
Peasant Soldiers

Just outside the modest yet solitary castle in the city of Bathsheba, soldiers serving under Commander Ryan were engaged in quiet conversation.

"Man, how I wish I were back in the capital right now... It's just my luck to end up in this backwater, serving the so-called bastard prince," lamented Kuz, a soldier.

"You shouldn't gripe too much. Back in the capital, we're nothing but foot soldiers, mere peasants in armor. Things could be a lot worse if we were stationed somewhere even more dire," replied Claude, Kuz's comrade, with a heavy sigh.

"I'm still upset about that ambush a few days back. Lucky for us, those attackers pulled back for some reason, otherwise, I doubt we'd still be standing here..."

"Sure, we're alive, but look where we are—stuck in this dismal, forsaken city, under the command of a prince exiled to the middle of nowhere..."

The soldiers continued their murmured exchange until Claude suddenly warned, "Quiet down, guys! The prince and Sir Gilbert are coming!"

At his words, the soldiers snapped to attention, falling silent as they spotted Prince Ryan and Gilbert making their way toward the castle.

As the prince drew near, he stopped, casting a piercing gaze over each of the soldiers. His scrutinizing look, serious and penetrating, sent a wave of unease through the ranks, leaving them to wonder if their private grievances had been overheard.


Ryan surveyed his troops, pausing to take in the sight of each soldier standing at attention. From their point of view, it felt as though he was examining them closely, searching for something.

As he looked over his men, a sense of pity stirred within him. The state of their gear was a clear sign of their hardships—worn armor and swords that had seen better days were the norm among them.

"You." His finger singled out one of them, causing a ripple of confusion. "Claude," he finally added, identifying the soldier by name.

Claude was taken aback to hear the prince call him out by name, a sentiment shared by his comrades. The fact that Prince Ryan recognized him personally was a surprise to them all.

"Yes, Your Highness?" Claude stepped forward, bowing respectfully.

Ryan observed him thoughtfully, stroking his chin, while Gilbert stood by in silence, equally taken aback that Ryan knew Claude's name.

Unbeknownst to them, Ryan had access to a unique system that displayed the status of his people before his eyes:

[Race: Human

Name: Claude

Role: Commoner, Captain of Prince Ryan's Peasant soldiers, Formerly a novice farmer...]

With Claude's status floating before his eyes, Ryan chose to overlook the term "Peasant." Instead, he focused on Claude's role as captain. "Captain Claude, am I correct?" he asked, seeking confirmation from Claude himself.

Claude, as a mere peasant, felt touch and a rush of pride as Prince Ryan recognized him by name. Despite Ryan's complicated status as a bastard prince, Claude respectfully took a knee, saying, "Yes, Your Highness. To be acknowledged by you is an honor."

Ryan gave a nod, his expression one of mild satisfaction. "Claude, as the captain of my guard, I task you with assembling the soldiers. Spread the word through Bathsheba that their new lord invites them to the city square. I plan to give a speech, to share some thoughts with them. Attendance is purely voluntary—I have no wish to coerce anyone."

"Understood, Your Highness," Claude replied, his voice filled with respect.

"Excellent." Ryan's nod was thoughtful this time. He then turned his attention to the other soldiers near Claude. "Kuz, Al, Rey, Sid..." He acknowledged each by name, indicating his appreciation for their loyalty and service. "You've all done commendably in fulfilling your duties. The bravery you showed in the recent attacks has not gone unnoticed." With that, Ryan placed his right hand over his heart, closed his eyes, and offered a respectful nod, a silent gesture of gratitude.

The soldiers, taken aback that Ryan knew their names, shared looks of surprise. One by one, they responded, "Your Highness, protecting you is not just our duty; it's our honor."

"Exactly, Your Highness. We follow the royal decree to safeguard you," they affirmed in unison.

Their comrades also voiced their loyalty and support for Ryan.

With a warm smile, Ryan continued, "Right now, I might not have physical rewards to offer. But I assure you, if you stand by me and help navigate the challenges of governing this city, the rewards will be forthcoming. You will find satisfaction in our shared success." He paused, adding, "I haven't had the chance to thank the other soldiers personally yet, but please convey my gratitude and my promise to them."

The soldiers, their cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and flattery, were deeply moved by the prince's attention.

"It's an honor for the prince to know our names; that alone feels like a reward," Claude said, kneeling sincerely before Ryan.

Ryan gave a nod of acknowledgment, then spent some time chatting with the soldiers before he and a visibly surprised Gilbert headed back into the castle, Gilbert clearly taken aback by Ryan's recent words and actions.


Watching Prince Ryan walk away, Kuz couldn't help but express his surprise, "I had no idea Prince Ryan knew us by name..."

"It really was a shock. He made sure to make eye contact with each of us as he said our names. It shows he truly recognizes us," Al added, nodding in agreement.

"Serving a prince who shows such consideration doesn't seem too bad, does it?" Rey pondered aloud.

"Perhaps... But even though Prince Ryan's acknowledgment today was surprising, I'm still skeptical about whether he can keep his promises," Kuz admitted.

Claude playfully slung his arm around Kuz's neck, teasing, "Feeling a bit high and mighty, are we, Kuz? Just remember, we're all just peasants here. We should be thankful that Prince Ryan even bothers to acknowledge us."


Gilbert was profoundly impressed by Prince Ryan's remarkable memory. The fact that Ryan could recall the names of his soldiers, despite having only limited interactions with them, was truly astonishing.

Meanwhile, Ryan, internally smiling at the successful notification in his mind, realized his experiment had paid off. His "Leadership" skill had earned 0.15 XP, and his leadership level had increased by the same margin. In his interactions with the soldiers, Ryan exuded a blend of gentleness and grace, mirroring the demeanor of the commendable politicians he remembered from his past life.


At Prince Ryan's behest, Captain Claude rallied the 37 soldiers with a clear mission: to spread the word throughout Bathsheba that their new lord, Prince Ryan himself, was inviting everyone to the city square for a speech.

As the citizens went about their day, busy with work, selling, or shopping in the bustling small market, they initially greeted the soldiers with a hint of suspicion. However, once it became clear that the soldiers were simply there to share news, the atmosphere shifted. The mix of reactions among the citizens was palpable—some looked on with skepticism, others with a spark of curiosity, many showed interest, and a few even felt a wave of apprehension—all reflecting the wide range of feelings about Prince Ryan's upcoming speech.


About an hour later, Captain Claude reported back to Prince Ryan, letting him know that they had finished informing the citizens.

Ryan acknowledged with a nod. In just a few minutes, he planned to head to the city square with Gilbert.