
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Military school?

Clap, "Wake up maggots!" A roar by a primitive beast echoed through the room waking everyone up.

Everyone in the room except the one shouting was sixteen and all of their heads went rose slowly. Through their shut eyes they tried to wake up.

"I said, WAKE UP MAGGOTS!" The man roared again, and this time he shook even the most sleepy people on the floor.

"I. Said. WAKE UP MAGGOTS!" This time he hit the wall beside him creating a large noise and making the room vibrate. If they weren't awake and alert, they were now. Everyone's eyes were on him.

The man was dressed in green military clothes, and he had a large scar slashed across his face, but most notably, he had white hair. "That's more like it. You might, or you might not know what's happening. Either way, I'll go over this. All of you are in the Green empires military school now, and you will be taught to serve your empire, well!" He ended it off strongly.

"You might be asking yourself, where am I? For the answer to that, look behind you." And so they did, and they found a large window and in the window, they saw the Earth. They were in space, Zach's eyes widened.

"We are in a spaceship if that's not obvious enough and we have a gravitational field here to make it seem more normal. This space ship has thousands of military students in it and is specifically created for educating and producing soldiers."

"In other words, there is no running away, there is nobody you can cry to, mommy and daddy are far far away, and your fate lies in my hands. That should be clear now."

"Today will be your first day here. And I can already tell you, this place is hell. Every single day is going to be hellish, and most of you are going to be broken down. We except that, no, we want that, and we also want to rebuild you."

"Naturally there's going to be some of you thinking, "you can't break me" and you most likely have the weakest will here. "

"Sadly, we have limited resources, so we can't spend it on all of you. That's why, you are already going to be tested, and if you fail, you die. You will die and then be thrown into the space behind you" The room was deadly silent, the silence was enough to choke anyone trying to speak.

"You are probably thinking, that's crazy, and yeah you are right. But honestly, if you can't pass this test, you should be dead either way."

"It's simple. All you have to do is close your eyes, and do not open them until you hear my voice. If you do you're as good as dead."

"Start now"

Zach closed his eyes. He didn't know what had happened or how he got into space, but he felt that he needed to close his eyes. He wondered where Jim and Marvin were, they could be in the same room as him, he hadn't looked around.

The man exited the room, and then another door opened. And a smell entered the room, it was the smell of chiselled bone, a nasty, sour, and distinct step.

They heard growling and then they heard small steps, walk around the room. Zach felt the hairs on his arms shoot up. The steps got closer to him, and the smell of bones got a lot heavier. Then it stopped, he felt a wet substance glide across his face.

He strained his eyes, to stop them from opening. Then he heard a shriek, and he heard the sound of bones being broken, and he heard more shrieks that turned into a wail, then the smell of blood clouded the room.

Then the creature began walking around, and now another person began shrieking. "It's.." He couldn't finish his sentence before he was mauled. The smell of blood became stronger and Zach felt wet drops of something against his skin. He was sure it was blood.

The steps began walking through the room again, the smell of bones then stopped in front of him again. You know when you are being stared at, you got a special feeling. Zach got that feeling. Whatever it was, was waiting for him to open his eyes.

Seconds felt like minutes, but it eventually passed him and walked to another person. After forever, the smell disappeared, and the dominant voice echoed throughout the room.

"Only five people died this time. Usually, more do, that's pretty impressive actually." The man was smiling, whilst almost everyone in the room was shocked to the core, shaking and disturbed.

"Anyhow, everyone stand up." And they did as told as if they were mouses in front of a lion. The rich and spoiled stood up, the poor, the average, the strong and weak, everyone listened to him. The test had done what it was supposed to do.

Another teacher entered the room. "Boys follow me, girls will follow her. We will lead you to your room"

And they began walking through the empty hallway filled with metal floors nad solid hallways, doors on the sides with big numbers such as "17972" and so on. They passed gyms and aquariums and empty spots.

Then they reached a spot with a corridor that continued for what felt like miles.

"Right. Here's a list," he took out a list "your name is on it and your room is beside your name. In your room, there are clothes you WILL wear, and there is a watch, you WILL put on. I hope I make myself clear."

He then placed the paper onto a wall and walked away. Everyone huddled around the paper to look at their own room, soon Zach got his turn. He saw what he thought looked like his name, and then saw the strange symbols "913.

He looked around, he was beside him there was a room with the symbols. "1100" and the room symbol changed the further he walked along the corridor. He began walking down, and soon he found his own symbol, and a large smile grew on his face when he did.

"Jim and Marvin, what's up you dumb fucks!"