
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


When he opened his eyes he could see red, and shackled humans walking in a line, and their feet burning and becoming crisp, and the smell of burnt skin emanating throughout the air, and their skin regenerating and then it happened again.

To the sides, higher up there stood multiple demons, that had red baby smooth skin and two horns, they held a whip made out of human spines which they spun around and the struck the backs of the humans. The humans all carried heavy boulders.

Zach looked ahead of himself, the path which they travelled seemed to be never ending, with countless demons on the wall. Then he realized he was there, and the pain in his feet stung, and he almost tripped when he was whipped at the back.

And then he felt how heavy the stone was, how his skin was non stop burning and how he had to beg his way forward. Zach fell, flat on his face, and his face started burning.

He felt a whip lash itself around his neck, and pulled him up. He was whipped multiple times for falling, each time he felt his skin split, his muscles ache.

Then he found himself in the ring, completely sweaty, and his eyes dilated and he looked around. But his panic and trauma were slowly fading, almost as if they were being sucked out of him.

Then he remembered.

"Slay the bitch

An unnamed demon has insulted the demon of pride. This is unacceptable.

Punishment: 3 days in hell (real hell)

Reward: 10 free points

Time limit: 5 days"

He began sweating once again. He started shaking when thinking back to his ten minutes spent there, but all those horrid feelings slowly dissipated. The prideful demon was sucking them out of him.

His vessel couldn't be permanently mentally damaged afterall. Zach no longer could feel the fear or pain from that experience, but he knew it was horrid. "Oh please give me more time." He pleaded, no, begged the prideful demon.


"Oh please great beautiful demon."

"Fine, for your manners, 2 more days will be added.

"Slay the bitch

An unnamed demon has insulted the demon of pride. This is unacceptable.

Punishment: 5 days in hell (real hell)

Reward: 10 free points

Time limit: 7 days"

Zach's eyes went wide in horror, his lips stretched back, his eyebrows extended further than they should be able to. He had earned himself 2 more days in hell.

"Why?" He roared at the demon.

"I am a demon you dumbass."

"Won't this break me?"

"Nope. It's only temporary. I could send you for a year, and then make the memories vanish like poof."

Zach took multiple heavy breaths. "Are you okay man?" Jim asked. "Yeah, just fine." Zach said. They were both exhausted now, and they headed back to the room. Marvin continued practicing with his element.

He could now send electricity in between his hands. Which was a huge improvement from before. However, he also decided to head back.

They had learnt their lesson from before, do not train until night time, that leaves you defenseless. Not as though they could fight either way, but they could hide and run away.

It would start in roughly two hours, and they all laid in their beds and rested. They waited for it to start, they were sweaty but unwilling to shower. It was an unsafe zone for them, too secluded and they were too vulnerable.

"Night time has begun!" The evil voice, which sounded pretty nice now, said.

They decided to go out of their room, in the hallway they found many students all of them went different directions. Zach thought to himself why no fights broke out now, and Zach guessed that there was too many people around. Too many risks, and too many people getting into your business.

They walked around the spaceship and soon the night time was over. They returned to their dorm, they were still avoiding fights. They were still weak relative to other students, maybe not Jim. But certainly Zach and Marvin.

The next day in the home classroom they saw something which greatly shocked them. The strongest people in the classroom were all in bandages.

Especially the red haired person who was the strongest, he was in a wheelchair and the only part of him that wasn't covered in bandages was his left eye which was incredibly veiny. The aura around them felt evil, incredibly evil.

As if they had a lot of wrath, that they couldn't take out, because they had been injured. Jim flinched when he thought at what had happened to them. His arms had been burnt to a crisp and he walked out fine, these people could barely move.

Tom walked in, bored as ever, he said. "If you have any points left, raise your hand." Only one person raised his hands, and it was the student with finely cut black hair and glasses, or otherwise known as donkey face.

"Day three in the competition and we have one point left. Looks like we are going to lose this one, unless things change for the better. Good luck."

Then Tom left the room, not bothering to talk strategy. Donkey face decided to chime in and begin talking. "Well, from the looks of it, it isn't going to well. I suggest we form a plan unle…"

He heard mumbling. The red haired person was trying to speak through his bandages, "hut uf, shuf uf, shut up." He eventually said. Then he signalled for his caregiver to take him out of there.

Then he rolled out, and the strongest students followed once again. Zach sighed, from the looks of it, they really were going to lose. Donkey face continued to speak, "Well we can at least do something together.." But before he could finish the rest of the class began trickling out.

Without the strongest there simply was no point. The band of idiots had not left yet, which made Donkey Face's eyes shine in optimism. Zach was in a deep train of thought however, who could beat up their classes strongest so badly.