

"Are you sure you like it?" Paul asked while looking at her with seducing eyes.

"Why not? As I have told you I do miss you. For five years I haven't seen you or heard from you," she said.

"I missed you, I did. It's just that...that I was so busy. Even my I was not checking on my mother leave alone you. You are the first person I decided to see after the auditioning," Paul said.

"Paul can do me a favor?" She asked mellowly.

"Anything for you sweetheart what is it?" Paul asked.

As long as he is going to get into her pants, he was ready to do anything for her at that time.

"We can't catch up here, can we go to your house and probably talk or even watch a movie," she requested.

"Ooh that sure thing, but I am not staying at home this time I am staying in a hotel room. Will you be comfortable there?" He asked to hope that Slyvia will say.

"As long as I am with you handsome," she replied as she pushed her chest in front so that Paul can see her exposed cleavage.

"Okay then let's buy wine that we can drink during the movie," Paul said as he signaled the waiter. Back in his mind he know that they are not going to watch a movie, this night was going to be steamy and hot.

The waiter packed the Rendez Vous apple wine, Paul settled the bill as they left. Paul's driver as expected was waiting for his boss in the car.

He was surprised to see the boss with another woman. Although he have not seen her for quite some time, he recognized her instantly.

He got out of the car and opened the back car door for him. Paul acted like a gentleman and opened the door for Slyvia before walking to the other side and hopping in. 

Paul told the driver to take him to his hotel room, throughout the Journey Paul and Slyvia were smooching and kissing each other.

The driver tried his level best to concentrate on driving because of the smooching sounds in the car. He wished that he could tell them to wait until they arrive in his hotel room but bearing the fact that it was his boss he wouldn't dare unless he want to lose his job.

When they arrived Paul alighted to open the door for her again. She pulled her towards his chest as he carried her in a bridal style and continued kissing.

He put her down when they entered the elevator, that's when he got a chance of squeezing her buttocks.

Slyvia moaned slightly as she was trying her best to control her feelings. She was already turned on as her nipples were already erected.

When the elevator opened Paul hurriedly opened his room door and pulled her in.

"Do we watch a movie or drink the wine or catch up or we continue with what we have started," he asked with a list filled in his eyes. He needed to satisfy his small little member.

"What do you think?" Slyvia asked while licking her lips. She was ready in the mood the only thing remaining was for Paul to read them and figure out what she is ready with.

"Okay then let's watch a movie," Paul said but in his heart he wanted Slyvia to protest.

'oh fool can't you read my mood!' she mocked inwardly. " Okay then, your room is very hot I am feeling uncomfortable, can I change to something comfortable?" She e asked as she moved to the bathroom to change. She didn't wait for his reply, because she was already dying for him to be inside her.

She removed the dress she was putting on with a bra and changed to a single with no bra. While Paul prepared the movies on his laptop, then roved the shirt and laid on his back on the bed waiting for her to come out.

'Oh my goodness! You have decided to seduce me? I wish you know how bad I want to be inside you,' Paul thought as he looked at her cat walking to the bed.

"How do I look in this?' she asked knowing what the answer will be.

"Hot and sexy babe, come and lay here with me," Paul said.

Paul then moved her arms crossing over her, he knows that Slyvia likes it when does that. She turned and smiled at him.

Knowing very well that he won't be able to keep up with the bulge that has been disturbing for him for close to one hour now. Paul started to roll his legs to hers slowly. He could see that Slyvia was getting in the mood or already in the mood.

Then he licked his finger and put it inside her singlet. He already knew that Slyvia wanted the same thing as he does. The only thing was to initiate. Slowly he ran his fingers down her spine, Slyvia started to shiver.

Then Paul diverted his hands to her two erected peaches. He wanted to suck them but restrained telling himself that it was not yet time. So he started to fumble with it softly and that's when Slyvia moaned again slightly. 

Slyvia felt that he needed full access to whatever he was doing to her peaches. So she changed position so that Paul could have the access to tell boobs. He began to twist her nipples in between his fingers, Slyvia found herself moaning out loudly.

Paul was taking in so much effort to foreplay, or else he would be having the second round by now. But he wanted to see if Slyvia still had his feelings. So he began to kiss her neck, behind her ears then her collarbone while still fumbling with her boobs and twisted the nipples.

Then moved one of his hands to her thighs. "I miss you so much babe," he muttered sliding his hands down her thighs.

Slyvia wanted to reply how she have missed him too but his lips were shuttering me a kiss. A deep kiss that she yawned for more. Paul caressed her thighs while kissing and smooching her lips. 

