

"Miss Mukhongo can't yo.....Paul was cut short by her secretary.

She walked to him to inform him that it was about time to start the auditioning. The actors and Media houses have started to complain. Paul cursed inwardly as he smiled at the secretary, telling her to lead in the first contestants.

Mish noticed the way Paul was looking at his secretary, it's the same way he used to look at Ivana when still married.

'Is she the new catch or they are dating? how can these men be like these,' she thought as she scratched her head.

'After cheating on my sister several times she continued with his behavior, he didn't learn from it, what a jerk?'

"Miss Mukhongo what do you say about him?"Mish was brought back from her thoughts when the MC asked her to comment about the contestant on the stage.

That's when she realized that she didn't even notice that the audition have started she have spaced out for a long time.

"Huh? eeh l think he is a good actor when given a lead role in the incoming play/Movie!" For me, it's 4/5 ...

"What about you Mr. Paul?" the MC asked.

Paul chuckled and said," Your facial expressions do not match what you are saying. In acting gestures go hand in hand with what comes of your insolence. Otherwise, for me, you are on average of 2.5/5. 

The few audiences their waweren booed him while the contestant remained silent. His fate lies in the hand of judge Matinde.

"Okay, now we move to judge Matinde, what do you say about him?" 

Judge Matinde looked at the way the contestant was on the stage. He had expectant look In his eyes. She pressed a buzz for him and he was covered in silver sparkle. The contestant jumped with jubilation and went down to hug her while tears came down his eyes.

Mish decided to be attentive for the rest of the audition. So that she won't miss out and be accused of incompetence at work. She knows that Paul can decide to say anything against her.

The rest of the audition was enjoyable as the judges were surprised with the different talents, abilities, and characters that the contestants portrayed. Out of 1000 contestants, only 250 were picked. Paul encouraged those who didn't qualify to give up because Luhyahood Acting Company will be auditioning every year for new talents.

The few audiences that were in started departing to their homes. In the Ballroom, only Judges and Paul's secretary had remained. Matinde excused herself and left the three of them.

Paul sighed deeply before saying"Mish just a moment please".

He walked to where Mish was as he said, "Mish,..how are you and your friend doing?"

Mish didn't want to speak with him about Ivana, she didn't want to meddle in the business that she has no idea about. So she was ready to stand up and leave when Paul begged her to sit.

"Mish please don't do these,l want you to do me a favor, will you?" He said.

"First of all Ivana is my cousin, not my friend. Anyway, what is it, Paul?" She asked with a smirk on her mouth.

"I want you to help me talk to Ivana privately," Paul said.

"Are you not ashamed of yourself? after all, you did to her now you are asking me for a favor?" She said looking at him directly in the eyes."Don't involve me please, you were aware of everything Paul, so if you don't mind am leaving."

She stood up walked to the exit door, Paul was left sitting there like a lost sheep. His head was bowed.

When Mish reached the door and paused, the said, "Leave her alone PAUL, she is happy without you."

She said that without turning back to look at him, then walked away as the diva she is.

Paul sat there not knowing what to do, he wished he can reverse time and not engage himself with any other woman aside from her.

He stood up and walked outside the hotel it was almost late in the evening. He sat in his black limousine and told his driver to take him to Oval club, the biggest club in the county. He wanted to draw himself, drawn in liquor vigorously so that he doesn't remember her.  Her slim figure, and chocolate complexion of her, long legs that he missed being between them, a  long neck that he kissed every night. She was the perfect description of an African queen.

Paul come back to reality when he felt a bulge between his upper thighs. 'What a joke a mere thought about her and I am already hard?.'Ivana, Ivana! what did you do to me,l have f****d several ladies in Nigeria but no one tasted like you?' he thought.

"Did you charm me?" He said loudly.

"Boss you said something," his driver asked

That's when he realized he was thinking loudly. "Huh? eeh take me to Alika Apartment hurry up," he instructed.

"Yes boss," his driver said.

After the audition Mish drove straight to Ivana's place luckily she found her still in the store as she was working overtime. She waited for her until she finished. Ivana has already called her neighbor to pick her boys up because she had delayed picking them up. They drove back home, Mish talked about the audition being nice excluding Paul's incident.

When they arrived in their apartment Ivana volunteered to alight because she was not driving to open the gate. Little did she know she has done a big favor to someone who was watching her from a distance in a black limousine. He smiled after seeing her, he almost drooled because of Ivana.

