
Fight for Myself

2nd May,2013 it was a day when my life changed and there is a turning point came into my life. I was a person who never knew about love and like someone else. Okay now, comes to the point and the time was 6:30 am and I waked up late on that day my mom and said," don't go school today you're late today and otherwise you will receive punishment today", but I wanted to go and requested to my mom and she gave me permission to go school. I had on my way to school and as expected the seniors gave me punishment but I accepted that but after that my mood became worsen because it was a first punishment of my life I received. The first period started and class teacher came and she said to me,"I am not sure about your admission in my class because I wasn't updated with your name till now so make sure to ask from other teachers too". I said," Yes Ma'am, I'll check about this".

Because of my bad mood all the periods lunch break gone and I even not thought about this and with that mood I forgot to asked from other teachers about my admission. After lunch fifth period were started but our class monitor came and said," this period's teacher isn't come school today so it's gonna be free period for us". All were happy after listening this but I wasn't my friends came to me and they took me outside in the school corridor but when I came out from my class I bumped into a guy I said to him,"Sorry" but he said,"I don't want your apologies and can't you see me properly with your four eyes" and he started going I asked from my friend," What's the meaning of four eyes?" She replied," it means your two with your spectacles" I said," Wow what a great meaning" and in full of anger I went to him and said," If you have your two good eyes so it's your responsibility to focus on your way not mine and don't talk with me with these type of things again in future because I am not a good person who can innocently accept this and don't mess with me again got it". After that fight i felt relaxed and my friend said," he isn't a good guy he is a friend of the bad rich guy of our school he always said," If you mess with my friends it means you messed with me" so please control on your emotions and actions against them in future.

I said," I don't care care who's he if he will mess with me then I will give him better reply don't worry about me well isn't this funny that he's from a rich family and what he's doing in that type of school"? She replied," he's not a good boy I think his parents send him here just to give life's lesson". I said," Okay then fine a guy like him should be treated like this". My friends said," You're not worried after all of this". I said,"No" but after that I eagerly wanted to meet him because I wanted to saw his face and his reactions on me too. I was excited and at home I was just thinking about him what kind of a guy him? What I'll do if he did something with me? At eating my mind in full of thoughts for him. I was doing homework and still I was thinking about him in inner I thinking What kind of looks he have? Is he looks like a devil or monster? Why everybody afraid from him? OR he have just eyes who wanted revenge from others. I am too tired now I have to sleep it's enough to think about him for now.