughed, as Izuku and Mina turned towards her, "Please, let's focus on the fight first and talk about that later."

"Oh, right," Izuku nodded and turned his attention to the fight, while Mina just stared at Momo, who appears embarrassed with a smile.

"Iida is going to lose," said Izuku as he watched Iida struggling to hit the nimble Asui as she hopped around, and sometimes jumping on top of him and kicking his face, even using her tongue to 'punched' him.

"Her tongue is surprisingly strong," said Ochako, "Iida actually stumbled from it."

"Even with that incomplete and sloppy fighting styles of hers, I can't deny that it really compliment her Quirk." said Camie with her head leaning on Bakugo's shoulder, "She looks very experienced with it, seems like she's been into fights before."

Suddenly, Tsuyu managed to catch Iida off guard and caused him to lose his balance, taking that chance, Tsuyu pushed Iida out of the ring with a powerful kick.

"Winner! Tsuyu Asui!" All Might declared as Iida just watched in shock, it took him a few moments to understood that he lost and let out a defeated smile.

He walked towards Tsuyu and extended his hand for a handshake, "That was a great match Asui-san, you made me realize that I still have so much to learn!"

Tsuyu shook his hand and said, "Just call me Tsu, kero."

Iida blinks in confusion, but didn't say anything and went back to the other students who said their congratulations on the match.

"Now for the third match!" All Might exclaimed and took a piece of paper on the box, "Denki Kaminari, versus.....Ibara Shiozaki!"

"Alright!" Kaminari pumped his fist and grinned, 'I get to fight a cutie...I kinda don't want to fight her though...she's so cute, and pure, oh I should I ask her out sometimes.'

Ibara clasp her hands and closed her eyes and offered a short prayer before walking towards the ring, followed by Kaminari.

"Hey Shiozaki-chan~?" Kaminari smiled as Ibara looked at him with a confused look, "Wanna go and grab something to eat after school?"

She tilted her head, her confused face almost made Kaminari squeal due to how cute she currently look.

"It's just something to console you..." He smiled, yellow electricity traveled all over his body.

"Ready!?" All Might raised his hand and shouted, with Izuku looking interested in Kaminari's Quirk, "Fight!"

"...Cuz it'll be over in an instant," Kaminari raised his hand as yellow electricity danced around his body, "Indiscriminate Shock, 1.3 Million Volts!"

He summoned large amount of electricity as Ibara quickly turned around, and created a shield of vines using her Quirk, protecting her from the attack.

"Weee~" Kaminari's face turned derpy in an instant as the rest of the class, including All Might sweatdrop.

Ibara then controlled her vines and captured Kaminari before throwing him out of the ring.

Jiro smirked, "Well, I guess it was really over in an instant."

"Is...he okay?" All Might walked towards Kamira and poked his cheeks.


"He's fine." All Might carried Kaminari and just lay him down to the side.

Ibara walked out of the ring and joined the rest of her classmates.

"Now, for the fourth match!" All Might grinned and took out some rolled papers from the box, "...we have, Shouko Todoroki! Versus....Izuku Midoriya?"

Shouko immediately showed a determined look as she took a glance at Izuku.

All Might turned towards Izuku, "Young Midoriya, since you already fought earlier, you can back out now and I'll pick another one. You choose."

Shouko immediately narrowed her eyes and glared at Izuku, who only raised an eyebrow upon noticing this.

Izuku smiled and looked at his mentor, "Well, I couldn't really back out with her looking at me like that."

All Might nodded, "Very well, both of you head to the ring now."

Izuku immediately walked towards the ring followed by Shouko who now stood at the opposite side of him.


Izuku immediately took a stance, as did Shouko, with the floor below him being frozen.
