
Chapter 10

I didn't see him in the cafeteria, or afterwards as I made my way to my geography class. And for a while I almost stopped thinking of him. There was that instant when my mind was focused on actual learning and the thoughts I had of him and his voice and his scent were gone. But then I got to Chemistry class and I found him already seated, engaged in some sort of conversation with Rajeev. Both on the front row. 

I wasn't a front row kind of person so I was glad to spot a couple of vacant desks in the middle of the classroom, because I also wasn't a last row kind of person.

He didn't seem to notice me, and for some reason I felt disappointment flashing through me. Rajeev spotted me and waved , and even then Calen didn't stare in my direction, I waved back and set for one of the desks I had chosen. And I was almost there when he decided to finally speak.

" I just spent ten minutes telling everyone that the seat behind me is taken....are you planning on making me seem like a liar J.R ? " he asked and I stopped in my tracks.

I had avoided taking that seat BECAUSE it was behind him. And also yes, I'm not a second row person either.

He sat across on his seat, his arm on the back rest and his jaw set in a grim line of focus as he watched me.

He had quite a perfect jaw line, like some sort of aristocrat. I gazed around the room that was now full of students talking amongst themselves. And I decided to simply stop overthinking and go sit down, besides, we were in class and I was behind him. There wasn't much to go on really.

" How was Mr. Carlson? " there was mischief in his voice and I knew why. Mr. Carlson was by far one of the most arrogant individuals I have ever come across. And that temper of his was another issue entirely. I feigned a smile and shrugged.

" He was delightful, never met a more angelic soul, "

" I told you you'd love him. " 

" And I knew I was right to trust in your judgement of people's characters. "

He chuckled and faced the board.

" I'm not so sure you'll love Mrs. Greywall though... she's not everyone's cup of tea. " He added as I flipped my textbook open to go through some notes and be some steps ahead of everyone.

" I already fell weary about this Mrs. Greywall you speak of. " 

All in all, Mrs. Greywall was an honest delight. I liked her. She was one of those teachers who I think had always aspired to be teachers. She was middle aged and she smiled a lot. And unlike Mr. Carlson, she asked me to introduce myself to the class because she actually noticed a new student in it.

But it was hard to concentrate seeing as I was that close to the one behind capable of robbing me of all my concentration. And it also didn't help that each time the teacher turned to write something down on the board, Calen took a second to glance back. I ignored him the first few times and kept my attention glued to whatever equations we're being worked out up ahead. But eventually it became impossible to pretend that he wasn't there. That he wasn't looking at me.

I looked back.

He smiled, and that was as far as my attention on the lesson went.

The teacher turned back around, Calen didn't seem to realise. He just kept staring until I nodded towards the front. 

" Mr. Silverstein, how do you feel about working this equation out? " She asked him in reference to the question she had written down on the board. Calen looked at it briefly then looked back to the teacher.

" I feel like I would be in a more capable spot of working it out if you went through the process one last time, " his voice was all charm and confidence. But it didn't work on the teacher who held out the marker to him and simply smiled.

Calen blew out a breath and stood, then he walked over to the front of the class and took the marker. He stared at the equation, seeming deep in thought, and then he began working it out.

It was a topic I had already learnt back at home, so I knew that he started out well...but then somewhere along the way he got confused, then he got clueless which simply led to more confusion. He erased the board twice before the teacher asked him to let it be.

" And that , Mr. Silverstein, is what happens when you don't pay attention in class. I expect more commitment from you, especially since chemistry seems to be the only subject you have a grudge against. "

" My apologies, it won't happen again my lovely Mrs. Greywall, "

The teacher rolled her eyes ,but the fond smile she wore could not be hidden. Then she turned back to the class and crooked her finger towards me, beckoning for me to walk over there.

" Let's see if your partner in ill-timed conversation will be your saving grace, " she said as I stood. And though I felt like defending us and saying that we hadn't even been conversing, I simply walked over to the board and reached my hand out to Calen for the marker. 

He placed it in my hand with some kind of secret intimacy. His hand almost clasping mine and his eyes moving between my own and the spot where out hands touched. I took the marker and erased his failed attempt at solving the equation. Then I quickly worked it out until I got what I believed was the correct answer.

" Impressive Mr. Amir, " the teacher said.

" Tell me something, do you love Chemistry? " she then asked and I wasted no time in replying.

" I don't know. I've never stopped to think about my level of affection for the subject. "

She seemed amused by the response.

" Then stop to think about it, and if you realise that you do indeed love it, you ought to consider joining the chemistry club. " 

" I make no promises. "

Calen and I both took our seats, he didn't turn to face me again until the lesson ended.