
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

level up!

The spaceship in which the military school was, was gigantic. Truly huge, and there were multiple other spaceships just like that one beside it. You could count to one thousand different space ships. One-fourth of them belonged to the green empire, and Same wise for other ships.

The spaceship which Zach was on began moving, alongside every other green spaceship. Soon the international competition would take place, and the Green Empire had to prepare its students.

Back on ship, and Zach was still fighting the monkey. He was alone, because Jim and Marvin decided to go practice their own skills.

Zach had learnt a few tricks from all the grinding on the monkey which he had been doing. He learnt that he could richochey the whip in a way that it would become more powerful. This move took more time.

He also realized that if he whipped the chin area of the monkey it would cause it to trip, but it would also enrage it. Currently, his most effective strategy was to grab it by the leg with his whip and then continually shake it.

It would make the monkey completely defenceless. Because it couldn't figure out how to stand up, its mind was so focused on killing him, that it wouldn't look down at its legs and try to remove the whip. It continually puts its arms up and tried to push itself up.

When it was about to begin running again, Zach shook the whip making it tumble over and began at stage one. Eventually, Zach got close enough to the monkey to stab it to death. Zach found that problematic.

An elemental user couldn't get close, so Zach needed some sort of move that would finish them off from a distance. He pondered over this problem for a while, but he hadn't gotten anywhere before the, now kind, the voice said. "Nighttime has begun."

"Stat's," he said.



Race: Human

Ability: Demons Torture level 2

Level: 1

Xp to next level 63/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 18

Agility : 13

Intelligence: 14

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 0


Zach had gotten halfway, and felt satisfied with that. However, that satisfaction quickly melted away as he remembered that Jim and Marvin weren't close by at all. Zach ran towards the gym, hoping to find them there.

The second graders had pinned Jim and Marvin down and had been torturing them like before. When Zach spotted them, they spotted him. Two of the people took chase after him, but he didn't feel like running away.

He took out his whip and tried to whip the two people running at them. Zach felt this scorching heat in his chest, and he felt this sense of disgust floating in his mind. The two second-graders easily knocked away his whip before they pinned him down and began the torture.

The next day The band of idiots woke up in the medical area. And once again, they all had bandages around their bodies, which they were instructed they could remove in 30 minutes before being ushered out of the room.

"Quest gained!"

"Completely unacceptable

Filthy pig-rodents have touched the prideful demon too many times, go slaughter their entire family.


Reward: 30 points


Zach felt nothing but hate for these students. Nonetheless, he didn't quite feel that their families deserved the same fate, and on top of that. He was stuck in the spaceship, he couldn't reach their family.

When he marched into the room, he had found that the class had already started. Tom stared at him in silent contempt for being late, and he slowly walked back to an empty seat.

"How many people still have their points." Nobody raised their hands in the class. There was even an empty seat, the seat where the donkey face sat. "I have "disturbing" news to tell you. One of your classmates has been killed. His body was found floating in space after someone sent him out. Know that it is being investigated and that the criminal will be punished heavily."

Then he walked out. On top of that, it didn't quite feel like he cared about what he said, it felt like those final lines he said were rehearsed as if somebody had forced him to say those lines. Zach was happy that he didn't have to interact with his teacher as much. He knew his teacher was a fallen angel.

The entire next day was spent down in the grinding hall, he had been slaying monkeys repeatedly and he finally heard what he had been waiting for.

"Level up!"

Then absolutely nothing happened. He checked his stats, quests, skills and he found no difference at all. "Why hasn't anything changed?"

A voice, much darker and deeper and vile spoke back to him. "Much has changed, look behind you." Was this the true voice of the prideful demon? Zach wondered. It had bade his pupils runaway, his hair stand up and his body straighten.

He slowly turned around, and he saw nobody, he was confused. "Down here, dumbass!" The prideful demon shouted. Zach looked down, then he broke out into laughter, it was completely different than what he had expected.

The prideful demon was the same size as an apple. His legs and arms were the same size as spaghetti, and he was fat and round like an apple. The only thing scary about him was his voice.

"SILENCE! Imbecil, I hear your thoughts." Zach jumped when he heard the voice scream at him. The little demon than floated up and sat on his shoulders, he felt completely weightless.

"Won't this reveal you?"

"No, only you can see me in this state."


Zach printed another monkey, but when he had killed it he didn't receive any XP at all.

"Why didn't I get points?"

"Quest gained!"

"Shut up clown

Every time you ask the prideful demon such a stupid question you will be sent to hell.

Punishment: 1 minute in hell. "

The world changed around him, and he found himself naked with a rock on his back and having to march on the road that burnt his feet. The smell suffocated him, and time felt as if it slowed."

When he got out, he remembered. He had a ticking time bomb on his hands.