
My Fenrir System

(#WPC 252 -Bronze winner) Jamie a high school Student shuffled off his mortal coil because of an unfortunate event and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic as a Wolf. Read his journey as he climbs up the ladder of evolution to become the mythical creature Fenrir with a system.What will happen in his life?, will he be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become human? or will he perish?. Check it out :-) #Vote it with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

Mister_Imaginative · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 7:Fight with Boss

The air was filled with uncertainty as Jamie and the boss monster exchanged gazes with each other.Both were trying to prove their power and show who's in domination.

Jamie was looking at the boss monster closely to find any vulnerable spot noticeable.The monster was glaring at Jamie and was probably trying to grasp the circumstance using which he can savour the test of victory. Jamie was not thinking of going down by the boss monster instead he was thinking of ending the battle by exchanging three blows.

The first to make a move was Jamie as he was bored of waiting like a pussy.The boss monster increased its guard and was also prepared to land a blow on Jamie after deterring his attack.The boss monster attempted to strike on Jamie's head but Jamie managed to swiftly change his location by jumping behind using the boss monsters tail as footing.

Jamie spoke up,"Not bad mate but I won't let it end as you want, even though I don't think you're understanding what I'm conveying". "I can understand,I simply didn't want to talk with an inferior wolf being such as you",said the boss monster."Well now that's a banger, can I at least know what your species are called since I'm going to exterminate you?".

"We are called 'Hosepant' not that you would know as you're a mere wolf and exterminating that's my line", said the monster in a high key voice filled with pride."Well don't be like that you shouldn't underestimate your opponent no matter what Mr. Hosepant", said Jamie with a tone of disappointment.

"We'll see about that let's see how long you can boast being a mere leader wolf",uttered the monster looking up.Jamie hates people with attitudes so he took this threat personally and was ready to break every bone of the monster's body.The three wolf he brought tried to stand to fight alongside but Jamie told them to stay put and see him in action.

The wolf's agreed and howled at the same time to bring good luck in Jamies battle against the Hosepant.Jamie already had everything planned out, he needed to carry out three simple steps to defeat the Hosepant.

Jamie started to intimidate the hoseplant by badmouthing his appearance."You know there's one thing I can't understand if half of your body is snake alike then how do you poop?, by using your mouth?", asked Jamie while laughing." You wanna die that badly?, you could've filled me in so that I could make your wish come true", said the hoseplant with a bloodlust gaze.

Jamie was aiming for the monster to go berserk so that he could take advantage of the fact that upon using this skill the hoseplant will be mindless and would start attacking indiscriminately.

The hoseplant was clever and it didn't take the bait but Jamie still had two cards up his sleeve.

Jamie used his skill Dark howl again."Are you stupid?,the skills you have dosen't affect me yet why do you insist on using them?", asked Hosepant."Well I don't think you are my mom so shut the fuck up and get started to face my wrath",said Jamie gritting his teeths.

Hosepant used its unique skill serpent tail to knock Jamie but Jamie dodged the attack and bit on the tail tightly.Hosepant was knocking it's tail on the side walls to get free of Jamie's biting.Jamie received few damages upon being smashed on the walls but the hosepant also took some damage as Jamie kept on biting the entire time even after all that shaking.The tail of the Hosepant was bleeding and Jamie's teeth were blood-red as he kept on increasing the bite pressure.

In moments Jamie ripped of the tail of the hosepant just with his bite pressure.The hosepant screamed in anguish and started to attack aimlessly which Jamie was waiting for.Someone once said,"It's not your enemy who you are fighting, your fighting to destroy the weakness in you".Jamie attempted to bite off hosepant's head with as much bite pressure as possible.Jamie was able to bite the neck of the hosepant and started biting as hard as he can.

The hosepant was not going down that easily, it tried to rush towards the wolf's Jamie brought with him seeing no other alternative.Jamie's teeth's were halfway through the neck of the hosepant.The hosepant tried to shake Jamie off by bashing through the walls with it's body.Jamie didn't let go and kept on biting with more pressure.

The hosepant almost reached near the three wolves and Jamie felt the urge to finish the boss monster as soon as possible as the three wolves were laying down with weakened body.The three wolves were not moving an inch trusting Jamie as their pack leader.Jamie saw their dedication and replied to it with the decapitated head of the hosepant.


[You leveled up]

[You defeated the Hosepant low tier boss]

[Skill gained - 2]

[Ruthless] and [Mega Bite]

The three wolves also leveled up along with Jamie as they fought with the hosepant at the very beginning.As a drop item, Jamie received the blood of the hosepant and as he drank the blood he gained the existing ability of the hosepant along with his new skills.


[Would you trade the hospant skills for Wolf whisperer?]

[Yes] or [No]

Jamie looked at the three wolves and thought even though he's the leader of the pack there is no guarantee that they won't revolt in future so he needs to understand their desires and wishes to keep them under his command.Jamie selected yes option and used his skill Wolf whisperer.The three wolves conversation was clear to him after using the skill and turns out they were talking about his mightiness aka the way he defeated the hosepant staking his life not letting go even after getting bashed with countless walls.

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