
Chapter 59

6am....It felt nothing if not strange to be outside again. To be within crowds of people after I had spent so much time secluded. 

We were in the gatehouse of the local airport awaiting my flight. Aliyah and Sarin were seated beside me, his hand confidently wrapped around her waist and her head resting on his shoulder. Both her face and hair shielded from view. We couldn't risk forgetting that a number of people knew us. And despite the news of my disappearance still being a secret contained within the walls of the palace, I was certain that if anyone recognized either of us then there was a chance of our father learning we were there. I wasn't leaving with much. Just my violin and a single backpack. I kept my head bowed the entire time, wearing one of Siran's baseball caps to further shield my face from view. 

And as we sat there, I realized how much I felt like a fugitive. Like a criminal running from the law despite the fact that I had been born and raised there. And I also knew that a majority of the residents of my birthplace would not have hesitated to end my life had they learnt of who I was. 

" I had a run-in with Simra the other day, " Aliyah said. I glanced at her for a second before my instincts made me glance back down. I didn't care about Simra, that's why I had never bothered to follow up on what she had done after that particular evening. Aliyah must have realized that I didn't intend to say anything because she chuckled lightly and went on. 

" She's afraid of father, knows he'll surely have her punished if she dares utter a word about you. That however didn't stop her from trying to blackmail your mother, she wanted money and a few jewels in exchange for her silence. "

I grew interested. And I wondered what sort of human Simra was, how she could stoop so low. 

" What did my mother do?" I asked. Aware that if she had gone ahead and did what Simra asked then I'd feel guilty and blame myself. 

When Aliyah took too long to respond I looked at her. And even though her face was covered from view I could tell she was smiling. 

" Let's just say I had a word or two with her. Apparently my reputation as a spoilt and cold-hearted princess can be useful every once in a while, "

She said nothing other than that and I didn't ask. I couldn't deny that I was a bit curious, but I was more angry and disgusted than anything else. The call for our flight sounded through the intercom...and immediately after I felt my heart speed up. That was it. 

I took a second to breathe in, I stood and so did the two people who I had come to grow closer to over the past two weeks. And I had made a resolution to never again call Aliyah my half-sister. She was my sister in every way there was. And even though Siran and I hadn't talked much, we had grown used to each other's company. Especially since I had spent a lot of time helping him tend to his crops. 

" I guess that's it, " Aliyah said. Her eyes still focused on the intercom. 

The situation became briefly awkward. Neither of us knew how to start saying farewell to each other. And because I wanted her to understand how much she meant to me, I wrapped my hands around her and let out a sharp exhale. 

" I'm fortunate to have you, and I will never forget everything you've done for me, " I told her. Earnesty in my words. She was my family and if ever she needed me I would be there to assist in any way I could. 

" I love you, " was all she said. And it wasn't lost to me that that was the first time either of us had uttered those three words to each other. 

" I love you too, " 

I let go of her, then I turned to Siran and offered him my hand, he clasped on to it tightly. 

" Take care Jerald. And I wish you the very best in your tests. All of them, " 

His tone suggested that he wasn't only referring to my exams, I knew what he meant. I gave him a curt nod and withdrew my hand. They wanted to accompany me all the way to the queue but I assured them I was okay. Knowing that the only reason Aliyah wanted to be there was to see her efforts through to the end. But I knew that I had to start getting used to doing things by myself again because Aliyah would no longer be there. I took two steps and heard her sniffle back a cry. And when I looked back she had her head tucked into Siran's chest. 

As I had once said, her level of affection for me would forever amaze me. Knowing that she was in safe hands, I made my way to the queue that was getting longer and awaited to board my flight. One hand on all the documents I would need and the other on the strap that held my violin case secured to my back. 

The instance I sat down, I felt this tension leave my body. But it was quickly replaced by another. It must have been the nervousness. I couldn't stop thinking about what HIS reaction would be, whether everything would be the same. But I knew the answer to that, nothing was going to be as it had been before. What had happened had scarred our relationship, and I was the one who held most of the marks. Whether we would be strong enough to heal was a mystery to me. But what I knew for certain was that even if somehow I managed to forgive, there was no way I would forget. Because the happenings of those first two weeks were glued to my mind. 

I was seated next to this old lady, her dark haired greyed due to age and a pair of glasses on her eyes. She had the look of someone that was kind. And the second I had sat there, she had looked at me and smiled, almost as if she knew me. But she wasn't a resident of Rabdah, I could tell. 

" Well hello there, " She had happily greeted me after I placed my violin. I said ' hi ' back and offered her a smile. If my guess was correct then she was a tourist who had visited from the States. 

She reached into her bag and took out a book. Then she leaned back against her seat and started reading. Later, when the flight had already taken off, she tapped my shoulder and asked me what my name was. And I wondered why she wanted to know, getting all these negative thoughts. Then I realized she was just attempting to make conversation.

" Jerald, " I told her and she slowly nodded.

" I'm Nancy, pleasure to meet you, " 

I ought to have told her the pleasure was all mine but I didn't. Instead I was busy looking at the cover of the book she held in her hand. Something about rediscovering yourself. In the few minutes that followed I knew almost everything about her. 

She talked quite a lot. 

My guess had been wrong, she told me that she had been visiting her son who worked in Rabdah. And was currently on her way to visit his twin in London. 

" He was just passing through Rabdah for work. Wasn't even supposed to stay long, but then the crazy boy fell in love and refused to leave, " she said. And afterwards she laughed to herself and shook her head. I had nothing to say so I kept quiet and smiled. 

After she told me about her daughter who was a divorce lawyer and a mother to a beautiful small girl with the best dance moves, she asked me about myself. 

I didn't want to talk about myself, but I knew it would be a bit rude to just refuse. 

" I'm in highschool..in London. I'm going to complete my studies. "

She told me that was wonderful. Then she talked about education being very important. After a while she grew quiet and concentrated on her book once more, until finally she turned towards me once more. I could feel her staring so I stared back, observed as she adjusted her glasses and then she slightly lifted her book up. 

" This was my husband's favorite book. Old man passed away last year, " 

I told her sorry for her loss. She suddenly grew very quiet, and a thoughtful look took over her features. Then she looked at the cover and smiled a sad smiled. 

" Thirty four years of marriage,half of which he spent trying to make me read this. And yet I waited till he was gone to do so. Thought it might make me feel closer to him..." She scoffed, then she closed the book and placed it back into her bag. 

" You know what I've learnt after a hundred and sixteen pages of published crap?" She asked me and I shook my head. Then I watched her as she leaned back against her seat once more and closed her eyes as if intending to nap. 

" I've learnt that he's not in the book, I won't find him there no matter how many times I read it. He's gone. But at least he still lives here. " She placed her hand on her chest and I watched as she drifted off to sleep. 

Love was the strangest of all things