
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Weird noises


Demons can't be weaklings and survive for a long time

Train your ability for 2 hours.

Reward: 1 free point"

Zach felt slightly hyped at hearing this, then he looked down at his dinner and realized that there was none, he got slightly sad then. They had wolfed down their dinners and they stood up, and walked out of the cafeteria.

They were unsure of what to do, everything felt so foreing. On their way out of the cafeteria, they heard something peculiar. "I am so hyped for the night." And they wondered, what can that mean.

They met a teacher on their way out of the cafeteria. He looked like a nice person, big cheeks and a smile on his face.

"Yo, we wondering what to do now. We kinda new so we don't know."

"Oh right, first years."

"You can workout in the gym, or you can go hunting."

"Wait you have hunting here as well"


Zach couldn't believe the fact that they had hunting in this area as well. Were would all the piss come from and were would the yellow lake be, it simply made no sense.

They began navigating the corridors as a maze, looking at every intersection as an advanced puzzle. There was maps every now and then plastered on the wall, telling them where they were.

The gym was quite close by so they decided to travel towards it. The gyms back in their homes were few, but heard of. They consisted of carrying heavy furniture and such, but usually, they were scoffed at. Because how would that help in hunting?

Anyhow, the gym here was really different from back at platform 0. There were different machines, machines to test strength, machines to test speed, machines for reflexes, open areas, and then there was practical gym equipment for training muscles.

Jim wanted to test his speed, and Zach wanted to practice his skill as the quest told him, Marvin still not having any ability wanted to go work out. So they made up another master plan, everyone would go do whatever they wanted and they'd meet up here again in 2 hours.

Zach then went to the open field, where he was surrounded by a few elementalists and began practicing his ability.

There was a substance in him, and it felt like his breath. He could kind of feel it, kind of grasp it. But at the same time, he couldn't manipulate it.

He tried different movements as he had envisioned himself doing, he punched the air and hoped it would trigger some sort of reaction, which it didn't. He kicked the air, he squatted, pushups, situps, jumps, he tried anything but it wouldn't move an inch. He started beating his chest, believing he could make his ability shake.

Another elementalist walked over to him and asked him what he was doing.

"I can't use my ability"

"Oh, I am guessing you just got yours."


"The trick is to concentrate on it deeply, and think about it moving."

He tried that for a few seconds, and he made it shake slightly.

"Wow that worked"

"Yeah, keep doing it until you get more control over it, anyway see you."

The boy who had helped him had a kind face and orange hair, Zach eyed him as he walked away. Then the boy began practising, he seemed like a powerful fire Elementalist. However, something rubbed Zach the wrong way about the boy.

There was a red flag somewhere, he couldn't pinpoint it though. But for now, Zach sat down, it was more comfortable that way. He closed his eyes, took a breath in and out. And he focused on whatever was in him.

He strained his ability to focus. His mind was so focused on his ability that he lost feeling in his limbs, and then he lost balance and fell on his side, then his entire being disappeared, and he didn't notice himself breathing anymore.

All that existed for him right was his ability. Nothing else. Just his ability and himself, then he tried to make it move. All he could do was make it budge, so he did that over and over. It was like kneading clay and making it more soft and malleable.

But this was a lot harder than clay, after making it move slightly more than when he had started a noise shook him back into reality.

"Quest completed! - Reward given."

Zach opened his eyes and the light blinded him at first, but he quickly got used to hitting, he opened up his stats page.



Race: Human

Ability: Demons Torture level 1

Level: 1

Xp to next level 0/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 18

Agility : 13

Intelligence: 3

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 1


He put his point into strength making his total 19. His body felt lighter again. And he was delighted over that fact. He recognized that he was capable of doing this he wasn't before. Such as standing on one hand and doing one-handed pushups.

He didn't spend too much time pondering over this, he walked back to the meeting place to find Jim and Marvin there.

"Yo, what's up. Wanna go explore this place more?"

"Yeah let's go"

They entered the hallway and went into a random direction. They soon found staircases, and they decided to go up. There was a second level which seemed to be for the people in their second year, and then they went up another level.

On the door it said, only open under night time. Which made them really confused. The entire day and night concept was foreign to them, even though they had a rough grasp of it, it was still strange.

Anyhow, they travelled back down and without anything to do, they went back into their rooms to rest a bit. They fell down on their beds which felt like wondrous soft hay, which just encapsulated them. They were quickly asleep.

Then they were woken up by a sound.