
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Donkey face said, "I kind of feel bad for what happend to Ise."

"Who's Ise?" Zach asked, "you don't know? He's the strongest person in our room, the person with red hair. "Wait, you know what happened to him?" Zach exclaimed surprised.

"Who doesn't, do you live under a rock or something?"

Now that Zach thought about it, all of his time had been spent with Marvin and Jim and people who want to beat the shit out of him, or kill him. "So what happened to him?" Zach asked intrigued.

"Well, he picked a fight with Jade. She's the strongest first year in the entire school. She beat him so bad that he almost died, if not for Tom being there to intervene. It's actually interesting that you don't know her since she has the same ability as you."

"WHAT!" The prideful demon exclaimed. "That's really fucking ba-" And the demons energy had been used up. 'That had been a lot quicker than before' Zach thought to himself. And he was also intrigued in knowing what he would say.

"Do you three have any plans for how to get points?"

"No, we have been in the gym." Zach responded.

"Well, I guess going to hell wasn't that bad." Donkey face said.

'You don't know a thing,' Zach thought to himself.

Then the band of idiots left the room. They all wanted another chance att tackling the ape from before.

Soon they found themselves in the same room as before, and this time they were completely alone. The majority of the student base was in other places currently improving their fighting ability and strength.

Which meant that few people were down in fighting against beasts and gaining experience. Being alone was comforting, since they could be themselves but it was also scary, since anything could happen.

When they got close to the 3d printer their watches changed from a number to a menu. There they had the ability to print certain beasts, the majority of them however were locked because of their low skill.

But they chose one of the weakest beasts, the monkey. And there it was in all its glory, a singly monkey. They decided that Jim would be the first one to tackle the monkey.

He went over to the weapons rack, and picked out a sword. The monkey rushed like before. Jim used his flash kick move, which struck the monkey in the chin. But due to the thickness of the monkey's skull it barely made it dizzy.

Nonetheless the monkey went flying away, and Jim didn't want to let it recover so he charged after it. But it recovered quicker than he thought it would and leaped at his face, but due to his new lvl 2 speed he was able to swing the sword in time. It went about 1 dm into the monkeys skull and it dropped dead.

He then carried the corpse to the giant bin on the edge of the room. The corpses would be burnt and then disposed of into space.

Now it was Zach's turn. He didn't chose a weapon and instead stood ready. The monkey charged at them like before. Zach whipped it, it hit the stomach and made a large nasty sound. It penetrated quite deeply but it only managed to enrage the monkey more.

Zach continued to whip and whip and whip, but all it managed to do was enrage the monkey. And then leaped at him and Jim had to intervene or else Zach would be dead.

"Quest gained!"

"You can't beat a fucking monkey

Beat the fucking monkey

Punishment: 1 day in hell

Time limit: 4 hours"

Zach felt a drop of sweat trickle down his forehead. This made him panic slightly, and on top of that he wouldn't gain a reward from this.

Now it was Marvin's turn. The lighting ability made him stronger and faster, but he also had a single skill which was powerful. When the monkey was charging him, he sent out small lighting, that didn't seem powerful at all.

But it made the monkey fall over and begin spasming. Marvin continued sending shocks and the monkey continued to spasm. It almost looked like the monkey was dancing on the ground.

Then Marvin ran out of energy, and the Monkey stood up and continued to charge him. He simply didn't have enough power to finish it off. Jim and Zach intervened and quickly killed the monkey.

"Not bad." They heard a voice complimenting them from the entrance. It was Tom. Tom had been silently watching them the entire time. "You have improved drastically from last time, one of you even got a new ability.

"Martin, I think it was, if you learn how to move whilst using that ability, it will be easy. And Zach, you can do a lot more with a whip than whip. Learn how to immobilize your enemy. And finally, Jim. You improved the most. You need to learn where the vital points are and how to strike them accurately."

With that said, he simply trotted off in a better mood. And they continued to practice against the monkey beast. Zach started manipulating his whip more, and eventually learnt how to grab something.

Zach was going to have a rematch with the monkey. It charged at him, he whipped at the monkey and instead of trying to hurt it, he grabbed the leg of the monkey and made it trip. Then he continued to send force through the whip to keep the monkey unbalanced.

With the other hand he created a dagger and then got up close and stabbed the monkey to death.

"2 xp gained"

"Quest completed!"

Zach was ecstatic, at both avoiding hell and also finding out how to gain xp. He felt that he was going to spend much more time down here no