She was dressed in a yellow business suit and a three-inch stiletto. Ivana held the gate for Mish while looking in Paul's direction. Her consciousness was right someone was gazing at her. When she looked at that side. Paul instructed the driver to accelerate as they furnished.

Ivana closed the gate after Mish have driven in. She walked into the house and changed to something comfortable after taking a shower.

"When are you moving to the mansion?" Mish asked.

"I don't know I don't feel save there, you know Paul is back in the country?" Ivana said.

"Yeah I know we were with him in the auditions," Mish said.

"Yeah, let him enjoy being the CEO before I take back what is mine," Ivana murmured.

Mish looked at her and asked if she had said something to her," Did you say something?"

"No, I am just wondering how to hide the truth from him. I don't want Paul knowing that I was pregnant for him," she said.

"Ivana that's unfair, allow Paul to play part in his children's lives, you can't deny that to him."

"I don't think I am ready for that, imagine he divorced me when I was pregnant. He left me here in the country and went out for five years," Ivana said.

"What about this, create a private time with Paul and talk things out. If it's possible solve everything and tell him the truth. By the way, Paul had asked me for a favor," Mish said.

"A favor? What kind of favor is that?"

"I already told you, Ivana, he asked me to help him set up a date or a meeting with him but I refused. I think it's a high time you talk your issue out."

"Mish, let me go take my son tomorrow is a weekend I don't want them playing till late at night," Ivana said then left in a hurry without giving Mish a reply.

Mish was left surprised as to why Ivana doesn't want Paul to know that they have a child together. 'Anyway, it's their issue, not mine, I better focus on mine. I wonder why Paul is in the country while Mike is not?' she thought.

She picked up her phone and scrolled through the contract wanting to call him but again decided not to. She has been avoiding his calls and text messages for the past two years. She didn't want to be seen as desperate or a simp. 


When Paul arrived in the club Oval he ordered his favorite alcoholic drink. His big little monster continued to misbehave. He was having a hard strong erection, that if he won't get to fuck a woman that night. He was going to have a long sleepless night.

'Ivana you are the reason why I am experiencing this erection, yet you are not here to cool me,' he thought. 

He needed a woman that will cool him that night. He needed some good p**sy. He knows that he has money and looks so no woman can resist him but at that time in the club no woman has arrived. Those that were in had their partners it they are just workers.

He picked up his mobile phone and dialed a certain number as always he knows that she won't resist him. She was dying to see him.

The phone rang on the other end and it was picked in the third ring.

"Hello, how...

"Finally you decided to call me, how are you how have you been?" She asked with enthusiasm.

"I am doing fine but Iisd you, how have you been?" Paul asked.

"If you miss me then pay me a flight ticket to Nigeria so that I can visit you. It has been five years now, don't you want to see me? Or you have another woman there?"

"No, actually I already landed I was calling you to ask you if you are available? Come to club Oval I am waiting for you," Paul said as he pressed his bulge that was disturbing him.

"Are you for real? If you are pranking me Paul then I will never forgive you," she said.

"Why should I prank you about this matter miss you and I want to see you right now, come prepared," Paul said as he ended the call.

Slyvia was so happy to analyze what the last sentence meant. When Paul called she was watching some documentary. She hooped in the bathroom as she took a quick shower. She shaved her private part as she thought,' I know you can't get enough of this, I was sure that you will come for this, hope you are prepared.'

She put on make-up, a good transparent, and a tight dress that exposed her curves and buttocks. She already knows that Paul was in the club and according to her there is no decency in the club.

She checked herself in the mirror and she was so happy with her transformation. She walked out of her house then locked the door. She boarded a taxi that took her to the club Oval.

After struggling for almost thirty minutes Paul spotted Slyvia walking seductively towards his table. He stood up to welcome her with a hug, he pretended to be mesmerized by her beauty, to the extent of the forgot he had a bulge in his trousers.

"Wow you look so gorgeous and you smell so sweet," Paul murmured in her ear as he squeezed her tight in his embrace.

"For you," she said with a smile.

They finished hugging as Paul pulled a chair for her and made sure she was seated comfortably.

"Don't tell me that you are already hard?" Slyvia said jokingly.

When Paul pulled her in his embrace, his bulge was directed at her entrance that she almost moaned. She was lucky that Paul pulled away from the hug before it becomes too much for her.

Paul bowed his head in embarrassment as he looked at the erected small big monster. He was erect since the time he had spotted Ivana at Alika's apartment.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed, I understand that we have missed each other. That's why you received a signal from that side. I love that signal," Sylvia said as she bit her lower lip.