
Will we meet today continues..

So, here I am after one year of gap i am going to update my new chapter and I am very nervous and excited for this, I am really sorry for not updating because i was busy doing something. I hope you all will understand...

Story continues from here again....

The Principal's coming to me and I became very nervous and then someone hold my hand and pulled me in 9th'C and I was scared when I opened my eyes I saw someone who has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, the face I can't even imagine in my dreams it was so heavenly and then I asked from myself, "how someone can be so perfect"?

And from here my story begins...

" My first crush or My first love"

I was so embarassed, nervous and blushing at the same time and I forgot what was happening around me, and then I heard his voice, he asked to me " Who are you and which class you are from I haven't seen you before or Are you new in this school" he asked me so much and I wasn't able to reply any of his question my heart was beating so fast like someone's beating the drum anyone could hear that~

And then I left his class silently without replying anything to him.

When I returned to home after school I was happy and sad at same time because it was the last day of our school because our summer break were going to start from the very next day and I thought, I'll not be able to see him again for the next two months.

In this, long break my love story will bloom or wither....