

After taking a shower, he changed into sleeping Pajamas walked to the bed, and found Slyvia still lying naked in bed.

He wanted to ask her when she was leaving but he didn't want to show it bluntly that he was after her body. 

"Come and lay here with me babe," she said that.

"No, actually I have some work to do you know," Paul said as he scratched his head walking to where his laptop was.

"But, babe why do you say that we will watch a movie after...Well, I thought that we will watch the movie," Slyvia said.

"Well now that I have used my energy on you, I am tired I just want to do something here productive. We can cuddle another time," Paul said without looking at her.

Slyvia was surprised as he got the bed, put on her small tight dress then walked to Paul. She stood beside Paul and started to massage his shoulders gently.

"Hey, why this mood now I thought that you will be happy after lovemaking. Are you stressed? Do you want to talk to someone? I am here or you okay," Slyvia said gently.

Paul wanted to swipe her hands from the shoulder but he didn't want to show her that his hand used her to cool off himself. He didn't want to te her that his mind was occupied by Ivana's image. So he just swallowed a lump in his throat as he closed his eyes to enjoy her massage.

"Hey babe, are you still thinking about her?" Slyvia asked after some minutes.

"What? Who are you talking ab...." His mobile phone rang and he wondered who could be calling her at that time.

"Just a minute," he said as he stood up to pick up the call. It was Mrs. Wechuli calling.

'What does she want at this time,' Paul thought as he received the call.

"Mum, how are you?" Paul said when he received the call.

"Hey son, I have just learned that you are in the country. Where are you?

"What, who told you that?" 

"Ooh really now, don't I deserve to know where you are. In fa,ct this is the second day here, you attended the auditions, right? Where are you now? I will send the driver to come and pick you up," Mrs. Wechuli said.

"Mum, I am a grown-up man now, can't I have my privacy and space? Yes, I am in the country and I am sorry that I didn't inform you. I guess my mind was occupied," Paul explained.

Mrs. Wechuli chuckled then said," So when your mind is occupied you forget about me. I think it was more important than your mother. I understand now, it's okay if I am not that important."

Paul sighed as he scratched his head," Mum you are understanding it wrongly. I am coming to see you tomorrow, I am done with errands that needed my attention."

"I had to call you and ask where you were before you could tell me that you are in the country. What sort of a son are you?. You could have told me that you had arrived in the county but you will be busy. As your mother, I would have understood. Anyway, it's okay son, good night." 

"Good night mum, I promise that I am coming tomorrow," Paul said before hanging up the call.

When he finished talking to his mother, Slyvia walked to him and kissed him passionately. Paul didn't understand the meaning of that kiss. When she stopped kissing him, that's when Paul asked her the meaning of that kiss.

"It was sweet but why are kissing me?" Paul asked surprised.

She smiled proudly then said," it was a thank-you kiss, I didn't know that the first person you wanted to see was me. I never knew that you will prioritize me over your real mother," she said enthusiastically.

Paul looked at her not knowing what to tell her. If only she knew that Paul was only using her and he have no plans with her. She should have respected herself enough to walk out of that hotel room and seal her legs so that she doesn't open to him anymore.

"Mmh," Paul hammed as he walked to his laptop once again.

"Hey are you not happy with my kids, you didn't say anything sweet to me," Slyvia said.

"Willy you please go to the bathroom and shower, I want to have peace and concentrate on what I am about to do," Paul said.

"What do you mean am I smelling? Anyway, I will give you three minutes maximum to finish what you are doing. When I finish taking a shower I will have you whole to myself," she said then bend to his ear and whispered to him," I what to do crazy things with you tonight."

She giggled as she run to the bathroom, leaving Paul wondering how mischievous she is. She wished that she could have masturbated than gotten intimate with her.

She scratched his head then logged into his laptop. The first thing he did was to google about Ivana. He was surprised that Ivana's bio was still empty and the only thing there was her picture when she was on campus.

He decided to check her social media accounts. There was something he was looking for, the father of Ivana's boys. The only way he thought that he can find it was to check her accounts and the pictures she might have applauded on social media accounts.

'I never knew that you are this private person, you have never applauded the picture of your sons? What a serious mother. I wonder who had managed to impregnate you?' Paul thought as he admired Ivana's picture on the laptop screen.

He took his mobile phone and snapped the picture on the laptop. He started to admire it closely as he scrolled through. He was too occupied in admiring Ivana's photos that he didn't realize Slyvia was standing behind him.

