
Chapter 29

" The principal tells me you reported back yesterday, " my father began and my heart started thumping again. He placed the results on the table and crossed one leg over the other. 

 " May I know where you had gone?" there was a calm edge to his words that sent a chill down my spine. He raised a brow and I didn't know what to say. Lying wasn't a specialty of mine. And I actually detest lies. Wanted nothing to do with them. 

" Ummm..." I struggled to respond.

My mother was also looking up at me expectantly. And I decided to give them the truth that was not actually the truth, but neither was it a lie.

A half truth I would name it.

" A friend of mine invited me to spend the break at his vacation home. " 

I prayed for him to leave it at that, but that was never like my father.

" A friend you say? "

I nodded. Then he asked me for my friend's name and my hands began trembling a bit. Why would he ask me that, I wondered.

" Calen, " It felt wrong to give over the name to my father. Calens' name was precious to me.

" Calen who? "

My throat felt perched. I watched as my father picked up the results again and began to go through the papers.

" Silverstein. His name is Calen Silverstein, "

My father ran his eyes over the papers and I watched as he slowly nodded. 

" Well at least you're keeping to good company. " he said after a while and I guessed that he had seen Calens' performance on the result slip as well.

" Oh yes, Calen is the school's students representative. A brilliant young man!" the principal chirped in and my father seemed satisfied.

" I'm so glad that you've made friends here, " my mother said with her palm on my cheek. I smiled at her. Then I couldn't help but feel as if I was betraying her trust somehow. 

My father stood and instructed his escorts to wait outside, the two men walked out without uttering a word. 

" Have you really come all the way here just to see me?" I asked my mother who did not reply.

Instead, she turned to my father who shook his head. Like he was warning her from telling me something. I would have pushed and asked what but I didn't. That wasn't how I had been raised. If it was something I was meant to know then they would have told me. 

The principal sang my praises for a while longer and my mother beemed with untold joy. I felt uncomfortable the entire time because I was keeping a secret that could shatter the smile on her face within a second of her hearing it. 


Half an hour later we exited the office. My parents wanted to head back home, technically, my father did. My mother looked so heartbroken when he said that it was time to head back. The bond I had with that woman was special. My mother had for a long time been my joy. My escape in a world where I had never really fit in. I could never open up to her regarding certain things but whenever I felt like the load on my shoulders was too tiresome to carry, I could always rely on her to help.

The help itself was in the form of a tasty snack or an attentive ear. Perhaps a piece of advice every so often. So I cherished her deeply.

Once outside the office the principal left us to say our goodbyes in private. And as I turned to watch him walk I way I saw Calen a short distance away, leaning against a wall.

His eyes narrowed at us, then he turned to me. And I saw the worry in those beautiful dark brown eyes. 

" Okay? " he mouthed from the distance and I simply nodded. To see the relief on his face only served to strengthen the feelings I had for him. Knowing that he had stayed behind to ensure that nothing was wrong.

It was the little things that mattered I suppose.

The principal stopped beside him. They exchanged pleasantries and talked for a couple of minutes. Then the principal gestured towards our direction, held Calens ' shoulder and walked away.

I didn't have to wonder about what they had talked about because immediately after, Calen began walking towards us.

I recall the wildness with which my heart began to pound again. That was a situation I did not at all want to be a part of.

He stopped where we are and I watched how my father eyed him with curiosity. As if deep down, in the very roots of his consciousness...he knew something.

" Good morning Sir, ma'am, " he greeted both my parents. Turning to each one as he did. 

They responded with the politeness that was a part of who we were.

I couldn't talk, it was like I was watching the entire scene from outside my own existence.

" My name is Calen Silverstein. I'm a close friend to Jerald, " he shot me a look that said, " You're not a close friend and neither are you Jerald, " and I was glad for that look because I didn't want to be either of those things either.

I was more. So much more.

" The school representative, are you not?"

my father asked and Calen affirmed it.

" I've seen your performance, good job. "

I had shot a glance at the result sleep while in the office. Calen was the third best student in the school. And he had passed his chemistry test tremendously. 

I felt proud. But since he had no clue about his own performance, he simply thanked my father and said I had been helping him study.

" That's so like my Jerald, always eager to help, " my mother said lovingly.

" True. I have to say that you have raised a brilliant gentleman, "

He smiled that smile of his and it was directed to me. And though I didn't want to smile back I couldn't help it. He did that to me, he made me happy even when I wanted to conceal my joy.

And for a couple of seconds we forgot that my parents were there and we let the affection show through our eyes, but I put an end to it immediately after.

Calen eventually left, and my father stared at him walking away for the longest while. I could feel it deep down that there were so many words left unsaid between us. Like there were things he wanted to ask but decided not to because even he couldn't bring himself to think about them. And I watched him shake his head and return his attention to the present.

He told me bye in the way of strangers. Then he stepped back to let my mother shower me with her affection once more.

I hugged her tight, and as I did she told me a lot of things, but amongst them all one particular thing stood out to me.

" You look like a man who has finally found himself sweet child. I'm glad..." then she loosened the hug to look up at me, and on her face was the sadest of all smiles.

" I can't wait for you to come back home, "

Home, I thought. That place no longer felt like my home. It was a grand prison. A gold embellished straight jacket....it was a cage with every comfort there was, but a cage nonetheless.

My home was in calen Silverstein's arms. 

Soon after they left, and back into my home I returned.

I found him in class, it was his Spanish class but I had heard that teachers didn't officially start teaching until about three days after the students reported back. So the students only went to their classes out of necessity and spent their time telling tales and joking.

I peered in just enough to get his attention, and his eyes had been focused on the door. As if he had known I would go to look for him. I inclined my head to the outside and then stepped into the hallway. He walked out almost immediately after.

" They're gone?" He asked and I nodded.

There was this silence afterwards, and I realized that he wanted to tell me something but he was reconsidering whether to do so. He held my shoulder and gently nudged me back and against the wall, then he stood in front of me and placed his hands on either side of my neck. 

" Talk to me, " I whispered.

We were out in visible space. At any second anyone could have passed by and seen u but for the very first time, I didn't care. As a matter of fact, Calen seemed more conscious than I was. He'd look around every other minute.

" You're here," he uttered and the shock in his voice confused me.

" Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

He blew out a breath.

" I just assumed that having your parents here would make you..." he pressed his forehead to mine " ...I don't know. Don't mind me,"

I actually understood what he meant.He had been scared that I would shut off immediately after my parents left. That I would have some sort of revelation and decide to put an end to us.