
My Fenrir System

(#WPC 252 -Bronze winner) Jamie a high school Student shuffled off his mortal coil because of an unfortunate event and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic as a Wolf. Read his journey as he climbs up the ladder of evolution to become the mythical creature Fenrir with a system.What will happen in his life?, will he be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become human? or will he perish?. Check it out :-) #Vote it with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

Mister_Imaginative · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 6:Grinding Exp

Srides kept herself locked in her room as she was going through the so-called emotional damage syndrome.

Jamie tried to cheer her but at some point she stopped responding.Jamie had one thing in his mind and it was to be stronger than he currently is.

On a windy day, Jamie decided to go to the forest nearby and train.The soothing wind breeze roamed throughout his face as he kept on walking.As he walked for an hour he spotted a wolf pack and decided to use his skill and take them under his wing.

Jamie approached them and howled loudly.The wolf's of the pack were shuddering because of his presence but one wolf didn't fall in line and it was probably the leader of the herd.Jamie howled again but that showed no sign of submission instead it was ready to attack him.Jamie only had one option left and it was to put a lid on it's arrogance by letting it taste defeat.

Jamie pounced to attack the leader wolf but it dodged.The leader wolf then tried to strike back Jamie upfront but Jamie intercepted it with his claw.Both of them were equally wary of each other but Jamie had the upper hand as he wasn't fighting with his full strength as he wanted to demonstrate his power in a way so that the opposing wolf would give into submission without taking much damage.

Jamie then transformed into his original size and this time also the wolf didn't show any sign of fear.Jamie was happy that he finally met someone with guts which makes it the more the reason to get him to join the pack under Jamie.

The wolf used one of it's skill and it's claw became bigger all of a sudden.The wolf started to strike Jamie with those giant claws repeatedly but Jamie dodged them until one strike left a scratch mark on his body.Jamie thought it was time to wrap up as he didn't have much time to waste.Jamie howled one last time to see whether the wolf would give into submission or not.The wolf stood proudly as Jamie howled.

Jamie was flabbergasted seeing the resilience of the wolf.Jamie rushed towards the wolf at full speed and striked a deadly blow.The wolf was barely standing after receiving the blow.Jmaie decided to end the match as the wolf had pride in it's skills.Jamie didn't want to kill the wolf seeing the braveness it fostered.

The wolf at some point fainted. Jamie took the rest of the wolf and embarked on a journey towards the dungeons.Jamie wanted to grind as much exp as possible so, he decided to leave some of the wolf's on each floor that he cleared.The wolves were kept to fight off monsters if they spawn.Jamie left the weak ones on the first floor and as for the rest he stationed them based on their power level.After reaching the 10th floor the pack ended up existing of three Wolf's except Jamie.

Jamie decided to fight the boss monster and told the remaining three wolves to back him up.The remaining three Wolf's we're the finest soldiers of the pack.Jamie found a majestic door with a snake imprint.Jamie entered the dungeon and found a monster with the body of a snake and half horse.The head of the monster was of a horse and the rest of its body parts were snake alike.

The three wolves came in front of Jamie as if they were pointing out they could take it head-on and win without the help of Jamie.Jamie permitted them to fight with the boss monster.The wolves attacked the boss monster one by one.Jamie silently stared as they were stirking the boss monster with different abilities.At some point the boss monster used an ability which lets it take energy from it's enemy and the three wolves life force were getting sucked every moment by the boss monster.Jamie didn't want to interfere with the fight but seeing the wolves like this he used his skill Dark howl and told the wolves to back off as they were unable to finish off the boss monster.

Jamie's skill didn't work on the boss.Jamie transformed to his original size and used the skill Intimidation.The boss monster also transformed to its original size and Jamie wasn't expecting that.The boss monster roared to prove its domination.

Jamie understood that defeating the boss monster won't be that easy and deep down inside he was happy that he finally can go berserk using his full power.Jamie used the skill one pack army and his whole body was pumped up with energy nullifying the active skills of the boss monster.

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