
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs


My eyes open it's bright but I get up slowly my body aches as I look around,I'm in a hospital I can't even kill myself right I thought, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello I am Dr. Richards"

I nod my head, I want to open my mouth but it's dry and I just make a crooked sound.

"You must be thirsty" he says

He pours water and hands me a cup and I slowly drink the warm water, when finish I put the cup down and look back at the doctor.

"Your fever went down, lucky your neighbor for it would have been worse, your family is here" the doctor says

"My family?" I asked

"Yes, when we put your blood in the system and it showed you were a missing person" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I'll have your family explain, I don't know that much" he says

I nod my head as he goes back out, I hear whispers from the door way, and then foot steps I see my father only he looks younger than the last time I saw him.

"Um, I'm George Zhou, I'm your father" he says

My eyes widen, I remember this! This was the first time I met my family after my mother past, I look around the room and see a calendar and see that it was the year when I was a senior of high school.

" I know it's a lot to take in but I have been looking for you and your mother for 17 years so I had to put your DNA in the database so I will be able to find you" he said

"Elena" I whisper

"Huh" he said

"My name it's Elena, but my mom calls me Nina" I say

"I heard from my private investor that your in your senior at high school, top of the class" he said

I nod my head again.

"Well if your up for it, the family wants to met you" he says

"I want rest I am still weak from the fever" I said

"Okay I'll let you get some sleep and I will take you home when your discharge" he said

"Okay" I said

I laid back down like I was about to go to sleep I turn to my side and close my eyes, I can hear whispers from the door. Once the voices were gone I open my eyes as I am in a daze, everything started flying back into my mind. I sigh out and turn to look up at the ceiling I get startled when a figure sit on the couch.

"Sorry child didn't mean to scare you" my grandmother says

"I'm fine" I say

I got shy, this woman use to love me but when I did that thing she stop, then she hardly looked at me.

"I am your grandma my name is Luna Zhou" she said

"Elena or Nina for short" I said

"You look like just your mother down to her grey eyes" she said

"You knew my mother?" I asked

"Hmm, she got into an accident when pregnant with you. We thought she died but she just lost her memory so I was told by the investigators. Enough of the past, tell me how you grew up these years" she said

She came over sat on my bed as I began telling her how I lived, we weren't poor neither were we rich we lived comfortably with my mom working as a nurse, it just been us two. I told her about my school life and begin accepted to the best university in Country T, I told her I wanted to work in business since they had the best management classes there. When we were done talking she went to go get me something to eat, I thought back on the accident she was talking about I know in my last life I found out my mom left was she had argument with my father for getting one of his classmate pregnant during his class reunion who is now his wife, I didn't blame Susie she didn't know my father was already married so I left it alone. Emma my half sister is three months older than me but now she should be in her first year of college now. When my grandma came back with food I ate it as she kept putting soup in the bowl for me.

"I will let you get rest, tomorrow we will take you home, just give me your house keys and I'll fetch your things for you" she said

I nod as I got my purse and took out my house keys and gave it to her than my address as well as the apartment number, once she left I laid back down and went to sleep.