
Chapter 68

" How dare you?" Calen's mother took a step forward. And I knew that it was only a matter of time before things escalated. Her eyes, the soft and warm blue shade now bore sparks of anger. She was one of those people who never really chose violence as their first reaction, she was the more patient type. She liked to resolve conflict in a sensible manner. But that was only when her son was not involved, her maternal instincts refused to let her standby while a complete stranger spoke ill of her only son. 

" What kind of person are you?" She asked. My father ignored her presence. Turning to me and telling me that he did not have the entire day, that he would not let me drag our family name through the mud like that. 

" I'm not going back there. " Words as firm as I could make them. I looked him in the eye and hoped he saw my profound level of seriousness. I hoped he understood that this wasn't going to end like the last time, I was not going to give in and let him play his twisted games with me. I was an actual living being, I felt. I had emotions and I had feelings that screamed loudly, begging him to listen. But he never did, he chose to pretend that he could not see the pain. 

" This is the last chance I'm giving you Jerald, either you leave with me now or the next time you see me I'll bring along company to persuade you to do so, " 

I was curious what he meant by that. Normally I would have been sure he was talking about escorts, but now I didn't know what to expect from him. What kind of antiques he had up his sleeve. I was about to tell him that a last chance wasn't needed, that I had already made up my mind...but someone spoke before I could. 

" Recoleta, Buenos Aires. The Pinestraw apartment building. House number 22, fifth floor. If you're planning on shooting him down I suggest you do it from the balcony of the little flower shop across the street....the angle is perfect. " The new voice said. 

I was confused, unaware of what was going on. Calen immediately tensed, and we both watched as this Six foot two man walked over to us. 

Dressed completely in official military uniform. The dark blue adorned with medals and badges on almost the entire torso. The shiny little trinkets visible even from a far. 

" My mother is a research scientist...and my father is a general in the army, " Words Calen had uttered to me only once before. But as it is with everything he told me, the information had stuck, glued itself to my mind. And even had it not been for the information, I could easily have known that the tall man now standing face to face with my own father was Calen's own. The resemblance was a thing of truth. The aura around them basically the same. It steamed, spoke of confidence that could not be wavered. Only in the case of Mr. Silverstein, it was sharpened with age and years of experience. He looked like a man who has seen the worst the world had to show her still managed to turn up on the other side. Alive. 

" Vince?" Calen's mom uttered, a whisper almost unbelieving. She looked at the husband she had not seen in over two years and had to blink, her shock preventing her from reacting, her joy shining brightly through her.

" I beg your pardon?" My father asked him. No doubt noting his attire and understanding what it meant. What it stood for.I had never thought that the issue would go that far, in my mind I actually never considered it that great, and I did not want to add fuel to the already scorching fire. I wanted to rather dampen it, put it out.

" You heard me. Your son will enroll in the University of Buenos Aires where he will proceed to play polo for the institution in exchange for a scholarship. I've personally tended to their living arrangements. Did you get the details or shall you like me to repeat them once more?" 

I turned to Calen, he refused to face me. So I attempted to let go of his hand and he immediately turned to face me. I used my eyes, asking him when and why he had done that. Why he had gone ahead and involved his father in the issue. He blinked and looked away. I did not wish to be a part of that confrontation despite the fact that it was entirely about my life. Two strangers were debating it. One I had never before met, and one I had lived with but never actually known. 

" THEIR living arrangements?" My father repeated. Calen's dad tucked both hands into his pockets and nodded. His face was all sharp angels and masculine appeal. Honed by power and grace. Calen's mom stepped forward and placed her hand in my back for some reason. I turned to her, she offered me a subtle and reassuring smile. But I did not have it in me to return it. 

" Calen chose to study there as well. A different school however, but yes, they shall be living together, "

I swallowed, turned to my father and waited to see his reaction. Calen's mom was trying to hide her astonishment since she had not known about anything her husband was saying. And she wondered how he had known, why Calen had chosen to tell him and not her.

" I forbid it! All of it!" My father turned to me once more. I looked away. 

" I'm afraid the plans have already been made. We can do nothing about them. " He was so calm when saying all this, his tone even. Neither falling nor rising.

" This is my family's reputation we're talking about!"

" No Mr. Amir. This is not about that, it's rather about your son's happiness....my son's happiness. "

He turned to Calen while he said that,they locked eyes for a second before Calen also looked away. 

" Jerald!"

 It was a final attempt to get me to see his version of sense. I refused to do so.

" My decision is yet to change. And until the day you accept me for who I am then I'll remain where I am accepted. I love and respect you father, but no more sacrifices, " I turned to Calen. He gave me a curt nod, and I smiled at him. Knowing that whatever our souls were made of, his and mine had been crafted from the same stone. 

" You are beyond saving.." my father uttered the words, turning to the four of us he added, " All of you!" Then he gave me one more look flooded with disappointment and anger and he turned on his heel and strode out of there. I watched him as he left, and I felt none of the relief I had thought I would feel. In its place was sadness. Calen's parents had accepted him for who he was without a care, and I knew I shouldn't have been thinking like that but I couldn't help but wonder why it couldn't be the same for me. 

I knew that was most likely the last time I would get to see my father. The circumstances of our departure refused to let me experience peace. After he left I was left in a completely uncomfortable situation with Calen's parents. I watched as they embraced each other in the way of lovers that had been apart for much longer than they both recalled. 

They held on, both trying to find words, starting statements and clipping them short because the joy overtook them. And I watched with warmth in my heart. Calen stared at them . Trying to conceal the genuine joy that he felt. He caught me staring at me and instead of saying anything, he stepped in front of me and hugged me once more. Resting his chin in my shoulder and holding onto me tightly. 

" I didn't expect him to show up here, I swear to you. I didn't call him. "

I asked him to stop worrying because I knew he hadn't done so. Everything he did was aimed at my own interest, he thought of me first before anything else. Before himself even. 

Later on, I watched as him as his father wondered exactly how to break the barrier put there, I wanted to tell Calen to just let the bygones be. To go ahead and make the most out of his time with his father because it was the wisest thing to do.His father sighed, looked at how grown up his son had become,then he took a step closer and spread his arms.

 " Not even a hug for your old man?" He asked. A hopeful smile playing at the corner of his lips. And it appeared Calen was just waiting for the words. For any sort of proof that his father cared, he stepped forward. His father was tall, firmly built, so in his arms Cake looked very much like the teenager he was. I stood there and waited, starting to feel uncomfortable since I had no idea how to relate with his parents, what to tell them or how to act around them. But then Calen's father stepped forward and extended his arm in greeting. 

" Hello there, so you're the young man that has captured my boy's heart..." he smiled fondly, turning to his wife the same way he kept on doing. As if to confirm she was still there. , " I'm glad I got to meet you, " he said. 

I felt flushed all of a sudden. Taking his hand and doing my best to form words. 

Those were his parents. That made it a great deal, and I almost could not believe that I had met them, that we were there talking. That they approved.