Although he was trying south to control his thoughts he found himself thinking about the day he consummated their marriage with Ivana. The way he took his virginity he can't believe that Ivana doesn't want to see him ever again.

He found himself thinking about her and stopped kissing Slyvia, he looked and her but he could see the beauty that I ana behold. 

"What's wrong?" Slyvia asked when Paul left her lips.

"Huh..it's..it's nothing I was admiring how beautiful you are," he replied.

That's when Slyvia found the courage to topple Paul over and came on top of him. She took the control of kissing him passionately until Paul groaned.

She moved her hand and unclasped the belt then unzipped the trouser. She pushed it down and Paul lifted himself as she removed it from his body.

He was still in his boxers and the bulge showed how blessed he was with a big long membrane. Something that Slyvia likes about him.

She removed her singlet and left her boobs to bounce out freely. She also remained in the pants alone. She position herself and sat on Paul's waist avoiding the groin area but still, she felt the bulge in her buttocks.

Slyvia knew that the small big membrane was dying for its release. She was not ready to free it as she wanted to have a test of Paul's lips when she is in control. She licked Paul's nipple and that's was the first time Slyvia heard him groan out sweetly.

"That's what I was waiting for," she said.

"Paul was surprised that he had groaned out of pleasure the moment Slyvia's tongue come in contact with his nipple. That was the first time a woman had licked his nipple, he found it funny and interesting at the same time.

Slyvia herself ripped off her pant then removed Paul's boxer, freeing his long membrane that was ready to devour her. She was so happy to see it erect like that without asking if Paul is going to use the protection or not she squatted on top of Paul's groin. Held his membrane in her hands and directed it inside her juicy wet honeypot as she moaned.

She remained in that position as devoured in the pleasure of finally having him inside her. Paul was thinking that Slyvia was going to ride him as he took his two hands to her peaches.

"No way I don't want to ride you, unstoppable me without the dick coming out," she said without shame.

Paul instructed her to lay on his chest so that he can topple her the way she want. Within no second Paul was already on top of her with his dick still intact in her honeypot.

He started to move in and out of her with one hand supporting himself while the other hand caressing her one of the peaches slowly. She was moving slowly in and out of her but I guessSlyvis was not enjoying it as she was smirking at one point.

"What are you doing? I want you deep inside me, stop searching Paul," she said with disgust.

That's when paul decide to lift her legs placed them on his shoulder and started moving deep in her. Slyvia released a loud moan and Paul understood the assignment.

He position himself well and lifted her waist slightly high as she started to bang him with the strongest strokes. He was being gentle on her but Slyvia was not in the mood of her gentleness.

"Yes baby ...ye..es...yes..yes...baby..that way," Slyvia said as she moaned loudly. 

Paul was groaning slightly as she enjoyed going deep inside her with her legs wide open and on his shoulder. He was in total control.

"You want that, yeah..like that? Deeper?" Paul asked as he continued moving faster in her.

"Slyvia started to cry with pleasure, she was feeling so sweet to the extent of she started to cry. Paul paused as he didn't want to climax in that position.

She removed her legs on her shoulder and asked her to turn and support herself on fours, to bend over. He wanted all of her vagina exposed to him, Slyvia did what she knows best and turned to doggy style.

Paul moved to her with his dick still throbbing strong and moved in her, then removed. He bend and licked her pussy, then inserted his dick. He leaned forward and got hold of one of her breasts as he moved deep inside her.

He started moving inside her a bit faster as he squeezed one of her breasts about harder and Slyvia knew that he was about to release deep inside her. She moaned loudly and Paul encouraged her to do what o did.

"Moan for me baby, it sounds good it's nice. Moan for me louder, moan for my wifey," he said.

"Slyvia was moaning loudly and she was concentrating on feeling pleasure, she was at the edge of orgasm too so she didn't hear what Paul called her.

They continued moaning and groaning at the same time as Paul devoured her. He then pushed in deeply with his remaining strength as he released inside her. 

He then turned her as the lay in a missionary position and Slyvia kissed him. Holding onto herself tightly.

When Paul was sure that he had finished releasing inside her, he pulled out and got out of the bed as he went directly to the bathroom.

He felt disgusted with the fact that he was hard because of Ivana but Slyvia Is the one who has cooled her down. He got intimate with her out of lustful desire and not love.

'I need to wash away the dirtiness I have caused myself,' he thought.

"What! Aren't we cuddling for a moment why are you in hurry to go into the bathroom?"Slyvia asked.