
Chapter 28

" Well there you two are, finally. " Sophia said on seeing us. 

She was a great friend of Calens', and he had told me that she had known him since he was admitted to the school. She was also in charge of taking the records of all who had not yet reported back to the principal so that he would follow up and learn the reason as to why.

But the previous night, Calen had called her and told her that we had been caught up in a storm and wouldn't be able to travel till the following day. And she had believed him and told him not to worry about anything. 

Being the first day, almost no one would realise that we hadn't even reported back. Half the school would be resting from their tedious journey and the other half would be catching up with their friends to share stories of their vacation and to brag about all the wonderful things they had done.

" Oh thank God that you're back, luck must really be on my side, " she added,. blowing out a breath and looking up at the heavens.

We were both confused.

" What exactly do you mean. is there a problem? " Calen asked her and she turned to me.

" There would have been, but since you're here I suppose the problem has been evaded. "

She started typing something very fast on her desktop. 

" There, as far as anyone knows you two came back here yesterday at exactly five. "

She seemed on edge.

Calen and I exchanged glances before he leaned in to Sophia's desk and asked her what the issue was.

" I just saw Jeralds' father and some other people walk by here. It's only a matter of time before they have me call you. I was beginning to panic since I hadn't told the principal you two still......" the rest of her words disappeared into a haze. 

My heart started thumping and I found it hard to focus on my breathing. There was a ringing in my ear and I couldn't think about anything clearly.

Why was he there?

What had he heard?.....Did he know, and if so then how long did I have until Seville turned into a distant memory?

I felt like passing out. I was shaking and my vision became blurry.

" Oh my God is he okay? " I heard Sophia ask from a distant part of my subconscious. Then I heard the telephone ringing and her worried voice as she answered it.

" Hey hey, relax J.R, try to breathe. Just take it easy, " that was Calen.

I felt his strong hold as he directed me to a chair and had me sit.

Then I felt his gentle touch as he smoothed the back of his hand against my cheek and the strands of my hair. I heard him whisper some words to help me calm down.

" That was the principal, he wants Jerald in the office right away, is he okay? "

I suddenly felt worse. And I was grateful that I hadn't eaten anything because I would most likely have thrown up. What was that? A panic attack? If so then I dreaded the feeling with every last fibre of my being. I clawed at my tie in an attempt to loosen it and Calen helped, he sounded worse that I felt as he tried to calm me. I felt his hands shaking as the clasped onto mine.

" It's okay, I've got you. I've got you..." he repeated over and over as he wrapped his arms around me.

And that feeling of safety started to seep in and I felt as if there was actually a chance of me making it through the entire thing.

" Can you get him some water please?" he asked Sophia who then scurried to pour me a glass. Calen took it from her and brought it to my lips, urging me to drink.

After some minutes I felt a fraction better. But only because Calen was there, and because he gave me this look that said, whatever happened, we would deal with it together.

I was dying for his kiss but Sophia was there, and I'm certain she was already starting to question the exact status of our relationship.

So I had to be content with having him close and breathing in his clean scent and feeling the warmth of his touch against my neck.

" Should we escort you to the school nurse? " she asked and I shook my head. 

" I'm okay, " I said and struggled to stand, Calen was there, offering me support without me asking.

"Are you sure? Maybe we can have the principal tell your father that you're not feeling- "

" No. I'll go there now, " I cut her statement off. 

But even as I said that, I could still feel that awful rock settle back down in my gut. 

Calen escorted me out of Sophia's office and towards that of the principal, but I stopped halfway there and asked to go alone the rest of the way. He accepted without saying a word. 

I watched his lips part and waited to hear what he had to say.

" I..." he began but then he closed his eyes and shook his head, " I hope all goes well, " he said.

I gave him a weak smile and continued the rest of the way.


Fear is an emotion I loath. And in that moment, while I reached for the knob, it was all I could feel. 

I knew very well that that could very well be the end of it all. And apart from the fear I felt this hurt...this raw pain that was scorching the fragments of my heart. If this was truly the end then I had no clue how I would go on. What would I do with a life that didn't have a certain Calen Silverstein in it?

I unlocked the door and stepped in, and the first thing my eyes landed on was my mother's favorite head scarf. The indigo of it adorned with lovely golden embroidery.

She was seated on one of the two seats at the principle's desk while my father occupied the other. She let out a sharp breath and stood immediately after she saw me. 

" Jerald my sweet boy, " she said with such motherly affection I was taken aback. She came towards me and gave me a hug. And in that moment all my fears were washed away, because had they known, my mother would have definitely not greeted me so lovingly and my father would not have been seated so calmly. 

If they had known then their faces would have been fuming with rage.

" Mother? What are you doing here?" 

Had they come to see me then leave? I doubted it. That was not how my family functioned. And though I'm sure my mother had missed me a great deal, my father would not have accompanied her for something as silly as a visit.

" Silly boy, " she said with a tap to my shoulder and a roll of her eyes. Then she smiled and added.." I'm here to see you, why else would I be here huh?" 

My eyes fell to the floor and I smiled . Then I looked up at her and told her I was glad she was there.

" Goodness Jerald, you look pale! Have you been using any of the oils I packed for you....and why is your hair so long? I warned you about growing it out didn't I ..." she rumbled on and on about everything she deemed to be wrong with my appearance and I let her.

I let her because I knew that was her way of telling me that she loved me without actually having to say so. And it was also her way of showing how much she had missed me.

" I missed you too, " I said after she was done. She grew serious all of a sudden And I watched as she flicked a tear away before it rolled down her cheek.

" Oh my sweet boy. Have you really missed me? "

I drew her in for another hug.

" Of course I have mother, how could I not?"

" Then why did you refuse to come home? Your siblings had been so eager for your return only to be heartbroken when they learnt that you wouldn't be coming home."

I threw a short glance at my father who was at that moment busy looking over some sort of paper. I'm certain he was wondering when we'd be done with the sentiments and get on with it.

" I apologise. " was all I said, then I let her go and she nodded while assuring me it was okay.

" I was just telling your parents what a marvelous student you are Jerald, " the principal pointed at the papers in my father's hands which I concluded were the midterm results that I was yet to see. But he looked rather satisfied so I supposed I had nothing to worry about.