
My Fake Yandere Husband Gets Clingy after My Amnesia

Chu Xi and He Yu were contract spouses in showbiz before she lost her memory. However, although there were those eagerly waiting for their divorce, Chu Xi lost her memory, and He Yu was suddenly a yandere and charming husband, bewitching her every night. In her amnesiac state, Chu Xi now thought that her marriage was a fulfilling one! They had to go on variety shows to flaunt their love, slapping antis in the face and showing them true love! Hence, they took part in the show, where Mr. He would cling to his wife 24/7 or lose his mind otherwise. He would leave the house with his wife or deliberately dirty her favorite white shoes... There were also many other things: sneaking kisses, sniffing her, enjoying her scoldings... and so forth. The antis were falling apart: The star actor was lovesick! Whoever said that there was going to be a divorce? He would die before agreeing to it! Chu Xi instant tweet: Help! How do you stop your husband from being clingy?! I'm online and waiting for answers! After the variety show, Chu Xi said: I want a baby. Delighted, He Yu tore their divorce papers into pieces and replied: No divorce then. I thought you didn't love me anymore before, so I was going to say yes if you asked. Chu Xi: Weren't you the one who suggested it? Let's get divorced! He Yu's eyes turned red, and he clung tightly around her waist: Kicking me to the curb after you bewitched me? Dream on!

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40 Chs

Like Cinderella

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

He had just posted on Weibo last night, but by today, the likes and comments had already exceeded a million. Chu Xi was so envious that she was about to cry! As expected of a top superstar. Just a few words and a few photos were enough for him to appear on the trending searches! She looked at her own number of fans. She only had 500,000 followers. The most recent Weibo post only had slightly more than 100 comments. She fell into deep thought.

These were the results of her three years of hard work in the entertainment industry? This was too pitiful! When would she become as famous as He Yu? Could it only happen in a dream?

"Wash your hands and eat." He Yu took off his apron and walked to the sofa. Then, he carried her to the washroom. After washing her hands, he carried her to the dining room.

Chu Xi felt much better. So what if he was a superstar? He still had to serve her at home! She immediately perked up!

When He Yu saw that Chu Xi was unhappy one moment but smiling the next, her adorable appearance made him happy.

"Try it and see if you like it." He Yu picked up a piece of spicy chicken and placed it in her bowl.

"Yum… the taste is superb!" Chu Xi didn't even have time to swallow before she quickly said, "He Yu, if you lose popularity as an actor in the future, you can earn money by opening a restaurant!"

"Then I'll probably starve to death," He Yu said with his eyes lowered.

"Why?" Chu Xi picked up a few more pieces of chicken and stuffed them into her mouth, her cheeks bulging from the food.

He Yu put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth gently with a tissue before saying, "Because I only cook for you."

Chu Xi's face flushed. She didn't know if it was because the chicken was too spicy or because she was feeling bashful.

He Yu loved to see her bashful look. Before she lost her memory, she was always bashful in bed and fearfully avoided him. How could she be so shy?

Her face was extremely flushed, as if a layer of pink icing had been sprinkled on white cotton candy, making one want to take a bite.

He Yu leaned over and bit her little face gently. Her face felt sweet and soft.

Chu Xi covered her face and glared at him fiercely with her watery eyes. Although he was her husband, he couldn't bite her face.

Before she could question him, He Yu suddenly lowered his eyes, his handsome face filled with melancholy. "You've never liked my food before. You said that… there's no blissfulness in my food. You said that even dogs wouldn't eat it."

Chu Xi asked, "I really said that?"

He Yu looked even sadder. "Yes."

Seeing the man's pitiful look, Chu Xi said guiltily, "Then, I'll apologize to you, okay? There must have been something wrong with me previously. Your food is very delicious. I like it, really!"

He Yu's eyes lit up. "You don't have to apologize to me. I'm your husband. It's my duty to satisfy your request. I'm not complaining. I just want you to be happy. I'm very satisfied."

After dinner, He Yu cleared the table, washed the dishes, and tidied the room, like Cinderella.

As for Chu Xi, she sat on the sofa and watched quietly. Before she lost her memory, she was probably a bully at home. Did she bully He Yu often? Otherwise, why was he so submissive? She was so wicked! But that was in the past. She wasn't bullying anyone now… Although she thought so, Chu Xi still felt a little guilty.

At night, Chu Xi wanted to take a shower. He Yu carefully wrapped plastic wraps around her injured foot. "Do you want me to help you shower?"

Chu Xi quickly rejected his offer.

He Yu lowered his head in disappointment and muttered aggrievedly, "But I was the one who helped you in the past…"

In the past, it was indeed him who bathed her, but she would resist. However, in the end, he still carried her and bathed her, and he would spend a long time every time. However, she had lost her memory now, so he could only take it slow. Otherwise, he would scare her.

As Chu Xi sat on a small stool, she took a shower while repenting for her evil deeds before she lost her memory. It wasn't like she didn't have arms or long legs. Why did she need He Yu to help her take a shower? This was too outrageous! She reminded herself to treat He Yu better in the future. After she washed off the bubbles on her body, she was looking for a towel when she suddenly remembered He Yu's instructions. The pink towel was hers, and the white towel was his, but they were a married couple, so was there a need to distinguish so clearly? As she thought about it, she picked up He Yu's white towel and wiped her arms. Why was this towel so rough?

Chu Xi quickly picked up the pink towel and wiped her body. This towel was very soft and comfortable.