
My Fenrir System

(#WPC 252 -Bronze winner) Jamie a high school Student shuffled off his mortal coil because of an unfortunate event and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic as a Wolf. Read his journey as he climbs up the ladder of evolution to become the mythical creature Fenrir with a system.What will happen in his life?, will he be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become human? or will he perish?. Check it out :-) #Vote it with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

Mister_Imaginative · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 5:The Escape

Finding out 15 people inside the house Jamie was busy plotting their getaway from this place being unscratched while Srides was keeping a watch outside using the door hole.Jamie got an idea after racking his brains to it's limit.The idea was simple yet effective.

Jamie wanted to relay his idea to Srides but there was no way he could tell her so he decided to show it to her using body gestures.After showing the gestures multiple times Srides got what Jamie wanted to say.

Jamie decided to get back inside the cage and make it seem like he was dead inside by lying without moving and breathing. Srides took the loosened ropes and tied a knot on her foot. She hid her hands facing the wall to avoid suspicion.

Two-man came inside the room and sat on chairs as they kept on looking at Jamie lying like that even after so many hours passed.One of them went out to call the man who is the owner of the house and one waited inside the room.

The owner of the house came shortly after and opened Jamie's cage to check whether he was alive or not.While the man was checking out Jamie's breathing Jamie stopped his breathing for some time and as he was the man came close enough he grabbed the mans neck with a big bite.The two men were coming near to free him but the owner of the house told them to back off as Jamie was bitting more tightly as they take each step.The mother of Srides entered the room and upon finding the man like this she rushed towards him without thinking twice to free him.Jamie saw that and bit so tightly that the man was beheaded in seconds. Srides's mother saw the decapitated head and backed away out of fear as tears were falling from his eyes.

That time Jamie got a mission from the system.


[Mission:Demonstrate the power of a pack alone]

[Accept] or [Decline]

Without a second thought, Jamie accepted the mission and started killing all the men present inside the house being merciless.The slaughter was quite a demonstration that would make any grown men's ass freaked out.

As Jamie finished killing all the men he was given two new skills.The first one was One pack army which allows Jamie to harness power similar to a wolf pack.The second one was a Dark Howl which causes paralysis of the enemy.

Srides also saw the killing and at some point, she also felt fear taking over throughout her body.Srides's mother kept on crying holding the headless body of the man and her clothes became blood-red as if it was washed in a river of blood.

Being done with the killing Jamie barked looking at Srides giving a sign that he's done and it's time to leave.Srides left the room looking at her mom for some time.Srides and Jamie didn't return home as Jamie had matches left to attend in the col​os​se​um which he needed to win for the dinero.

As they reached the col​os​se​um the next match of Jamie was fixed against the greater snake.The snake was 2 times bigger than Jamie but it all depends on the strategy.The snake was not under control.As the snake was released inside the col​os​se​um it started to roam around the col​os​se​um grounds as if it was searching for it's prey.Srides didn't want to let Jamie fight against a deadly venomous snake which is pretty much not under control but Jamie was determined to win.

After Jamie entered the arena the snake stopped and kept on glaring at Jamie.The snake started to spit poison fluids on the ground but Jamie kept on changing his footing to avoid it.The way the snake kept on spitting poison Jamie understood that he needs to put an end to it quickly or else he will have no space to stand.The snake was big and the col​os​se​um was covered with a big cage.Jamie used the cage and went closer to the snake and used his newfound skill Dark Howl to paralyze the snake.The snake was paralyzed and Jamie took this chance to strike a final blow to put an end to the snake.

Jamie used Merciless and cut its head off from it's body in a few moments.The match ended resulting in Jamie's victory.Many people were unhappy about it as they gambled their dinero on the snake.


[Starting Evolution to become Wolf Lord]

[Evolution complete, host now has the power to command more than 100 packs of wolf using the skill: Lords howl]

Jamie body grew again, this time his body became bigger than the size of the greater snake.Seeing Jamie become this big Srides kinda backed off at first but after taking a deep breath she calmed herself saying, all is well.

Jamie was able to change his size so he took the shape of a normal wolf.The crowds started screaming,"Kill the beast, kill the beast".Jamie didn't mind it because he was determined that he was going to win no matter what.

The col​os​se​um match started with 100 contestants and now 50 competitors are left.Jamie already won his match so he had 49 rivals left to defeat.

The match ended and the next match of Jamie was four weeks later so Srides and Jamie went back home.Jamie wanted to become stronger so that he can outdo any enemy. Srides's father was not inside the house and her mother turned out to be a bitch.

Jamie tried to cheer her up but he understood that she probably needed some alone time to cool down.

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