
Chapter 23

Ten days of going to sleep with the knowledge that the next day would be just as unbearable.

" A penny for your thoughts, " J.R said, sitting beside me in the library. He was doing his maths assignment while I struggled with some Chemistry questions he had given me.

" It's nothing really. I was just thinking. "

" About what? Because it clearly isn't about the extraction process of metals. "

He knew me so well now that I could never fool him. Sighing, I placed my pen between the pages of my textbook and rested my chin on my locked fingers.

" The midterm break. "

I watched as his face fell. Then he went back to his assignment, constructing with his instruments. Doing it all so fast I was fascinated just watching him.

" It's just a week, I'm certain that we can manage. "

" It's ten days actually, and I hope you're right. "

He looked up at me, and then he went back to his work. I could sense that there was something he wasn't telling me. He had that look in his eyes, the one he got when he was trying to find a way to tell me something.

" J.R. What is it? "

He shook his head and insisted it was nothing. I hated it when he attempted to shut me off like that, so I flipped closed his textbook and pulled it towards me, forcing him to look at me.

" Give that back, " he wasn't mad, just defensive.

" I'm planning on doing just that, but first you have to tell me what's bothering you. "

" I'm not bothered by anything. It's just..." 

He shook his head, then he crossed his arms and leaned back against his chair. I raised my brows inquisitively.

" My father called, he asked whether it was really necessary for me to go home and I said no. So I'll be staying here...." he finished off.

A number of students stayed behind as well. Just a handful of them though. And as J.R told me that he was planning on staying, I smiled. Unable to reign in my happiness.

" Well you seem oddly excited. "

" That's because I am. And do you know why? "

He slowly shook his head, then I watched as realisation dawned on his face and he narrowed his gaze.

" Wait...are you staying behind as well?" he asked and I shook my head.

" Even better my J.R, but I'm afraid you'll just have to wait and see. One thing is for certain however.... we're not spending the break in school. "

He begged me to tell him what I meant but I didn't tell him anything. And as the examination week finally arrived he stopped asking me as much as he used to. Then the day before the midterm break he gave up completely and told me I was an evil human being, and that if he failed his midterm it would be my fault for diverting his attention from his studies with my refusal to share information.

I could only laugh.

" I've watched you alternate between your maths and physics homework in thirty minutes J.R, I'm sure your academic skills haven't been tampered with. "

" Still, why won't you just tell me. I could refuse to go with you until you do so. You know that right?" 

" You wouldn't dare. "

" It's a free country, is it not?" 

His insistence only served to amuse me even further. I asked him to pack some clothes the night before, and I observed as he did so. Making sure he carried the right clothes that would suit the weather of my surprise destination.

After he packed his suitcase I went back to my room and packed mine. 

That night we sat with Oliver and Rajeev who chatted about their plans during the break. Oliver said that the first person he would visit was his girlfriend, and when he attempted to go into deeper details we pleaded with him to stop. 

Rajeev said something about a sister of his giving birth to twins while he was in school, and that he couldn't wait to meet them so he could convince his sister to name one Raj and the other Jeev . An idea he considered brilliant.

I glanced at J.R every now and then because I simply couldn't help it. And he did the same. There was this aura of excitement hanging around us as it always was on days like these.

" Anyways, tell us what your plans are, " Rajeev said after narrating his odd intentions. He was referring to J.R and I. I shrugged, and J.R simply smiled as he took a bite of his food. And when none of us answered Oliver patted my shoulder severally, urging me to share.

" Come on, just tell us. What are you love birds going to be up to? "

J.R choked on his food.


The silence stretched, and it was by far the most uncomfortable silence I had ever been a part of. The entire situation was awkward.

Oliver clearly sensed that he had said something that he wasn't supposed to, and now he and Rajeev glanced back and forth between J.R and I. 

My J.R looked extremely pale, he drank his second glass of water then he simply turned to me. But he didn't try to deny what Oliver had said.

" Oh come on, looking at you two one would think I just revealed some great secret that no one ought to be aware of! " Oliver casually said with a roll of his eyes. Then he and Rajeev continued with their meal as if nothing has happened.

" Who told you that we're...." I began but then I stopped. Not because of my restrictions but rather because of J.R's. Such titles would undoubtedly scare him. 

" That you're what? lovebirds? or boyfriends? or simply lovers? " Rajeev asked. His hand wrapped around a bottle of mango juice. He chuckled and turned to Oliver who simply shook his head.

" No one told us anything Calen. In case you haven't realized, we have eyes. " Oliver said.

" Yeah, you two hardly ever leave each other's side. And I've seen you sneak out of his quarters countless times, " Rajeev added.

" And don't get me started on the lovesick glances you keep throwing at each other.." Oliver continued.

J. R and I could only glance from one to the other as they admitted to knowing about us. And when I turned to him, I noticed this shade of pink on his cheeks. A blush. I was greatfull for the reaction since I had expected him to freak out and possibly even ran off.

" And apart from you, who else knows?" he cautiously asked. The two of them looked around the cafeteria before they both shrugged.

" Everyone? " Rajeev said, and it came out as a question. Like he actually believed that every one was aware of this secret affair that my J.R and I had tried so hard to hide. 

" I don't get why you're so freaked out. It's not like anyone cares. Besides,you're not the first couple in this school....I know of at least thirty of them. " Oliver stated.

I blew out a breath, and I turned to see J.R looking around the room. Then he turned to me and the side of his lips curved up in a slight smile.

" And to be honest with you, in my opinion you're actually the loveliest pair here. " Rajeev commented and Oliver said that he agreed. Then like the good friends that they were, they changed the subject and started talking about some celebrities I knew nothing of. But I listened, because it was amusing to listen to them. And then after a while, when I was still trying to stop myself from thinking about the fact that the entire school knew about J.R and I, I felt his hand on mine. I turned to look at him, and he wore this look that assured me it was okay. That he was okay.

So I held his hand, and raised it to my lips, placing a soft kiss on his even softer skin. 

" We get it, you're both in a committed relationship. No need to rub it in, " Oliver joked and we laughed. 

And I realised that I had actually needed that. I had needed to know that they accepted us for who we were, and that their feelings about us wouldn't have changed simply because they found out such a thing.

That night J.R slept in my room with me. He said he liked how my sheets smelt like me. And we barely slept a wink since we were too busy taking and giving each other pleasure. I told him we would leave at exactly eight the following day and all he said was okay. He had stopped trying to get me to tell him our destination. So the following day we woke up early and we got ready. It was a requirement to leave school while dressed in formal uniform, and we followed the rule. Then I asked J. R to go get his luggage and meet me in front of the administration building.

When he actually got to the front of the building he stopped on his tracks, his eyes widening in unhidden shocked as he stared at the vehicle behind me.