
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Weird place...

"Did you also have to close your eyes?"


"This place is weird man"

Soon after they had talked a bit, Zach changed his clothes. For the first time in his life he wore full clothes, it was completely green and the watch on his arm showed a sad 1. It was the level of his ability.

Then after doing so he sat on the bed they had provided them. He almost fell asleep immediately. It smelled nice, he had clothes, and a clean bed. It couldn't get any better for him. But, when he sat on the bed, he saw that there was a paper on the door. He couldn't read, but Marvin could. Very badly.

It read.

"For the war effort, we have every ability book for sale. To buy them you need points, you get points by working here or winning competitions. The higher tiered books are few, and the first ones to get them keep them. You can find them at the store"

Marvin almost couldn't believe what he was hearing. He could get the ability he wanted, a rare ability, an ability which let him manipulate electricity.

"Eyy, lets go there now."

He opened the door, Jim and Zach quickly followed after him. Marvin looked left and right, he wasn't sure which direction to head but eventually decided to head right. The group followed after him, they eventually stumbled upon a group of boys.

Four of them looked older and they were bigger.

"Look at what we have here, three first years. Oh, and they're all level ones. Let me teach you a lesson, if I ever tell you to do something, than do it. Here, lick my shoe."

He put one of his feet before the other one, but then he heard a door close and out of it entered the white haired man from before.

"What's happening here?"

"Umm, nothing"

"That's a lie. He told us to lick his shoe." Marvin quickly added.

I really need to cut his tongue someday Zach thought to himself.

"Oh really, then what about this. Lick my shoe."

The white haired man placed it in front of the boy. He looked at the white haired man then, at the shoe then back at the white haired man. He didn't dare argue and he held his head down.

"Do it."

The boy slowly began bending and when he was close to the shoe the man kicked him hard enough to pass out.

"I don't want your filthy tongue on my shoe maggot." Then he walked away from the scene.

The band of idiots stood there in amazement, the other boys with that person looked at them with hatred, clearly conveying to them. You are going to pay for this. Marvin walked past them with pride however, he really wanted to reach the store.

After about an hour of walking, they found themselves in front of the store. It was a large room in the middle of the spaceship. There were multiple glass boxes with books in them, beside them there was text. "Fire ability," "Speed ability" and so on.

Marvin asked the clerk if they had the lighting ability and they did. It cost 1000 points which was a shocker to Marvin.

The clerk said, "The rarer abilities are more expensive, you are really going to have to work for that one."

Now they didn't know what to do, but just then. A voice echoe'd through the speakers.

"Lunch starts now"

Doors opened, the empty hallways soon became crowded, the silence vanished and everyone seemingly walked towards one direction. The band of idiots followed after the herd and they walked up a level and soon found themselves in a large cafeteria.

Everyone stood in a line and they joined it, the line progressed smoothly. They all began drooling as they smelled the foot, real food. They had never eaten anything alike, at least not JIm or Zach

That's when they saw a person walk past the line, not even sparing them a look. Then they saw multiple people follow after them, they were completely confused. Nobody stepped in to do anything, and the people did look scary so they didn't want to do anything either

"Umm, how about…" Marvin sad before Zach grabbed his mouth and silenced him.

The people passing them looked at Marvin in annoyance, and Zach smiled back. He knew that he didn't want to pick a fight with them, it was a primal feeling.

Either way, soon they got a plate and it was filled with food. They sat down on the only empty table and when they did the room went silent for two seconds. Then they used their hands to stuff into their mouths. Everyone looked at them like animals but they didn't care. They were loving the food so much.

Then they came, the four boys they had met earlier and the cafeteria quieted down. The person who had been knocked out goes, "First you piss me off, then you snitch, and now you take my table." He breathed out fire after saying this, literally. Zach had been staring at them the entire time.

"Oh, when night falls, you and I are going to have a lovely time." Then he walked away to another table clearly agitated

"Quest gained!" it was the system.

Zach's attention was quickly brought to this spectacle, he hadn't had a quest in months.

"Kill the arrogant pig

Nobody talks to a demon like that and gets away with it. Kill him.

Reward: 2 levels"

Zach's breath was taken back. Could he kill them, there was certainly consequences. He had heard murmurs but he didn't know if it was true, that the rich had something called laws, and rules, and such. Such a foreign concept to him.

Even if it was allowed, could he pull it off?

"Quest gained!"