
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 31

The very moment the fight starts, Shouko stomped her feet to the floor, creating a massive column of ice heading straight towards Izuku.

Izuku narrowed his eyes, his Quirk immediately came to life as his signature green electricity surrounded, before he threw a punch, completely destroying the ice.

A strong gust of cold wind blasted towards the other students, causing them to step back and shiver in cold. Tsuyu, especially, almost went to hibernation.

'Twenty percent is enough to destroy her ice,' he went to a stance, 'But I better be careful, who knew how powerful she is. I need to increase my power output.'

His body glowed even brighter, 'One for All: 25%! Shiiiit! My muscles are starting to feel sore, but nothing I can't handle.'

Izuku immediately appeared before Shouko and sent a kick, which she blocked by immediately putting an ice wall, which cracks, before quickly breaking upon contact.

He narrowed his eyes, 'That ice is much harder than the one she used earlier.'

Before Izuku could attack again, another column of ice shot from the ground to Izuku, which forced him to jumped back, and swing his legs, creating a powerful wind pressure to stop the ice from advancing towards him.

If he wasn't fighting right now, Izuku would've sat down and bit his thumb to help his thinking. 'Okay, so her ice is much harder than the one she used earlier....did she hold back? Or maybe the larger, and wider the range of her ice, the weaker it gets...no, maybe her ice gets weaker the further it is away from her...hmm, I wonder which is it?'

"My god! This fight is intense!" Mina exclaimed in shock, "It's like, I'm watching a battle between pro's!"

"Todoroki-chan is so cool!" Exclaimed Toru, "She can actually keep up with Midori!"

Bakugo snorted, "As if." He said, gaining the attention of the class, "The nerd can quickly end the fight if he wanted to, he was just delaying it because he wanted to observe and analyze her Quirk. Same with Weird Hair earlier."

"Analyze her Quirk?" Ojiro looked at Bakugo, waiting for him to elaborate further.

The blonde bomber rolled his eyes, and didn't say anything else. It was Momo who decided to answer, "Izu has always had this fascination with Quirks you see. He knew how much disadvantage he have for not having a Quirk, so he took it upon himself to study Quirks, know it's strength and weaknesses, and come up with a plan to turn that disadvantage into his advantage. If you gave him enough time, he'd know your Quirk like he has it for most of his life."

"...In other words, he's very intelligent." Said Jiro.

Momo furrowed her brows before shaking her head, "Analytical and Strategic, more like. Though he's also fairly intelligent."

'I tutored him whenever he decides to skip school. I know how smart he is.'

Everyone turned to look at the ring, where Izuku was running on top of the ice and appeared before Shouko and threw a kick on her cheeks, only for an ice to shield her.

She then waved her right hand, creating spikes of ice from the ground which Izuku easily evaded as he jumped at the edge of the ring.

He smiled, "You really are amazing, I only discovered four weaknesses so far."

Below the ring, the students among themselves after hearing Izuku's words.

"Todoroki actually has a weakness?" Mina asked, "I mean, it doesn't look like she has any."

"Everyone has weaknesses," said Ojiro, "You just have to find it. And it looks like Midoriya-san already found Todoroki,"

"I only found one," said Camie, "And it's pretty obvious, I wonder what the others are."

"I found two." Said Bakugo.

"Same." Said Momo.

Back in the ring, Izuku slowly walked towards Shouko, "Your first weakness...or, let's say limitations..."

Izuku flashed in front of Shouko, who immediately created a column of ice to push him away, but Izuku just disappeared and reappeared behind her, grabbing her and throwing her in the air.

Shouko grunted, narrowing her eyes, but didn't do anything.

Izuku jumped towards her and kick her to the ground, causing it to crack as she grunted in pain, but didn't make any more sounds. She was already used to this level of pain that she's almost numb to it.

Izuku fell down a few meters from her, "I noticed that your ice always came from the ground, exactly on where your right foot is stepping on. I just took a guess that you can't use your Quirk unless you're on a surface."

Shouko remained silent and stood up, angrily stomping her right foot to the floor, and create another wave of ice.

However, before it even reached halfway to Izuku, the green haired teen already appeared before Shouko and grabbed her wrist.

"Second, the more you use it, the slower and weaker it gets, including yourself. If it was earlier you could've already reacted and pushed me away before I could even touch you."

"Let go." Shouko glared at him, as Izuku let go of her wrist before she could unleash her 'womanly wrath' to him.

Shouko immediately retreated and glared at him, but Izuku continued and said, "Third, you are given a powerful Ice Quirk, but it looks like it doesn't give you any form of cold immunity or resistance huh? Though it looks like your costume regulates your temperature."

"Shut up." With a wave of her hand, she created another wave of ice, but this time, they have gotten smaller and weaker.

Izuku easily punched through it and darted towards her left side, kneeing her stomach and punching her on the face. "Fourth, for some reason you can't generate ice on your left side. Strange."

He did not stop there, he sent series of punches and kicks, not giving a chance to counter attack.

For the last part, Izuku grabbed her on the collar and threw her out of the ring.

"Winner! Izuku Midoriya!" All Might exclaimed as Izuku walked out of the ring and walk towards the lying Shouko.

'I...lost?' She stared at the ceiling of the gym, in a daze, '...I can't believe it..., was my old man right? If I had used my left side, I would at least put up a fight...no, I just have to train even harder, no way I'd use 'his' power...'

"Hey, you alright?" Izuku asked as he extended his hands. "I think I hit you pretty hard there."

Shouko slapped his hand and stood up on her own and glared at him, "Next time, I'll beat you."

Izuku blinked. Before letting out a smile, "I'm waiting."

"Hmph!" She turned around and walked towards her classmates and stood at the back, and crossed her arms.

Izuku joined his friends, his gaze lingering on Shouko for a moment before shaking his head as he thought, 'Earlier...I think I saw her left arm flickered in flames and heat up, but it was only for an instant so I'm not really sure...does she have another Quirk she wasn't using? Or maybe a support item?'

Shouko looked at her left arm with narrowed gaze, 'I almost used my flames earlier...Damn it, even though he's not here, I can still feel him...'

All Might pressed a button on the remote he was holding and the ring slowly submerged to the ground, "It will take a few minutes before the ring could be fixed, so rest for that time. The next fight will be begin in five minutes."