
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Not very far away from the school ship, there was an enemy Zark ship. It had been going unnoticed now for months, and it was large. Twice as large as the human training ships, it had weapons powerful enough to blow up a ship.

In it there existed many, many zarks. And there was one, who was currently panting and sprinting towards the chiefs room. He bumped into higher commanders without apologizing, and he sprinted as if his life depended on it.

When he got there, he kicked open the door, and the second he did so, the chief Zark gave him a stare which made him regret being born. Nonetheless, he shouted, "we have just spotted a huge influx of aura from a ship closeby. We have reason to believe one of the twelve great generals is on it."

The chief zark's face went from a furious expression to a contemplating one, 'Now, at this time, why would a great general show his face now when recruits came? And he came so unprotected and attacked somebody.' He asked the Zark who had come into his room,

"Are you sure it's a general."

"Sir, there's nothing else strong enough to make such a tremendous aura."

He sighed, and stormed out of the room and towards the person in command of the weapons, and ordered them to shoot the vessel. They complied and began aiming their weapons.

Back at the training ship, Zach was still watching the fight with large eyes. It had gone on for twenty minutes, and the past 19 minutes had been the two students fighting at a hand to hand level.

Nobody expected it to be as close as it was. They thought one side would stomp the other one but clearly that did not happen.

Suddenly, the ship shuck, as if an earthquake had struck it. Except, there was no earthquakes in space. An ear deafening alarm sounded, and then a voice spoke out. "Evacuate the ship, evacuate the ship." It was a metallic voice, one that sounded robotic inside out. '

The two fighters in the center of the arena stopped fighting eachother, and the students in the audience broke into a panic. Shoving and grunting, moving and pushing, they fought their way towards the entrance.

The weaker ones being pushed back as usual. The band of idiots followed the flow. Then they tripped, another shake, stronger than the last one. Then the metallic voice completely changed.

"Starwarp has begun. It will proceed in 10, 9, 8," the spacecraft shook again, the smell of smoke flooded the room, " 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," and then everything went black. The ship had warped, moving at speeds dangerously quick. It had been aimed at the closetst planet.

Dizzy, high noises rang in his ears, heat from a fire felt against his face. He looked around, bodies on bodies on bodies, they could of been corpses. "Jim and Marvin," Zach muttured, his head went aloft. Still dizzy he fell, and it returned up. He looked around.

Light, there was natural light on the floor, he looked up and saw a lime green sky shining over the bodies. There was two moons in the sky, and birds flying high up in the sky. He looked back down, 'Jim, Marivn' he continuously thought.

A long distance away from him, in the other side of the room, he spotted their bodies. They looked beat up, and dirty, but that was nothing new. Zach stumbled through the bodies to reach them, wheezing.

Birds, giant falcons fell down from the sky and landed on bodies. They flew away with them, and before they were outside of ears reach, Zach heard a fading scream. Three more falcons all plucked bodies from in front of him.

Zach didn't care, he kept stumbling his way towards Jim and Marvin. When he reached them he fell on them, his sight was still spinning and his head hurt. It hurt really bad, as if he was being stung in the middle of his brain, constantly.

But he wrestled his way on top of Jim's face, and began slapping him. They were not light slaps, they were hard, incredibly hard. The noise made from the slapping made other people open their eyes and look around.

Then Jim opened his eyes, after his cheeks were far far redder than they thought. Then Zach crawled on top of Marvin's face and began slapping him as Jim got his beartings.

Slurring, Jim said, "what hapenthed?"

But Marvin still couldn't hear him over the sound of his loud slaps, slap slap. Soon Marvin's eyes slid open, slightly. His eyes were far gone, the same as Zachs and Jims. They looked around, the majority of the people inside of the room had awoken.

The people with ability numbers of 6 had already stood up and were heading off. Ability users higher than that had already head off. The majority of them would first wait, stand together and whimper, and they hoped somebody else would take the lead

Somebody stronger than themselves, and when then they would head off. For there wasn't any use in staying here. There was no use at all.

They had all stood up, their sights became less blurry. The ringing noise in their ears had faded down slightly, more clear than before. The entire metal wall was burning and everything around it.

The ship had split as they breached the atmosphere, different parts of the ship were sent to different parts of the planet.

Soon, the band of idiots were travelling out of the ship. Looking around they realized that they had crashed in the middle of a forest, Zach could clearly see where from the ship had crashed, trees and grass had been ripped away from there.

Zach, Jim and Marvin began travelling randomly through the forest. They felt strangely thirsty as they walked through the humid jungle. It was relatively silent, apart from the bugs that rushed away upon being noticed, and the birds in the trees staring at them.

It was silent.