Tears streamed down her cheeks when she saw that Paul was admiring Ivana's photo. Paul was staring when she heard her sniffing behind him. He closed his laptop and turned his mobile phone upside down as he turned to look at her.

He stood up and held her hand as he asked," Hey why are crying? what happened in the shower?."

"Are joking about this right now, for how long are you going to miss her. When will you get over her?" Slyvia asked. 

"What are you talking about? I don't understand!" Paul blurted.

Slyvia scoffed then said," That's what you wanted to do. That's the reason why you wanted to be left alone so that you can stalk her?. Don't take me for a fool I saw everything, Paul. The way you were touching her photo on the screen of your laptop!"

"Hey Slyvia I was not doing anything bad, I was. I was just... I was deleting her pictures from my laptop. Nothing else!" Paul explained.

"Lair! You think that I didn't see. If you were truly deleting her pictures let me take a look on your phone, "Slyvia said as she stretched out her hand.

"Babe! Are we going to spoil our night over something small like this? You know that I love you and you were my first love. Relax I am here with you," Paul said as she moved closer to her.

"If you truly love me, tell me when are we going to officialize our marriage. You don't know how long I have been waiting for you to return and be with me," Slyvia said mellowly.

"You know that I can get married to you when I am still married to that imbecile woman. Babe it's going to take time, you have to be patient with me, "Paul explained.

"What do you mean you are still married to her Paul. Just tell me if you don't want to get married to me. Tell me I have numerous boys that want me. So just tell me and I will leave your sight right now," Slyvia hollered at him.

'Yes I don't want to marry you, how can I leave my wifey for you,' Paul thought as he looked at her.

"Slyvia, I don't know what you are saying but the truth of the matter is that Ivana is still my wife. The thing is that we just disagreed that's why I am not with her," Paul said.

"Then what am I doing here? Tell me, Paul, did you just use me because you are not on good terms with her right? hahaha is this a form of a joke or what?" She chuckled.

"Hey! hey, Slyvia it's not what you think. She is just a wife on paper but you are the owner of my heart babe. No one else but you! That's why I get silence in you every time I am conflicted," Paul explained.

"If I am the owner of your heart? Why can't we officialize our relationship? Why can't I own you fully because on my side you are the same babe? Let's get married then," Slyvia suggested stilly feeling like crying.

"How can I marry you when I am still married there is no way I can do that.

"Stop lying to me Paul, you already divorced Ivana you already did so stop lying to me!" Slyvia blurted out everything out of anger.

She looked at Paul who was surprised, with his mouth wide open and his eyes almost popping out of the sockets.

"Oh my goodness oh no, what have I said," she beds her head low as she took. some steps behind.

"What do you mean I divorced Ivana? I have never signed the divorce papers!" Paul asked as he took se steps toward her.

Slyvia was overpowered by anger and emotions that, she didn't realize she had said something she was not supposed to say.

The divorce papers were presented to Paul by Ivana Lawyer. Unfortunately, Ivana's lawyer handed the papers to Slyvia who said that she was his secretary. Out of curiosity, she checked what the envelope contained and that's when she found out that they were divorce papers.

She knew right away that Paul was not going to sign them, he still loved Ivana even though he had cheated on Ivana with her.

So she took the iniative of signing the divorce papers and presented them to the lawyers. So Ivana and Slyvia knew that Paul and Ivana are divorced but Paul had no idea of that divorce. He doesn't even know that he is divorced.

"Hey tell me, who told you that Ivana and I are divorced?" Paul asked as he took some steps forward.

"It's nothing..it's was asleep of my tongue it's not what you think. What I wanted to tell you is, Why can divorce Ivana and be with me. Besides you don't love each other," Slyvia elaborated.

Paul sighed a relief but still, he didn't believe what she had told him the second time. ' I am not deaf, I heard you clearly what you said. My mother mentioned divorce sometime back. Did something happen that I have no idea about,' he thought.

"What? Are you doubting me now? Don't tell me that you don't believe what I have told you. I swear that's what I meant babe," she said.

"Yes I believe you, why are you doubting yourself?"

"It's just that you were looking at me like someone who is doubting," Slyvia said.

"Come here," Paul said as he pulled her into the hug.

'Phew! that was very close to being caught. Thank God I have a sharp mind that thought of a perfect lie and how to rephrase my statement,' Slyvia thought on Paul's shoulders.

'I know that you have lied to me I wi make sure that I found out what you are hiding from me Slyvia,' Paul thought.

They pulled out of the hug as they kissed each other.