
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Banquet Announcement Pt .2

Elena and her father, Susie, and Emma were greeting the guest as they come into the banquet hall, most people were taken in her beauty they soon wanted to go to the Old Zhou and ask for marriage for her however they were surprise to find out that the youngest Zhou daughter was still a Senior in high school. When everybody finally came in Madam Zhou and Old Zhou along with the rest of the Zhou family, Madam Zhou handed the mic to her son George.

"Thank you everyone for coming. 17 years ago, I lost my first wife or as we all thought but through investigation we found out that another woman was mistake for my wife, while my late wife was unconscious in the hospital that lost her memory. She was pregnant with our first child Elena, with still hope we were able to find her a week ago and we were proud of my late wife for raising such a wonderful woman. Elena is a senior at Heaven's All Girl School, she is the top of her class and is about to brake her grandmother's record. Elena has gotten accepted to Country T top business University, she has been doing her online class, so in two years we will hold another party for her. Today we would like to introduce our long lost Zhou family member Elena Zhou" George says

Applause were sound through out the banquet hall.

"My granddaughter and her friends from the all girls school would like to do a showcase as a token for coming. they well get ready until then please enjoy some snacks that will be going around as well as drinks" Madam Zhou said

Elena and the girls went out of the banquet hall they got the room key from the front desk as they made their way to the room. Upon reaching the room Elena and her friends then sat in the five chairs where the stylist were waiting for them, in front of each of them were their costume were already hanged up in front of them. All the stylist began taking their make up off giving them a hydration face mask as they fixed there hair into a tight high bun and place the hand band that goes with the outfit. The stylist then each gave them a little foundation adding some glitter from their cheek bone up to their forehead then down to the other cheek bone. Next they used sliver eye shadow giving it little wings next they added some black eye liner, them the mascara.

"Please put you costume on" the stylist said

They got up and each going to different rooms they can find to change into their costume, when they came out the got their ballet shoes the we're glad that they had different colors except for Ariel she had to brake her's in all week just so it can be less stiff when she dances in them. The stylist the put glitter on their neck and shoulders once finished the girls left the room.

"This way ladies" Butler Kai said

He took them to the side door that goes to the stage there the girls wait as butler Kai informs Elena's grandma.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention to the stage the ladies will be doing Nutcracker- Sugar Plum Fairy" Madam Zhou said

Butler Kai went to go play the music.

"Ready girls remember just think this as we were back in my studio don't think of the faces and make sure smile" Elena said

They nod, they went from smallest to tallest so when the music began Ariel was the first go, than Jessie, next Mercy, then Lena, and last was Elena. The Zhou family we're happy as they watched Elena and the girls dance, as for the Lu family when they saw their daughter come out and began their were surprise at how fast she learned just a week with training with Elena and at the school they had smiles on there face, both family recorded the dance so they can remember it. When the music finally ended the crowd applause for them, the girls bowed while hold each other's hand in middle of the stage. Once done they went back out the side door to the rooms as Madam Zhou spoke to them.

"What a lovely performance the girls made, now why don't we all take our seats and dinner will be served" Madam Zhou said

In the room, the girls washed the glitter off but Elena was stop by Gabriel's assistant who lead her to a different room where she got ready. When she came out of the restroom there was a stylist there so Elena sat in the chair.

"Lovely skin you my darling don't have make you wear a lot of make up" she said

She only did mascara, red lipstick and fill in her eyebrows at the end, a little foundation with a soft pink blush not to thick just enough to make it look like she is blushing then some highlights.

"Done now the hair" she said

She gave her a fishtail but pull the hair out making them look thick as she wrap it into a bun coming out like a flower, she then took some strains of her hair out framing her face giving it some curls.

"Perfect now the dress" she said

"My dress is in another room" Elena said

"The box is on the bed" said the stylist

Elena went to the bed and there was a box, but no note she open the box a black dress with diamonds as the strap was in front of her. Elena went into the bathroom to try the dress on the front was a heart shape only the v part went a little more down and it was pushing a breast up making them look fuller. The back was low square, Elena walked out the room and saw black heels she put them on as the stylist came up to her.

" I believe this tiara head band goes with it" she says

She places it on her head as Elena goes to the full length mirror she felt like a princess stratified with her look Elena went out of the room back down to the banquet hall, she was beginning to get hungry from the show earlier.