
Unexpected Reward

In the private quarters of the officials, the Bathsheba council elders, clad in animal skins, engaged in a heated discussion.

"The bastard prince is set to become our new lord, and honestly, I doubt his ability to rule the city," chuckled the magistrate of Bathsheba, glancing at his superiors, the seasoned council of elders.

"Hehe, my sentiments exactly," replied the finance elder of Bathsheba, trying to suppress his laughter. "He's just arrived; let's not scare the poor fellow too much."

The city's treasurer, Gura, nodded in agreement with the elders and the magistrate, then added, "And just like the lords before him, we can pin the city's corruption on the bastard prince, our new ruler."

"That's the plan," the other elders murmured in consensus.

However, as they conspired, the prince in question had already organized a gathering for the citizens in the city square for his speech, though attendance was optional.


En route to the city square, Ryan, accompanied by his steward Gilbert, Captain Claude, and a contingent of soldiers, made their way through the streets.

Upon arriving at the city square of Bathsheba, they noted dozens of people already gathered.

Ryan surveyed the area, noticing its proximity to the city markets. He observed marketgoers turning to stare at him, pointing and whispering among themselves.

This was Ryan's first glimpse of this part of the city, and though it appeared slightly better off than the areas he'd initially visited, with the people looking somewhat less destitute and the air slightly fresher, the difference was marginal. It was clear to Ryan that the city was still engulfed in poverty and despair.

Ryan noticed a small stage set up near the city square. As soon as he stepped onto the platform, Gilbert positioned himself just behind him.

Ryan scanned the crowd, meeting the eyes of those looking up at him. He could sense their whispers and discussions, and it was clear from their uneasy expressions that they were apprehensive.

Acknowledging this tension, Ryan decided to begin his speech, aiming to address the discomfort surrounding his arrival. "Greetings, everyone. I see that only a handful from Bathsheba have responded to my call, but regardless, I stand before you today to address the concerns and unease regarding my presence in your city."

As Ryan spoke, the crowd exchanged wary glances with one another.

Their discomfort was palpable. Being in the presence of royalty, especially Prince Ryan, known to them as the bastard prince, stirred unease. Despite lacking recent news from the capital, the people had been long informed by Bathsheba's officials of Ryan's status and his enforced residence among them.

The idea of being governed by a prince, particularly one rumored to be in disfavor, made the citizens anxious. Their past experiences with governance had set a precedent, and the prospect of Ryan, with his complicated lineage, as their new lord only heightened their worries.

Ryan continued, addressing their concerns directly. "I am aware that my arrival here was not of my choosing, placing me in a peculiar position — that of an outsider, and perhaps, an unwelcome one at that. I understand these feelings and wish to confront them openly."

The crowd, while initially skeptical, couldn't help but notice Ryan's eloquence and grace. Despite his controversial status, his demeanor was that of a genuine prince, poised and considerate in his approach.

"My goal isn't to force my decisions upon you but to listen, to understand, and to join forces in enhancing our city." Ryan paused, sweeping his gaze over the faces before him, then continued, "I'm seeking an opportunity to demonstrate who I am beyond my title—a person deeply invested in the well-being and future of Bathsheba. I wish to engage with you, to understand your daily lives, your aspirations, and the obstacles you encounter. I can't achieve this from a distance; I need to be involved, to experience the city as you do."

"I stand before you today, asking for your wisdom and perspective. If you're open to it, I'd love to explore Bathsheba alongside you, to engage in conversation..." As Ryan spoke, even Gilbert and the accompanying soldiers and servants showed signs of surprise.

This was a side of Prince Ryan they had not witnessed before—a man capable of such inspiring words.

As the speech progressed, the initial tension among the attendees began to dissipate, replaced by a cautious optimism.

Following his speech, despite lingering doubts about his leadership capabilities, a few citizens stepped forward, offering to guide the new lord around the city.

Historically, it was rare for a lord, particularly the ones who ruled Bathsheba before, to humbly request the citizens to guide them around the city. Unlike these predecessors, who seemed indifferent to their new surroundings and the welfare of their people, choosing instead to isolate themselves within their castles, Ryan's approach marked a significant departure.

"Your Highness, my name is Feran, and I'm a farmer," a young man, slightly older than Ryan, introduced himself with a respectful bow as he approached Ryan on the stage. "I was moved by your speech and understand that you're interested in our local agriculture and land management. As a farmer, I'd be happy to show you around our fields..." Feran shared, clearly taken by the sincerity in Ryan's speech.

Not just Feran, but artisans, laborers, and foragers alike came forward, each offering their assistance.

Ryan nodded with sincere appreciation. It appeared that although the overall response from the attendees wasn't as enthusiastic as he had hoped, there were individuals like Feran who were genuinely moved by his words. Turning to Feran and the others, Ryan spoke with a clear, strong voice that carried to everyone gathered below the platform. "Please, there's no need to address me as 'Your Highness.' I'm not just the distant prince of Valthorn any longer," he paused for a moment, gathering the crowd's full attention before proudly declaring, "I am now the lord of Bathsheba, dedicated to this city and all of its people!"

[Ding! Your "Leadership" skill has advanced to Level 2!]

[Ding! You've successfully completed a secret mission: winning over the hearts of Bathsheba's citizens and securing your position as their official lord, both through royal decree and the subtle approval of the people. Reward: 100xp and 2 points!]