
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Strong people fighting

They sat high up in the colosseum, packed in shoulder to shoulder with other students. Nowhere around the area could you find a single empty seat. The audience was cheering out of their mind.

Somehow news for this fight had escaped the band of idiots ears.

The usual announcer walks onto the middle of the arena. With a mic in hand and a smurf expression, he walked with joy. He looked genuinely excited for the match they were about to have.

"Hello my audience! Today I will present you arguably the biggest fight ever." The audience cheered especially loud at the mention of the word fight but such was nature. "Let me introduce you to the fighters.

A tall girl with blond hair and unnaturally skinny limbs walked onto the stage. Half the audience started clapping extra hard, whilst the other half began roaring "buu" and throwing insults.

"This is Jade as many of you already know! She has a rare ability not many have heard off and she is incredible.."

The demon who sat on Zach's shoulder was shivering. Whilst Jade had been presented to the audience she stared right at somebody, she stared right at the prideful demon. Almost as if she could see him.

"Quest gained!"

"Nobody looks at me like that!

torture the bitch, and then slay her!

Reward: 5 levels"

The demon kept shaking, and at one point it seemed like tears came. The quest really did not fit his appearance, no, his entire demeanor did not fit his appearance.

Soon the second fighter walked onto the stage. It was a boy, the same length as Jade, he looked muscular and had short brown hair. They loved this boy. Now half of the students who had been clapping began roaring insults, whilst the other part celebrated.

When he stood still beside the announcer, his eyes swiftly scanned the audience and then stopped beside Zach. They were both staring at the prideful demon, who hid behind Zach's neck.

"This is Emu, he is a second-year and his ability is also rare…"

"Quest gained!"

"Disgusting eyes

Shout at the fucker to look away.

Reward: Two free points."

Zach had felt the same sensation as he did before. Two free points were nothing to scoff at. He bit his tongue, stood up. Breathed in. Prepared himself mentally, and then let go. "Look away Emu!" His shout had pierced through the audiences cacophony of noise, and everyone turned to look at him.

Especially Emu. The brief moment of concentrated stares passed quickly, and the announcer continued his speech with Emu and Jade staring intently at Zach.

"Quest gained!"

"Disgusting inbred...

Kill Emu the fallen angel.

Reward: 5 levels"

"With that being said, let's start the fight!" The audience had completely forgotten what happened two seconds ago and cheered until their throats hurt. Emu and Jade took their eyes away from Zach who had also begun shaking and stared at each other.

"Are you seeing what I am seeing?" Emu asked Jade.

"Yeah, that kid is dangerous," Jade answered. Zach didn't know it, and almost nobody else did either. The only two people who knew it were Jade and Emu and that was because they could sense auras.

It wasn't that Zach was emanating a lot of aura, nor that he was emanating too little. It was the nature of his aura, it screamed evil. His aura was so sinister, that the small amounts that leaked out were able to taint the entire room.

"BEGIN!" The announcer shouted, and the two fighters started their fight. The fight that would end up being much more important than they originally thought.

Jade conjured up a whip, very similar to Zach's. But this one was longer and looked substantially sharper. Emu on the other hand had conjured up discs of see-through gold, that were all spinning around him.

Around his arms, there were also two halos. Two halos that spun at an incredible speed. Jade was the first one to attack. It looked like she had teleport, as one second she stood still and the other she was in a completely different place.

She whipped the golden discs, which made them crack. Zach noticed that on her whip there were small spikes that stuck out. Emu, sent out two of his golden discs, as sharp boomerangs.

But Emu who was behind his discs, almost flashed in front of her. And he struck her with the halos who spun blurry. Instead of dodging, Jade blocked. Instead of creating a shield her hole left arm had turned into the red hair substance. He halos penetrated deep into her arm, and blood seeping out.

But the substance on her arm grew around the halo, making it stuck in it's position, and then it continued to grow towards his arm. Emu twisted his body, whilst holding the halo and brute-forced the halo out.

The kick didn't move Jade an inch. Emu had moved back behind his discs and Jades whip begun morphing. It cut off into four different smaller parts, and than those parts grew until they had become the head of a hydra.

The crowd cheered in bewilderment. The hydras dropped quickly and took a bite before retreating up. The hydras looked large and heavy, but Jade didn't seem to have any problems as she ran forward.

Emu sent out two of his discs cutting the hydra's head off, but each time he did, they would simply grow back. But he kept doing it trying to whittle down her energy. And soon the hydras disappeared.

The girls viens showed a lot, they had become completely crimson red and her eyes had become almost black. Her arms had also formed into triangles, with the point part showing outwards. Her aura also became a lot more menacing.

"such sloppy execution!" The prideful demon commented.

Emu, upon seeing this, also withdrew his discs. They all disintegrated into him and he closed his eyes, but seemingly nothing happened. Then he opened his eyes and they illuminated light. Dark tattoos grew like vines until they covered his entire body.

Then they both rushed forward and clashed.

We are soon entering a new arc!!!!!!!!!!

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