
Chapter 22

Before I knew it I was on my back again, and he had taken over the entire situation. Something I was okay with because I had no clue what to do.

" Baby steps, " he murmured as he reached down and slightly ran his hand over my strained erection. I moaned, the gentle touch driving me close to madness.

" You affect me just as much, " he said, then he grazed my lobe with his teeth and I tightened my hold on him. I could feel that he was being honest, his hardness pressing against mine. Throbbing almost as hard as my heart.

" Calen..." I drew his name out, felt his hand as it found the waistline of my sweats and sought entrance. And when I looked up his eyes were on mine. Searching for any sign that I wanted him to stop.

" It's okay, " I assured him. And then he wrapped his hand around my length and with each slow and lazy stroke I grew more needy. He quickened the strokes, and I have never felt such a rush of sensations. I felt like I was flying, and then falling, and then I was flying again.

" I've pictured this countless times...." he mentioned, and his voice was an added aphrodisiac. I didn't even have the strength to hold onto him anymore so I let go and simply lay on my back. Then I felt.

" But nothing compares to reality, " he finished off, I came at the same instant. Unable to control it. I can't be sure but I think I groaned so loud he had to kiss me so I could stop. And then we collapsed side by side. 

" Whoa! " I breathed out and he laughed.

This heavenly sound I had become addicted to.

And when I had my breathing under control again I got on him and caged him underneath me.

" My turn, Calen Silverstein. "

His dark brown shone with adoring delight.

Calen's POV

My J.R is a being of innocence, of passion unrealized, of immeasurable love.

He was kind. I had witnessed it myself countless times. The efficiency with which he picked up and handed over a fallen book from the pile of a passing student. The earnesty with which he replied to questions. The very generous look in his eyes whenever he explained a concept to a confused classmate. It was a part of him, the kindness. It made him himself. It made him approachable and respected. It made him desirable to be around.

It was midmorning. We had taken chocolate cake from the canteen and J.R's sweet tea from the cafeteria as breakfast. And now we were lying on the grass in the park. He was a small distant away from me because of the crowd, but he was close enough for us to talk without having to even slightly raise our voices.

I didn't know where all the students at school stood as far as such matters were concerned. But I knew for certain that a majority of them couldn't care less. They were mostly wealthy and entitled students who were at school because it was a necessity. They all had planned futures waiting for them.

J.R sat up and turned to sit facing me, then he brought his knees up and wrapped his arms around his legs 

" Tell me something, " he said. And I waited for him to continue with the statement before realizing that he was already done. 

" Like what? " 

I locked my fingers together under my head, thankful that the weather was calm so I didn't have to worry about the sun. He shrugged dismissively.

" Anything. Tell me something I've never heard before. "

" That's challenging. " 

He smiled his sweet smile and waved at someone in his line of sight. Then he glanced at me again.

" Of course not. Almost every statement you make is new to me. New and unique.... passionate. Like you're unintentionally composing a poem. "

Odd, that's exactly what I thought about him. I closed my eyes, pictured him in my head and held onto that image.

" Is that so?...Then I suppose it only happens when I'm with you. There's this thing you do whenever you're around me. "

" And what could that be? "

He was so eager to listen to me I couldn't help but chuckle. Then I opened my eyes and took in the sight of him. He was wearing the school uniform minus the jacket. His tie draped over his neck, hanging untied and his shirt untucked with the sleeves rolled up. And all he had done to his hair today was run his fingers through it. 

He looked like a model in a rebellious teenage magazine. The olive tone of his skin tempting me to reach over and touch. When he realized I wasn't replying he urged me to do so. Saying something about my wicked taunting. So I grew serious, my eyes piercing his and after I swallowed, I told him what he wanted to hear.

I told him the truth.

" You capture my senses. All of them, even the ones I've never been aware of. "

He licked his lips and I watched him stare at the ground beside him, then he went to speak but I put my finger up to shush him. I wasn't done, I wasn't even near done.

He kept quiet and narrowed his gaze.

" It starts with your scent. Jasmine coated crystals, liquid fire tinged with saffron. Just one faint breath and I know you're there, I know you're near. So I stay alert and listen until I hear your voice, " I slowly sat up. Then I breathed in long and hard, breathing him in just as I had said. And afterwards my eyes fell to his lips. 

" Ask me to go on, " I taunted and he threw me a threatening stare. But the he did just that. I smiled when he did.

 " Uniform, smooth and so utterly you. The rhythmic rise and fall of your sentences. The captivating accent that always drives me nuts. And if you don't talk, I look around until I spot you...."

By now he was looking at me with yearning. He was staring at me with his very soul, something only he could do. My sweet J.R could shatter all my doubts with a singular glance. 

" ....and there's nothing more magical than the moment I'm able to look into your eyes. I take my time, soaking you in, rewriting every detail about you in my brain. " 

His lips parted and a soft gasp escaped. Then he looked around and stood.

" Let's go to our spot, " there was urgency in his voice and I understood why. He wanted to be somewhere secluded where he could react without fear. So I stood and fell into step beside him as we made our way to our spot.

" Go on....." he murmured as we walked. Reaching for my hand and lacing our fingers tightly together. 

" After I've memorised every detail about you, I then bridge the distance between us, longing to touch..." I stopped us when we were far out of sight and held his nape. Kissing our locked hands and inching closer,

 " To ease the burning of my own skin bred by the desire to touch yours. And by the time I accomplish this, you're all I can smell, all I can see, all I can hear and all I can feel. "

I don't know how it happened, but within no time he had me against a tree. And he kissed was kissing me so firmly I couldn't even draw breath. And with each lick of his lips and each stroke of his tongue I grew more on edge. The air around us felt heated and I wanted to kiss every part of him I could reach. Which explained why I had his buttons flying all over the place. I kissed my way down his chest, looking at him for validation when I got to his groin and to the erection pressed against his trousers. All he did was nod, and it was all the assurance I needed.

But before I did anything I asked whether he had ever heard what I told him before.

" You know I haven't, " the strain in his voice turned me on so much I almost lacked words. 

" Good, then I'm glad you heard it from me first. And I also hope I'll be the last and only one to tell you of things you've never heard. "

And with that, I went to work, pleasuring him with the knowledge that I was also his first.

Days passed until they turned to weeks, which turned to months, and before we knew it, two months had gone by.

And we were closer than we'd ever been. We had our midterm exams in a week, after which we had to part for the midterm break which would last for about ten days. 

I didn't want to think about it. I had never looked forward to the time, but now I dressed and loathed it even more. 

Ten days of waking up knowing that I wouldn't get to see my J.R.