
Chapter 9

Calen Silverstein had given me a tour of the school after supper last night. But halfway through it I had claimed that I was tired and would like some rest. So I suggested that we continue the tour some other time.

I wasn't really tired, it was more of apprehension that drove me to lie. And something tells me he saw through the lie. But at this point I'm convinced that I made the wise decision. Another minute more with him and who knows what I would have done or said. Because in less than twenty four hours he had managed to make me an addict of his company.

I can still vividly recall the furtive glances he sent my way as we strolled down the halls. And the countless times he had brushed his fingertips against mine all while acting as if he wasn't doing anything.

I barely slept at all last night, and now I stood on my small but adequate balcony and watched the landscape. Encompassed by green well mowed grass and lovely trees. It was still dawn and I could see the sun making an attempt to rise in the horizon. Casting shades of pink and yellow and orange in its wake.

I got lost in the beauty of it all.

It was still rather early and only a handful of students were up. And since I was a punctual individual by heart, I decided to get ready for my first class which would begin in three hours.

But first I made my bed and then I set my mat down and prayed.

Afterwards, I was tempted to take out my violin and play a note or two, but I decided against it. Because what if I ended up walking the other students? And what if they valued their sleep? And most importantly, what if they weren't too happy about me interrupting their said beloved sleep.

I wanted to make a good impression and that was not the way to go around doing it. So I held off on the playing until I found a nice quiet and private spot to indulge my musical whims. 

After I showered and dressed I stood in front of the large mirror in my room and stared at myself. Dressed in the new uniform which seemed foreign.

In a place which was foreign.

And surrounded by people who made me feel even more foreign.

The concept of foreignness had never intrigued me as much as it did then. It was colder here than it was back home, and the thought led to another train of thought. I thought of my mother and her tears as I departed. But I willed those thoughts to the side and focused on getting ready. I put on my shoes and ruffed up my hair.

With the strands that tempted HIM to dig his fingers into them. I recalled that one instance where he had just done that, and it was like he was standing right there and repeating the action. I could feel him.

I could smell his clean scent and I could almost see him.

After a shake of my head, I huffed out a breath and headed out.

I toured the school grounds by myself for a while. Noting that the number of students was increasing gradually. I seemed to be attracting some attention from a majority of them. I was new, and I suppose that often times people are intrigued by what is new. 

I wished to lark in the shadows but I didn't. Besides, a number of the students were very friendly, they greeted me and asked me whether I was settling in okay.

And after some time I found the library and slipped into it. It had been the first room Calen had showed me. I looked up at the racks of books that went all the way up to the vaulted ceiling. I could live in there and be content. Being morning still, I counted only four souls present in the large room.

But then my counting skills were questioned when I felt that presence behind me. I knew he was there before I even turned around. I sensed him. My brain automatically registered that he was in close proximity like we were some sort of linked souls. 

"Good morning, " I uttered without turning around. 

" It certainly is a good morning, isn't it? " 

I hadn't even realised how much I had missed his voice until I heard it again. I slowly turned and was met by his form, a couple of inches taller than I was. Dark brown eyes that glinted with this astounding confidence . Despite the cold, he was dressed in only the white shirt and tie. His hands tucked into the pockets of his pants with the thumbs out.

He looked slightly older. But not in the normal aged way, no, there was something distinguished about it. I could picture him one day running a company of his own, all others answering to him.

" It suits you, " he said and I took a second to register that he was referring to the uniform.

" Thank you, I've never worn a school uniform before so I'm glad to hear that I at least do it some justice, "

He raised a brow.

" Never? "

" Never. " I affirmed and he slowly nodded. Then he smiled, or was it a smirk....whatever that soul crushing action was, he did it and I licked my lips before quickly glancing aside.

" Shall I accompany you to the cafeteria? " He asked and I was tempted to say yes. But then I grew weary. Weary of what I was doing and what I was letting happen.

" Actually I think I'll hang around here for a while. "

" I see, but don't tally too long otherwise you'll be late for class. Geography is it not? " 

I nodded, realising that he had probably memorised my class schedule.

" You'll find that Mr. Carlson is most admirable. "

" Then I look forward to meeting this admirable Mr. Carlson, " he smiled and took a step back.

" You have Chemistry afterwards..." he said as he turned on his heel, " I shall see you there J.R. " 

I watched him until he disappeared from view completely.