
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Mi casa

Birds fluttered and tweeted above them, they were far far away and the looked really small. They were huge, and the tweets were shrieks deafened by space. In their claws, there was a human, a teenager from a wreck most likely.

Zach looked up than down, the brown trees had small white marks on them as if they had been cut. They were about two meters apart, and they were tall. The leaves almost covered the entire ground in shadows, but there were small cracks in it, it let him see out and let sunshine fall down on the ground.

The ground was dry but also humid, small sticks and leaves littered the ground and there was grass that swung around to the wind. The wind blew hard rustling all the plants around them.

The stinging high pitched noise inside of their ears had disappeared, and their heads hurt less. After the crash, each student had formed a small group and begun travelling outwards, and the band of idiots had followed suit.

Maybe that hadn't been the best option. Maybe standing still and waiting had been a much better option, but now it was too late. Even if they walked back to the original place, they'd not find anyone.

Instead, they continued to walk on the ground, looking up at the green sky. Jim thought the surroundings looked amazing, he kept glancing left and right. Admiring the beautiful flowers hidden behind the strangely and interestingly shaped trees.

Zach's mind was currently running over the scenario. They needed shelter, food, and water. Zach didn't feel like sleeping under the trees was a smart choice, and he had a strange feeling that he was being watched.

"Dumb, dumb spineless, hairless, disgusting ape" the demon muttered, who had been floating behind Zach all this time.

"Quest gained!"

"Assert dominance

Piss on three trees.

Reward: 1 free point."

Zach wanted to facepalm, he unzipped his pants and walked to the closest tree. Jim and Marvin didn't mind, they had seen too much piss when they were younger to mind. Zach finished the quest and continued to walk forward.

"Quest completed! - Reward given"

They saw what looked like a makeshift cave, it was as if a hill had been dug through on one end. Then they had left just enough for it to be stable and made a hole that went down. They saw smoke emanate from the cave, and they smelled a wonderful smell.

They borderline jogged towards the cave, it continued for five meters and there they saw it. On Top of a fire created by sticks on top of each other, was a roasted beast. The size of it reminded Zach of a bear except that it had tusks like an elephant.

The meat on the outside looked crisp, so they had no issues ripping it apart and they began to eat it. Only a few minutes after they had entered, and their stomachs hurt from being extended so far. They laid on their backs and rested.

Inside the cave, there was a created, stable, stone spear and a child-like map painted onto the wall displaying different areas. There was a beach which didn't seem to be very far away from them, and there seemed to be mountains, and then there was the forest they were in.

Zach had rested quite a bit when he heard a grunt, followed by a small roar. In the entrance of the cave stood a naked man, except for three large leaves covering his junk. His hair was long and brown and rough, and his muscles and dense that their texture showed through the skin.

The man carried a spear that was pointed towards the three boys. Jim was the first to stand up, Marvin had electricity conjured and Zach's eyes had widened.

"Quest gained!"

"insult the imbecile

Say "I fucked your mom," to the naked wildman. In his language that's "tutu, nubu, zuc zuc mama"

Reward: the prideful demon will laugh."

The wildman felt the threats from the boys inside of his home, and his face focused more. " Helo," He asked. Zach tried to communicate back to the man, who seemed to speak his language. "hello". "Who are you?" The man asked cautiously.

There was something inside of the man screaming danger at him, especially when he looked at Zach. It greatly confused the wildman, his eyes told him that he was incredibly weak, but his skin shouted danger.

Not only shouted, but it also begged him to run away. The prideful demon was currently floating in front of the wildman's face, dancing a peculiar dance in front of him. The wildman continued his questions cautiously, "my food!" "Oh, that," Zach pointed at the campfire, "oh, sorry about that."

The wildman then turned around and walked out of the cave. Zach walked out of the cave and found that he couldn't find the wildman. He was slightly scared of him.

The man was huge, he had to bend his head in order to fit in the little cave. And his eyes didn't look human at all. They were normal eyeballs with pupils surrounded by colours, but it almost felt like the eyes might have been snake-like strips.

The eyes felt empty, they felt like looking into the eyes of a tree. And they were predator-like, dangerous, psychopathic almost as if he had been calculating. Calculating if something was worth it or not.

Zach looked around the forest and really did not find a single vision of the man. "I think we should head out of here," Zach said to his friends but the second he did, he gained a quest.

"Mi casa, tu casa.

Take his home, he should be happy to have rented it out to the prideful demon.

Time limit: Until somebody from the green empire comes searching for you.

Reward: 20 free points. "

"You know what, I changed my mind. This place feels kinda nice." Zach sighed. Jim and Marvin agreed, the worst case scenario they could just kill the wildman. Or so they thought.