
Chapter 8

Hair darker than the feathers of a raven, skin so sun kissed it reminded me of golden honey....I saw him today . For the very first time since my admission to this institute, I gazed at someone and felt a sort of connection woven by imaginary strands 

It wasn't gradual like they said in the books. There was no pause between the first second I laid my eyes on him and the second I realised that he truly was captivating. No, the realization was instantaneous. I've never been known for lacking confidence,it's a natural part of my construction. It's what enables me to be elected as the school's student representative. 

But despite how it may seem, a rather large fraction of my confidence dissipated whenever I was around him. And when I talked to him, it wasn't out of courage and requirement. I talked to him out of need, like a craving that had just emerged .

Jerald .....my J.R.

Was it how reserved he was to the naked eye or how that reservation blew away when he was willing to engage in conversation??

He talked like a distinguished graduate, and his accent, I doubt I can place it but I find it highly alluring. 

After leaving The Delta building, I had sat in my room and made an attempt at completing my chemistry assignment. But it was no closer to being completed now than it had been an hour ago. I waited patiently until the time hit seven fifty, and then I left my room and headed back to his. 

It was a solid ten minute walk from Shores, my building, to The Delta. And when I got to his door, I knocked and eagerly awaited his response.

It came a moment later, he unlocked the door and held it open a small fraction. 

He was freshly showered,and in the light of the hallway his olive skin seemed almost to glow. It was a feature about him that would inevitably make him stand out in a London crowd. 

I quickly registered the black sweats and plain white T-shirt he wore. He looked so different from how he did only a few hours ago. Different, yet exactly the same. Because I tended to look not at the physicality of him, but rather at his eyes. 

He had green eyes so unique I felt a shock wave erupt inside me each time I glanced at him. He had eyes like they were made of stardust and cut out of the sky. They spoke of wishes and dreams and beautiful... beautiful things. I could stare at them for an eternity and not wish to view anything else.

" Hello there, " he said when the silence stretched, one hand on the door frame and the other holding the knob behind him. He had stepped out into the hallway but it was clear that he was being very weary about distance .

" Hey, dinner has been served. I hope you like pork chops. " His pink lips curved in the faintest of smiles.

" I have a high regard for pork chops. They actually star in all my culinary fantasies. "

I chuckled at how straight his face was when he made that very sarcastic comment. 

" Then I'm sure you'll have a wonderful meal. "

" Yes. I'm sure I will. "

I stepped back into the hallway that was beginning to get crowded with students heading to the cafeteria. The Delta was the most extravagant building in the school as far as living quarters went. So it was only expected that it housed some of the most arrogant and egotistic snobs I had ever come across. But there were just as many kind ones as there were proud ones.

A number of them greeted me as they passed by. Some even stopped and introduced themselves to Jerald, offering their services in case he was ever in need of help. 

I watched him, how he treated others and talked to them. The cultured way in which he made every single one of them feel special and walk away with a smile. He didn't just say thank you and bye like I expected, he actually took time to listen to each one. For instance, there was the conversation he had with my assistant Oliver as we made out way towards the cafeteria.

" So tell me Jerald, where exactly are you from? "

" A place too unheard of for you to recognize but so new and foreign that the tales will tempt you to explore. "

" Really now? And does this place have a name? "

" As with all places it does. It's Rabdah. ".

Oliver slowly nodded, another student walked by as and waved, we waved back.

" You're right,never heard of it. But I am looking forward to those tales. And we'll see whether I'll really be tempted to explore this unknown land. "

Jerald gave him a sweet smile, we had gotten to the cafeteria door and he actually stepped aside and ushered us to go in first.

A true and well bred gentleman. 

" After you," he said and Oliver's eyes widened in both astonishment and respect.

" Is everyone in Rabdah as polite as you are? " He asked as we walked in.

" It is the culture. Courtesy and kindness never age. And sometimes they're the best gift one can give someone else. "

" Wow, I think I already like this place. "

Seville had about seven hundred students in total..give or take. And by then, half of these students were already seated in the cafeteria, engaging in conversation as they ate.

The cafeteria itself was constructed to resemble some sort of large restaurant. There were no large rectangular tables as one would expect but rather smaller circular ones spread across the entire space, each one surrounded by four chairs.

Jerald being new got a lot of attention. Students stared at him as he passed by, murmuring amongst themselves as we served our meal and occupied a vacant table next to a wall to eat.

And throughout the entire time, he never once seemed to notice the attention he was getting, or maybe he did notice and chose to ignore it. Rajeev, another one of my close friends joined us and occupied the last remaining seat. 

Jerald must have not been hungry because he barely touched his food. Or perhaps he truly was not a fan of pork chops.

I introduced him and Rajeev and then we made small talk as we are. 

" So which sport are you planning on taking Jerald? " Rajeev asked and Jerald shrugged.

He then asked which ones were available and listened as Oliver and Rajeev mentioned the variety of them. Basketball, soccer, rugby, tennis....the list was surprisingly large. And when they were done, we awaited his response. He seemed to think it over, then he ran a hand over his hair. I wanted him to repeat the action again.

He had this dark curly hair which had a habit of framing his forehead and therefore inevitably shielding his eyes from view. I thought of it as an injustice to have such beauty hidden.

" I've never really been a fan of sports to be honest. But I might be willing to give tennis a try. "

 " Wise choice! I play tennis! " Oliver said before welcoming Jerald to the team.

Rajeev who played soccer tried to convince him to change his mind to no avail.And after the little war ended and some minutes passed in silence, I looked over at him and found him staring. At me. It was quite a sweet revelation. He shyly returned his focus to his plate, the lightest shade of pink layering his cheeks in what I believed was a blush. 

" It's either you hate pork or you really love fruits. " I commented on realising that he had pushed his plate aside and was now focused on biting through an apple.

He shifted his focus from the apple to me and in that sweet yet cultured voice of his, he said, " I believe I'll go with the second guess. I love sweet things. " There was more to his words than the normal assumption, I knew there was.

" What sport to do you play? " He asked and I reached for my bottle of water and took a sip. Rajeev answered before I did.

" Mr. Silverstein here is the school's best swimmer. Captain of the swim team which I just realised we accidentally failed to mention earlier on. " 

" Oh really?" He sounded intrigued.

" Is it something you would be interested in? "

His lips parted slightly, then he bowed his head. 

" Actually, I don't know how to swim. There's something about a large mass of water that intimidates me. " 

I grew interested in the confession and leaned in closer. As if listening to a secret meant for my ears only.

" Intimidates you how exactly? "

He took another bite of his apple and I watched him chew. There was ecstasy in the otherwise normal action. There was ecstasy in every last one of his actions. And once he had swallowed, he looked back at me and his eyes fell to my lips for a second then back up to meet mine.

" It reminds me of oblivion, " he admitted.