
Understanding the current state of the city

When the mechanical chime of the system rang in his ears, Ryan glanced at the system panel with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

To his surprise, a secret mission had been completed. With a quiet sense of satisfaction, he reviewed his system status in the silence of his thoughts:

[Race: Human

Name: Ryan Fitzroy

Title: The Reborn Prince, Lord of Bathsheba

Location: Bathsheba, Thornvale

Role: System User/Prince/Lord

System Level: 1

Experience: 100.30/100]

[You can upgrade the system at any time.]

A flicker of excitement passed through him as he realized he could now level up his system.

However, he quickly composed himself, mindful of the many eyes fixed on him. Standing on the city square's platform stage, he warmly thanked the gathered citizens for listening to his address before he respectfully bid them farewell.

Then, turning to Feran, Herbert, Troy, and Alford, the citizens who had stepped forward to show him the nuances of Bathsheba, he offered them a nod of gratitude. Their willingness to guide him was invaluable.

Surrounded by the dense forests encircling the city, Ryan acknowledged the untapped potential lying in Bathsheba's natural resources, especially the timber.

Herbert, the group's seasoned forager in his middle years, began imparting his wisdom to Ryan. "The forests encircling our city," he explained with a grave tone, "aren't merely obstacles or untamed land. They're rich of herbs, mushrooms, and berries, among other things. However, as foragers, we must exercise caution while harvesting these resources..."

Ryan's interest was piqued by Herbert's words. He queried, "Oh? And why is that?"

At this, Herbert, Feran, and the others shared knowing looks, their expressions a mix of concern and resignation. As Ryan's confusion deepened, Gilbert, who was standing nearby, intervened, "Your Highness, the forests around Bathsheba are fraught with danger, home to formidable creatures such as Great Tigers and Venomous Snakes—and those are merely the lesser threats. In the deeper parts of Thornvale, one might encounter Goblins, Hellhounds, and other menacing beasts."

When Ryan heard about the existence of creatures like Goblins and Hellhounds, he couldn't hide his astonishment. In his previous life, these were just mythical beings from stories. But here, in this new reality, they were very much real.

However, Ryan wasn't entirely taken aback. After all, he was in a completely foreign world. Yet, oddly enough, 'Thornvale' and 'Bathsheba' were names he inputted to his first city and region in his favorite video game, "Kingdoms vs. Empire." This coincidence left him with a sense of familiarity amidst the unknown. Still, Ryan acknowledged he had much to learn about this new world.

Later, Troy and Alford, the city's laborers, took Ryan on a tour of the ongoing construction projects. They visited the city walls, public facilities, marketplaces, trading posts, and residential areas. Ryan noticed the evident shortage of materials and the lack of proper equipment among the workers.

"Lord Ryan, the city's construction has been ongoing for years, yet many projects remain incomplete," Troy explained, his tone heavy with disappointment.

Before Ryan could inquire further, Alford blurted out, "And we haven't even received our wages yet!"

Troy cast a significant look at Ryan, echoing Alford's concerns, "Forgive me, my Lord, for speaking so openly, but we approached you to find out whether we will receive payment."

Feran jumped in, trying to defuse the tension, "Hey, this isn't our new lord Ryan's fault. The previous lord is the one who left you unpaid!"

Alford, impassioned, responded, "I know! But Lord Drake is gone, and now Prince Ryan is our lord. The city and the people of Bathsheba no longer fall under Drake's shadow; it's Lord Ryan who is responsible now," his eyes meeting Ryan's, seeking acknowledgment and hope.

Before Feran could leap to Ryan's defense, Ryan himself stepped in, his expression clouded with concern, "So, the previous lord failed to pay you what you were owed?"

Troy and Alford confirmed with a nod, "Yes, Lord. We're talking about two months of hard work, worth four silvers. We even have tally sticks to prove it."

Ryan's frown deepened, but he reassured them, "Don't worry, Troy and Alford. I'll make sure you receive your hard-earned silvers."

The two workers shared a relieved glance, and then Troy added, "Lord Ryan, it's not just us. There are dozens more laborers in the same situation."

Gilbert, worried, leaned in to whisper, "Your Highness, you might want to rethink this. Our budget is stretched thin as it is, barely covering food for the soldiers and servants. If we divert funds to settle these unpaid wages..."

But Ryan simply raised a hand to quiet him, "Don't worry," he assured softly before addressing Troy and Alford again, "Give me a little time. I promise, all of you who were shortchanged by the previous lord will be compensated."

The look of relief on Troy and Alford's faces was mirrored by surprise in Feran and Herbert at Ryan's pledge.

Unbeknownst to them, Ryan was motivated by a system mission to ensure the laborers were fully compensated, a task he planned to explore further upon returning to the castle.

After excusing themselves to spread the good news, Troy and Alford left, and Feran led Ryan through the fields, pointing out the various vegetables being cultivated: potatoes, carrots, beets, and turnips.

The farmers, upon seeing their new lord, showed restrained reactions, their demeanor hinting at the tarnished reputation of the lordship due to past corruption.

Nevertheless, with Gilbert and Feran by his side, Ryan surveyed the farms, learning about the array of produce being grown, from beans, spinach, and lentils to nightshades like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, and even small plots dedicated to flax plants.

As Ryan's understanding of the city deepened, he returned to the castle alongside Gilbert. Once inside his office, he activated the system panel, and the new mission he had acquired earlier materialized on the screen.

[Side Mission: Uncover the City's Corruption!

"Many laborers and farmers have been denied their rightfully earned wages! Delve into the reasons behind this injustice."

Reward: 80 XP, 3 Points!

Completion of this mission will unlock a major mission addressing the underlying causes of corruption in the city!]