
Chapter 7

" This is rather much. I thought this was a boarding school, not an exclusive resort. " I said after we got to my quarters. And now that we were there the name quarters suddenly made sense. My things were already in there, my bed already made and all my clothes unpacked and carefully put away. 

The Delta as the called it was a fairly large building that reminded me of the apartments I had seen in the states during my visit. Only that it was more exquisite and polished. My place specifically consisted of a bedroom that was the same size as the one I had back home, a full shower with the tab and overhead shower and a nice living space with couches and everything. And that was just putting it lightly.

" It's not just a boarding school J.R, it's the largest and best prep school in England. So it's only fair that it brings forth it's advantages. " 

" And by advantages, are you referring to the four poster bed which I fear will swallow me up or the school menu made up of dishes I've never heard of ? "

" Both...but I'm certain you're used to such luxuries, otherwise you wouldn't be here in the first place. "

I didn't respond to that and he smiled. Then he placed my new uniform on the bed and I did the same. 

" You were right by the way, I do enjoy reading. Unlike how it sometimes is with people, books offer you beautiful words in silence and don't eagerly await your reply. "

" I think of them as treasures. " I confessed, and for the first time it was I who walked over to him. 

" I can see that," he finally saw my personal collection. The escorts had taken their time to put up all of my books on the shelf in the living area.

" I like the differing textures of the pages of each one, the bold letters and the even bolder messages they gift us. " I stopped directly in front of him, letting some space separate us, but then he deleted that space by moving until the tips of our shoes touched.

" Each time you talk you intrigue me even more J.R " 

" Odd. I never have that effect on people, most think the books I've read have invaded my intellect and that's why I talk like a middle aged lecturer. "

He laughed then. And I lost myself in the sound of his laughter, his voice was mesmerizing, but his laughter was addictive. An aphrodisiac of the heart. The sound was unlike any other I had ever heard.

" Correction....." he began, pausing to fulfill his fantasy and thread his fingers through my hair, "...you talk like you've experienced a wolrd most can only dream of. That's the entire beauty of books, they take you places without you having to move an inch. "

" And how many places have you been to? "

" Too many to count. I shall take you with me one of these days. Would you like that?"

He retracted his hand from my hair and cupped my cheek, I somehow ended up leaning into his touch.

" I believe I would. " I sounded a little breathless, and it helped me to come back to reality and realize what exactly it was I was doing. I stepped away from him and busied myself with putting my uniform away into drawers. 

It was around five in the evening by then.

" I'll let you settle in. " Calen said and I looked back at him. 

" I'll come back to get you for supper later on. And then we can take that tour. "

A curt nod was all I could manage. Then I watched him as he turned to leave, and immediately the door shut behind him, I sank down on the large bed and ran a hand over my face. And I wondered what exactly was wrong with me .

The plan was simple, study and follow the rules. Developing some infatuation with the school's students' representative was not among the rules. It was actually against them.

But then why did I find him so captivating? And why did I already long for the next time I would see him? 

Closing my eyes, I lay back down on the bed and tried to gather my thoughts.