
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Banquet Announcement

Ariel told her family about her first week of school, and Elena's friends and how Elena was like the mother hen of the group keeping them in check she also told about Elena was always first in school since Kindergarten, and another girl named Nadia were her teachers for ballet. Ariel was sore from the training and was getting use to the meals that she has also getting up early.

"Elena would go on runs in the morning at school, so she took me along. She also said the weekends were here break from running and she would still do her ballet and other lesson's" Ariel said

"I am glad you enjoyed your first week darling" Lynn said

"Yes, Elena and I will be taking summer session before she leaves for school in the fall, she said since her schedule will be almost clear during the summer session she will be able to train me more" Ariel said

"I wonder what she will play tomorrow, her grandmother wanted to do some piano and dance for the guest. I hope she picks the sugar plum fairy again she looked so lovely" Lynn said

Ariel was about to say something but she remembered how hard her, Elena and the girls practice the for a week.

"Well, were having a sleep over I just came to tell you my week at school" Ariel said

"Okay dear" Lynn said

At the Zhou house Elena introduced her friends to the family.

"Sister! Your back!" Elena said happy

"Yes, and they are?" Emma asked

"We are having a sleepover, Ariel will be coming. Do you want to join?" Elena asked

"Sure, but where would we be?" Emma asked

"Butler Kai and some servants are making room in my studio, we can have it their. Oh, I forgot to introduce you Emma these are my friends Lean, Mercy, and Jessie" Elena said

They had their greetings, when Ariel came in with her bag. Soon all the girls went to the, studio. Luna was happy to see her granddaughters getting along she can see how Elena really adore her elder sister.

"Elena really likes her sister" George said

"Yes, I am glad they are getting along" Luna said

That night the girls, talked and laughed by eleven they went to bed. In his office Gabriel was still doing his work, when he felt restless he would stop his work and look at the painting Elena had given him it brought color to blend office. He hung the paint on a wall behind him it took him a while where he would put it but the lighting was best when it hit that part of the wall. Gabriel was looking forward to what Elena was going to do during the party, he called his assistant to get a dress for Elena when he gave him the picture of what dress he wanted, the assistant left and went to buy the gown for his boss. The next morning all the girls woke up as they fixed the sleeping bag and putting off to the side so that way after they eat breakfast they can come back here and start practicing again so the four girls took their tights and whatever they need to wash up, Elena stayed behind to wake Emma up.

"Em? Sis wake up" Elena said

"Hmm, it's to early" Emma said

"Em it's 8 am it's not that early, don't you want to see what were planing?" Elena said

"No it's okay I have to go study" Emma said

"Okay you can go inside I will fix the sleeping bag for you" Elena said

Emma nodded and left, Elena quickly fixed the bags and placed them aside then she went towards the house, she could smell food, so she quickly went upstairs to wash up and change into her tights and grab her ballet shoes as she walked back down when all the girls were eating their daily food.

"Will you girls be practicing?" Luna asked

"Yes, we will be ready on Sunday evening" Elena said

"All day?" her grandmother asked

"No, will go to the mall and get the costume we ordered on Wednesday." Ariel said

"I will get the girls a some gowns for before and after" Elena said

"Can we know what you will be doing?" George asked

"No father it is a surprise" Elena said

"Okay you ladies finish and go" Susie said

When the girls finish breakfast they went back to the studio Elena was glad that the place was soundproof and they just covered the windows by closing the blends then all four began their practice for five hours they practice until Ann came and tell them the lunch smoothie was ready.

"Thank you Ann, we are just about done. Ladies why don't we wash up and get ready to go out" Elena said

They nodded they all went back to the mansion, showered and put on their clothes with their hand bag, as they got their smoothie as Elena's father had the driver take them to the mall, they went to pick up their outfits it was all white with a straight tutu, they got the white head bands for it as well, with the box in the bag the ladies then went to go get their gowns.

"Remember get two one you'll wear to the party and one for the other show" Elena said

"Got it" they said

The girls went to look for gowns, so did Elena as they looked for two hours they finally got the gowns they needed. By the time they got back to Mansion it was already dinner time, in order to have a good rest each girls took a guest room. The next morning, the girls each went for a run before coming back inside when, when stylist were going up and down the stairs, Ann walked to the girls with their green smoothie.

"Hurry up ladies shower and show them your before and after dress so they can do your hair and make up they will also follow to the hotel to get you ready for the show." Grandma Zhou said

"Yes Grandma" each girls said

As they ran up the stairs with there drinks in hand, the party begins at four, so it would probably take two or three hours to get ready. All the girls went back into their rooms they each had a stylist in the room waiting for them so they had to take a shower and show the dress to them. By two one by one each girl came down their make up matching their dresses. Lena had on a navy blue dress that was heart shape, she had on sliver sandals her hair was half up with curls. Mercy had on a read dress that was also heart shape her hair was in a water fall braid that met to one side. Jessie had on a pink dress that was square her hair was up in a bun only a strain was left on the side by her ears. Ariel had on a purple dress the front was a v-neck with a purple lace in the middle her hair was left down and in curls. Emma had on a white gown her hair was up in a pony tail as the ends were curled her front of the dress was also a heart shape. Elena however had her hair in a low bun with some strain hair left out and curled, she was wearing a black dress that was back less but it stop just midway of her back the front was a v neck but stop right above her stomach there was a diamond belt that went all the way around leaving the bottom flowing.

"You all look beautiful, Ariel and the girls well go in one car, Emma you will ride with me and your grandpa and Elena you will ride with your father and Susie" Luna said

"Yes, grandma" Elena said

They each got into their rides that they were assigned to.

"You will be greeting the guest with us" her father said

"Okay, will sister be with us?" Elena asked

"This is your party" Susie said

"I know but I want sister with us" Elena said

"Okay, I will ask your grandmother first" Her father said

Elena nodded as her father made a call she was nervous not about meeting people but the showcase and the concert that they will be doing as well. Although all the girls got the steps down she still couldn't help but be nervous.

"Your grandmother said it is okay, we will see them at the hotel" he said

"Okay" Elena said

A hour and half later they got to the hotel, there was no guest yet.

"You ready?" George asked

"Yes" Elena said