
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Night time

"Night time had begun" the speaker said, and if there ever was an evil voice, this was it.

"For the first years, this is a quick explanation," it was the same dark evil voice, "under night time there is only one rule, no killing. Other than that there will be, no teachers, and the hunting ground is open. Good luck surviving. I would advise you don't stay in your room. "

Zach grudgingly got out of bed, who cares if there weren't any rules he thought to himself. This is how he had lived his entire life. He put his head against the pillow and quickly fell asleep, and so did the other two.

Soon he woke up, not from any sound but rather pain, a burning pain. His arm was being burned he tried to move but he was being held down by someone much stronger than himself.

He opened his eyes to find the eyes of the guys from before. His eyes jerked towards Marvin and Jim and he saw the same thing happened there. Muffled screams filled the air.

All the while the boys torturing them were laughing. This would be a very long night.

Two hours after that.

"Night time is over. Return to your dorms at once."

And so they did. The band of idiots could finally rest, but they really couldn't. Zach's arm was burnt to a crisp, Marvin was bleeding too much from too many cuts and Jim's arm had been broken and twisted in so many different ways.

They didn't experience anything like this at the hell they called home. What was the point in this cruelty?

"Oh right, I forgot to tell the first years, nurses will be sent to each room to check on the well being of each student.

Soon the door to their dorm opened up, and a nurse walked in. She saw what had happened and it didn't affect her one bit. It had happened too much. She got down to work instantly. And in less than 15 minutes everyone had been healed and the nurse left the room.

Not soon after they fell asleep.

They woke up to the speaker once again, this time there was a much more normal voice in the speaker. "Hello, all the first years. Combat training is in room 100. It's on floor -1. We will do our testing today."

They heard the shuffling outside of their dorms and the band of idiots quickly got out of bed. They opened to the door to find the herd moving towards one direction, and they soon followed after.

As they were walking they processed yesternights events. They would certainly not stay in the rooms any longer, and they had to be more careful about their enemies, chances are that those people are going to visit them again.

Soon they found themselves in a giant metal room, there was giant windows on the left and right side showing space. It gave the room a majestic feeling, Zach couldn't help but stare out the stars.

In the room there was more than one thousand students, and there was more than twenty teachers standing there.

The white haired teacher spoke up again, "There is twenty rooms in the hallway behind me, I want 50 of you to enter each room. Then the testing can proceed… What are you waiting for, go on!"

The silence evaporated and they all started marching towards the room. The band of idiots stayed really close to each other and they all managed to enter the same room.

The last person to enter the room was the teacher, in total there were 51 people inside the room, and the room was big. The teacher was the white haired teacher, "This is room 11 and therefore everyone here will be in group eleven and you are going to be my class. My name is Tom and today you will be tested by fighting a beast."

There was a huge 3d printer in the corner of the room. And there was also a rack filled with all different types of weapons.

The teacher pointed at one of the students. "You will be first, pick any weapon you desire."

The student had black hair and blue eyes, the student was really thin and pale, on his wristwatch the number 3 was there. He walked over to the weapons and picked out a shield.

"Good choice, now stand there." He pointed at the ground and the student walked over there.

The teacher clicked a few buttons on his wrist watch and then the 3d printer began moving, soon a beast had been created. A weak one.

When the blessing happened, planets popped up out of nowhere, planets with beasts and unique terrains on them. All in our own solar system. The God of Mischief was really prideful over that idea.

The beast was like a monkey, except that it was taller, and it had long and sharp claws at the end of his hands and a big jaw with sharp teeth. The 3d printer had a cage around it holding the beast in.

"This is what we call a Monkey-2. It's intelligence is similar to an ape on earth, but it's a lot more dangerous than that. Good luck."

The 3d printer was in one corner, the hulk of the students was in the other, and the student being tested was in the middle.

The student being tested held the shield in one hand leaving the other hand open. He seemed rather confident. The cages opened and the monkey rushed out.

The student cast an ice spear which the monkey dodged, then they cast another bigger spear which the monkey leaped over. It was about to strike the student, the student had even held up his shield. But the attack never came.

The monkey was dead on the ground, the teacher had killed it. "You get the grade F." Tom told the student. "Too confident in lacking skills, and you took your eyes away from the enemy, a blatantly stupid thing to do."