
Will we meet today..

3rd May,2013 the day when I was scared, nervous and excited to meet him actually I had mixed feelings on that day. Well, I was at school now and when I entered in my class my friends came and said," What are you doing today at school? Don't you know that guy asked about you from everywhere he said he wants to meet you eagerly". I asked from my friend," Everything's fine but can you please tell him what's his good name". She said," don't you know his name"? I said," No, hahaha" she said," his name is 'Shreyas'. I said," Disgusting person with good name his name is too good for him well whatever I don't want to discuss anything about him". Then someone from our class came to me and said," hide yourself somewhere because he's coming to you. I said,"who" then she replied," Shreyas and don't go outside from class" I said," Please give me space It's an urgent and I want to go washroom.

I left my class from first door and he entered from second door in our class and asked from my classmates in arrogance,

" where's she" they said," who"? He said," that girl who fought with my best friend yesterday actually I come here just to appreciate her for her confidence" my friends said," we don't know where's she". He said,"If she comes tell her I'll meet her tomorrow definitely" and leaves. And at that time I entered in the class everybody gave me weird reactions like I murdered someone and I was like what happened to all of you in confusing way. Everybody said together," don't come school tomorrow because he said he'll meet you tomorrow definitely so if you want to save yourself then please don't come". I replied," I'll come and I am not afraid from anyone". First period were started and today our class teacher clearly said to me," you're not a student of my class because I asked from further teachers on behalf of you and 9th'B's teacher said that you are her student but I'll give you permission to attend today's class there because it's difficult for you to leave your friends like that and especially if you are new one". My mood became worst and I don't wanted to attend this school anymore. It was a period of history and I hate this subject but I always got good marks in this subject and I don't know why and it made me sleepy. After that our lunch break begins and after finishing lunch me and my friend went to washroom and then she said,

"that class behind washroom is 9th'C' and so called Shreyas class too. I said," What? I am happy now that I am in different class from him". And we were in washroom and lunch break over and we heard someone screamed," Our Principal on a way everybody go to your classes" because our Principal was very strict and everyone scared from her". I was in a washroom and when I came out I saw my friend wasn't there and the Principal's coming to me and I became nervous and then someone hold my hand and pulled me in 9th'C and I was scared

To be continued.....